Voting Rewards and Residence Subzones! 12/15/17

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. I love this so far I think this might be a good reason to keep voting :)
  2. New bonuses and a cool new residence feature to check out ? :eek: I can't wait !
  3. 10 banners down and 6 to go. Thanks, Staff!
  4. Sorry, I wasn't suggesting we get OP items. I only meant I could understand the frequency being less as the bonus gets higher if that were the case.

    Maybe you misunderstood me or I typed it wrong cause it was 6am lol. I'm saying the vote bonuses are more frequent when you start voting as opposed to waiting every 100 as you get higher, which doesn't make sense to me.
  5. The banner colors are fixed now, but anyone who received a bugged one will need to reach out to SS to have them replaced (You really dont want dull same color on every banner now anyways right...)
  6. It ultimately boils down to the effort it takes to create voter items, balance them, find where to pluck them in.

    At these high of levels, your also getting massive rupee/token bonuses, vouchers, and now premium pool items. So there are lots of rewards, just not one offs as much.
    _Devuu__, Tuqueque, 607 and 2 others like this.
  7. I voted to 300 then stoped, will I get 2 banners?
  8. yes
  9. My rupee bonus at vote bonus 100:

    My rupee bonus at vote bonus 1,100 (1,000 votes later):

    Why does someone who has voted 1,000 times less than me get the same reward as I do? The actual value of the rupees isn't what matters to me. It's the fact it's for whatever reason equal. Why does someone who has voted 200 times get the same item (maybe different color, different particles) as someone who has voted 1,700 times? Also, last I played, the premium items weren't rare at all, aside from the waffle thing. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, and I'm sure a lot of people think I do, but I just really expected more out of the new vote bonus items. I appreciate the coding. I appreciate the effort. I appreciate that things are offered to us as rewards. It's just disappointing.
  10. All I can say is that more is coming. I completely understand your frustration in this circumstance and am hoping that the 'more' i'm talking about may help out =)
  11. Oh boy Oh boy... Residence Subzones... Looks like I got some work ahead of me :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. First of all: I did indeed misunderstood your first message.

    Because repeating vote bonuses only go up to 100 right now and the one time bonuses stop at 300. But I guess this is a rhetorical question ;)

    Still: give them time. If there's one thing I learned over the years that I play on EMC it's that staff is sometimes very slow in making decisions and doing things. And I can't help think this is no different. Also see Krysyy's post up there.

    One step at a time.

    Also try to see this from the devs. point of view: first they had the chat interface changes, then they had the tutorial to look after (=assumption on my part) and now we have these banners and residence sub-zones. For you and me it might boil down to some goodies (banners) and a few extra commands, but don't underestimate what the devs. have to go through.

    Coding (obviously), testing, implementing, testing, checking to see everything goes right, checking logs again, more checking (not every player will report odditites) and so on....

    So it goes both ways. My suggestion is a bit more patience and who knows what's going to happen next.

    I know exactly where you're coming from. In this case I don't necessarily agree but I now definitely see your point. And for what it's worth I don't think you sound ungrateful at all. You sound like me when I tested the 17w50a snapshot. It also left me "meh" even though plenty of other players are super excited. I know the feeling! :)

    As someone who has had his own share of giving critical feedback from time to time (and sometimes also overdoing it :confused:) I can say that I think you worded it quite well.
    _Devuu__, Tuqueque, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  13. Hey! This is an awesome update! I love it! I do have a question about supporting...
    If you were previously a supporter, could you make it so you always can subdivide? For example, if I were gold and then my 1 month ended, could you make it so I still have my residence subdivide possibilities? Thanks! -Smooshed
  14. I'm pretty sure that this works just like the other supporter enhancements... So: if you create sub-zones then they won't disappear when your support runs out. You can continue to use them, set flags, etc. But... if you're over the limit and then delete a sub-zone you can't re-create it.

    I sincerely doubt they'll change that because it's also a little persuasion to be / remain a supporter.

    This is no different than your 4 residences as diamond. Once it runs out and you unclaim then you "lost" a res. because of your lower limit.
  15. I'll try to adjust the caps on rupee and token rewards to be even higher at higher levels. I agree that does feel wrong.

    But we don't want it TOO overpowered.

    I think i'll do something like you get additional 'every X' rewards when past > 500, and > 1000 type approaches.
  16. I disagree with this. It doesn't make sense, to me.
    You should get the same reward for voting 1100 days as you get for voting 100 days. Voting for 1100 days is not any more impressive, as voting bonuses don't reset anymore.
    Sure, you should get more rupees total for voting for 1100 days, but you do. If you vote for 1100 days, you'll have gotten the 100 day reward eleven times.
    Why should rupee and token rewards get higher at higher levels? It doesn't make sense. You can't even reset your streak by missing a day or two.
  17. Maybe this is glass half full thinking, but you didn't just receive 66k Rupees by voting 1000 more times than Mr. 100Votes, you accumulated over 650k Rupees as well as other valuable items in the process. On the other hand, all those Rupees can't say: "This guy has done some serious voting.", like unique items do. I'm still hoping to one day have a "complete" set of Voter tools, armor, and weapons. Even so, in fairness to Aikar I accept that I may one day get to level 1 million or whatever and have nothing to acknowledge it.

    I haven't logged in yet to check out the banners, but I expect that I will want to display them somewhere rather than wear them. Hopefully this is possible.
    ShelLuser, kaptrix and 607 like this.
  18. You also can't just reel off 1,000 votes either. At MINIMUM, 1,000 votes will take 500 days without missing a day, without website errors, etc. That's not nothing. If these high vote totals are 'not impressive' then more people would have them. I believe kat is not asking for millions here or OP gear, etc but would be nice for a little extra for the dedication. It's not asking alot.
    _Devuu__, ShelLuser and kaptrix like this.
  19. I like all the new changes, and am glad that it was changed a while back. Back before it was changed, if you missed a day of voting you got rest back to 0. Now you just lose 5 days of voting.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. As a 1060 voter I'm good with it either way to be honest but then again.. I guess I might be easy to please :)

    We're not showing off at all :p