Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. forget Halloween, Christmas is coming early at market day
    ShelLuser and Tah2 like this.
  2. So yeah.... I sometimes get asked: "Is AyanamiKun your alt, friend, special friend, etc." (the 'etc.' is really troublesome :D ) to which I usually don't directly respond ("Ask her") or when I'm in the mood I sometimes make up a crazy story there and then (with apologies to Terry Pratchet).

    Therefor this evening it got decided that more confusion clarification was required.

    Some random screenshots ;)

    But she's totally my alt of course :p Or maybe... the other way around? :eek:

    Almost weekend :cool:
  3. Just tell us! My need to know is driving me crazy man! XD
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  4. When your addicted to EMC
    Tah2, Krysyy, TomvanWijnen and 2 others like this.
  5. This clause is top notch!
    Gawadrolt and AyanamiKun like this.

  6. I assume we all know the woodland mansion? It's an eery building deep out in the dense forests, the place where hardly any light passes through and where the hideous illagers live :eek:!

    But did you know that a mansion is actually a multi-part building where every available part can be conjured up using structure blocks? You do now!

    Have you always wanted to see how those huge kitty cats were build in the mansion? It's easy, all you need is a structure load block, and then tell it to load mansion/1x2_d4. Interested in the giant chicken? Simple: load up mansion/1x2_d5.

    The huge Illager face? There are actually several, one on the staircases and one in the room. The room is a face which is also holding a torch. To load this you'd use: mansion/2x2_a3.

    The Illager 'statue', notice the other two in the background

    Isn't Minecraft just awesome at times?

    I think it's really cool how Mojang are not only giving us the structure block game mechanic, they're also actually using it themselves as well!
  7. Does that mean you can make Woodland Mansions use custom segments? :eek:
  8. I don't know, but I do know that, as someone who has done some mapmaking, it would be a really interesting way to make an a little different/vanilla+ map. I mean, you can basically make an entire in-game random gererated map, right? so that, when you feel you can do it, you can go to one and have a "fun" time trying to beat the things thgat are in there. as I know you can edit some parts of mob spawning (I'm not sure now I thionk about it) to make the illager and vindicators 10 times as hard to beat. with some fun custom loot to it aswell (basically load a +nbt chest) to make this challange worth it aswell, it wouldt work for servers, as the lootv I'm thinking about would be too OP, but for small servers and singleplayer, this would be quite cool... if it is possible, I might talk with some people about this... (I'm not that technical) (I think it is, you just have to load a file named the way those things are named, and make them override thge vannila ones, it would be sad if it's hardcoded though...

    (I did some designing for a map of a real life friend btw, nothing too special)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  9. Theoretically, yes. That's also why I set all of that up: I'm trying to figure out the formatting and "formula" to generate one on your own.

    Unfortunately it's easier harder (thanks Jelle!) than it looks. Because knowing the "building blocks" is one thing, getting them all nicely aligned and such is something else.
    607 likes this.
  10. It is easyer as it looks? Harder I think :p
    And, if you need help, I'm always up for a chanlange :p
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  11. Jelle pointing out an error in one of ShelLuser's posts. This is great. :D
  12. I

    jossytheninja and WardleDeBoss like this.
  13. Special effects! :cool:

    Past weekend DC, Blonde and me were having some fun when I suddenly managed to snap this, I think it looks kind of cool :)
    607, TomvanWijnen and Blondekid42 like this.
  14. Waste builds!

    And as mentioned in chat I really enjoy stuff like this. Doesn't matter if the build is super complex or just something a bit more simple, I really enjoy sceneries like this; it helps make an area feel alive.

    At first I assumed that it might be a mob grinder but closer inspection revealed that it was a tower of some sorts. Still pretty cool IMO: ladders help you climb up to the tower entrance, and even more await inside to get to the top.

    You got to admit: the view is awesome! :)
    jossytheninja and UltiPig like this.
  15. Does the fall kill you?
  16. It looks like he’s wearing voter’s armor, so he would probably survive the fall. :)
  17. That's not the point. :p I just thought it might be a head-farm tower, as those are often found around spawn.
  18. aah, good point. Well, it doesn't look like one but I suppose it could be one. If only I remembered where this was, then I'd take another closer look :)
    607 likes this.