Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Try to ride him!

  2. I took this screenshot at just the right moment... floating skeleton that also happens to be on fire!
    Not something you see every day :eek:

    Also 3 bosses in the same area... I died like 20 times total fighting them - with a group of friends!
    I need to work on my combat skills, hehe
  3. Awesome screenshot!

    Well, just be glad that there wasn't a super turkey around, otherwise you'd be in some serious trouble :D
    607, jossytheninja and CarFryer like this.
  4. Haha ikr

  5. Minecraft physics is amazing :confused:
    TomvanWijnen, _Devuu__, 607 and 5 others like this.

  6. I pressed a random key combination and I broke the chat.
  7. This is seriously cool!! thx 4 sharing!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. This is what hapens when you leave me alone with all the terraforming tools one could dream of for an hour...

    Yeah... should've been more productive...
  9. Ooh, is that voxelsniper?
    607 likes this.
  10. Here's a gooder; Throwback to Eviltoade

  11. Dang, look at that, a gold toade with lowercase E lol awesome
    Tuqueque, 607, NuclearBobomb and 3 others like this.
  12. actually: it was mainly done in worldpainter, I did some things by hand aswell, and I have even used some worldedit, but voxelsniper isn't really that usefull for this kind of terrain, I tried to use it, but worldpainter is faster and I like the way it turnes out better, as it has some randomasation build-in (or, you can download a some custom randomasation packs) wich makes it really quite easy, you just drag a mountain up, and it imedeatly looks like a mounten, it doesn't really look good jet, as it still is circular, but with some practice and learning, you can make things like this quite easily. Then, to make it really easy, you can just say: Everything that is steaper as 65% I want to be stone, everything that is less I want to be grass if it is above y = 68 and sand if it is below or on y = 68. you can even use a mix of blocks instead of a single one, sich is really quite usefull, you can probably also see I use it everywhere :p
    607 likes this.

  13. EquableHook is the latest member of the Meadows Outpost and he quickly got some solid work done on the guardian farm. When I paid a visit he was busy lowering the roof (or floor, just how you look at it) and had attracted quite a bunch of "pets" which I thought was pretty funny.

    Unfortunately none of them made it out alive. After "mama Hook" jumped over a small cliff (see left side of screenshot) all baby slimes tried to do the same thing resulting in them dropping into the hole and to their demise. Aaaawwww.
    MoreMoople, 607 and CarFryer like this.

  14. I decided to experiment with the use of color contrast in builds by completely remodeling an obsidian pillar in the end! As you can see the screenshot has some edits to point out the starting and finished pillars. :D
  15. Is it the lighting making those end blocks a different colour?
  16. Yes, and I also had night vision at the time.
    607 likes this.
  17. When more pictures load in after clicking to enlarge, this can happen... :p

    Sydney4363, ShelLuser, 607 and 3 others like this.
  18. A few memories from my screen shots folder...

    Iron golem escapes the death drop. He's over 20 blocks from the edge of the spawning pads.

    Baby zombie and his pet bunny.

    Boat explosion in town. DDDarkHunterrrrr scatters boats onto town roads and neighboring residences.
    We had to slowly row them all back.
    TuckerAmbr, _Devuu__, 607 and 5 others like this.
  19. I forgot to add slabs to this extremely old mob spawner... I will be shortly.
    Update: I stabbed Momentus and he dropped a vault voucher for me (lvl 6)
  20. Spot the Momentus:

    It tried to hide but forgot about one tiny little detail :D