Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. u can never have 2 much protection! ^.^ im kinda proud of this b/c i managed 2 get full god armor for every server on the Empire. i wear armor on all servers i play on and the rest sits in my vault.
    607, jossytheninja and _Devuu__ like this.
  2. This was a long time ago but I just found it and thought it was funny lol.
    TomvanWijnen and jossytheninja like this.
  3. That's not rare it seems, on smp7.
    fBuildeRS likes this.
  4. Depends what time of day/night it is :p
    NuclearBobomb and 607 like this.
  5. I went to play single player but choose multiplayer instead so I quickly backed out (before it loaded) then I went into my single player world and saw this in chat. I was pretty confused :p
    607, Theomglover, _Devuu__ and 3 others like this.
  6. Do you want to know why I heavily favor EMC? Because it's an honest server. Now, that's a rather global / common comment (what is "honest" anyway?) so... for example something like this:

    We're waay out from the Turkey season but unlike some other games EMC doesn't do "you can only have fun with our toys until we say so!" (for the record: this is a serious concern in some places outside EMC) but instead it is: "Here is the season, enjoy where you like". In this case it's outside public space (semi-private outpost) and as you can see from the screenshot above: It's WAY after "turkey season"... and there's still a critter around.

    Who shall soon be our honorary outpost mascotte.. or something :)

    Seriously though: it's small examples like this which define the greater thing.
    607 likes this.
  7. I love the explanation of the property Unplaceable.
  8. I got some pretty decent drops for killing a Momentous on difficulty level 6 :)
    jossytheninja likes this.
  9. I was mining in Minecraft (duh) when I suddenly got something I didn't really want to have:

    It's silly things like these why I still enjoy this game so much.
    607 likes this.
  10. I thought there was a new Mod called 'Y21' for a few seconds :p
  11. :confused:
  12. What are you confused about?
  13. Wait, Nevermind. I’m dumb.
    607, Jelle68 and NuclearBobomb like this.

  14. My current building project :D This is on a singleplayer world
  15. That looks really quite good :) I really like your use of red and white in the walls, it gives it all an living feel. One thing I would do though (I'm sorry I'm in Build-Guide-writing-mode again, I cannot not give people building tips) is to give it all under a little more terrain. I mean: it really looks like its just pasted on top of the landscape, it doesn't really belong whjere it stands. If you give thhe terrain just slight terrain variations - something like 3 or 4 blocks in hight - and connect the building to thhe landscape, it will fit way better into the landscape. Next to that: d worldedit the main building something like 3 blocks up from the walls - that will give you a lot off freedom when you're doing the gardening :)
    CarFryer, TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  16. They exist, and I has proof! :eek:

    The NetherCow! :D

    Seriously though: notice how it doesn't take any damage while being on fire? ;) That's proof! :p
  17. Found this odd end city

  18. The safe-zone does things to mobs.