Shell's 1024 days anniversary giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Sep 26, 2017.


Should my head be added to the prize pool?

Poll closed Oct 10, 2017.
Yes 24 vote(s) 77.4%
No 6 vote(s) 19.4%
MY head should be added to your prize pool and you know what? I'll send it and DARE you to add it! 8 vote(s) 25.8%
Other (please share ideas below!). 2 vote(s) 6.5%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. So yeah.. Officially speaking it's 1023 and 20 hours at the time of writing but I like to get ahead of myself. By the time most of you read this my profile will most likely list 1024+.

    Now, normally I'd spoiler some stuff and keep things a little straight forward, but because I haven't been on for a while (nor posting as much as I used to) I'm going to skip all that and do what I like doing best.

    Therefor: if you're impatient and only here for the giveaway event (all good!) then scroll down, you'll find the details at the bottom.

    For everyone else....
    For the record: not me, but a dear friend placed those banners. And I love it!

    Want to know why I keep coming back to the Empire? Not that I left (and I'm also not planning to) but I have been a little less active as of late, also on the forums. It's because EMC and its community is basically totally awesome. Now, that's easily said and quite frankly also not that special because a lot of people say it.

    So let's do this differently... Last weekend a friend of mine, Merek_Shadower, held a drop party and he asked me if I could help with the redstone, me being pretty devoted to that stuff. Basically my task was to "make it work" and I had a lot of creative freedom on how we were going to do this. I enjoyed this challenge so we went back to basics. Tried a lot of crazy stuff, right down to trying to hide the droppers using glass blocks. Which... we actually got to work but it wasn't pretty :D So that idea got scratched and we went with the design which a lot of you saw past weekend.

    But something happened which I have only mentioned to 2 people... The very moment I noticed the lag happening and hardly could get the cart to move (let alone jump out as soon as it was moving) I realized that this was going to be hectic. Lots of lag, Minecraft acting up and yeah... I might want to secure my stuff. So I opened my vault and placed most of my stuff in there. Safe and sound.

    Most... Not my voter tools and my voters bow. Because... duh, only idiots would misplace those, right?

    So at the Drop Party event everyone (?) was happy. Heck, we even had an after party and it was all good. I got back to my res. I grabbed a drink IRL (even though it was Saturday I postponed the whole thing because I wanted to make sure that I was fully focused) and then I suddenly realized something: my voters bow was gone! :eek:

    Yups: you read that right. Just what I expected might happen (that's why I moved my stuff out of the way). Unfortunately... my voter tools (sword, pick, etc.) always sit in my 1st four hotbar slots. Everything else often moves about.

    That was pretty stupid. But... "stuff happens". I didn't like it, I wasn't happy, but it was a dumb mistake which I knew could happen. So I pulled up my alt, confiscated his bow and decided I'd use that from here on.

    And then I got in-game mail. "Are you sure you want to give this away? Was that an accident?"

    Honestly guys: just the thing I secretly hoped would happen, and which you can somewhat expect from our wonderful community.

    This is just one example, I got tons more. Mind you: also examples which don't evolve around me but others. Like that time when Schlaf86 (awesome builder from smp8!) found many of his buildings griefed through "cobblecasing". As soon as I learned of this (thanks to fBuilderS) the two of us started to work on removing all the cobble. 5 minutes later (honest!) most of the Empire community (those who learned what had happened) had come out to help fix the buildings.

    And the reason I remember this so well was because GRIP provided several GOD picks for others to use. Not stuff to borrow, but stuff you could pick up, use and keep (I don't know for sure it we already had mending back then). The picks were advertised a few times yet no one bothered to grab them. Some players I actually pointed to the picks told me something in the likes of: "cool, but I'm doing my part to help out too".

    Then there was this time on SMP3 when..... what? Too long?

    Ok, ok, tough crowd! :D


    Shell's 1024 days anniversary

    Want to know what my all-time favorite promo is? No? Tough luck because I'm going to tell you anyway: it is the Dirt Destroying Ticking Tock.

    You see: I love mining sessions, and I usually take plenty of time to enjoy them. Exploring caves, lighting up mineshafts, avoiding lava, fighting mobs and obviously: digging up a lot of ores. But there comes a time when it is time to pack your stuff and head back to town. And as we probably all know the safest time to do so is during the day (because mobs can't spawn, and pests like zombies and skeletons burn up).

    SO how do you tell the time when you're 40+meters below ground? Using a clock! (or stare into the distance, but.. that's another story). That's why I always keep one on me. And why I lost some during my early days. But not anymore.... Because the DDTT is a soulbound clock, meaning that you won't even lose it if you die.

    omg... I wanted one so badly.. Then several friends around me (like GeneralWilliker & AyanamiKun) managed to get one but me... Nope! :D


    Event prizes: 3 Dirt Destroying Ticking Tocks

    You can keep them, you can sell them and you can give them to a senior staffer who will then steal all the dirt from your residence out of pure excitement (note: you might want to read the wiki page I showed above to check how this really works :p)

    Runner up prize: ALL my rupees

    Now you're getting excited right? You can't wait to see how to participate, right?!!!

    If this applies to you then calm down... Because ask yourself this: how many rupees does he actually have?

    Now, I didn't do this to try and put in a lecture, but I did see an opening and took it. When you read "ALL my rupees" you may think of something completely different than me. And that's the risk (and beauty!) of "having a way with words". Always be a little skeptical guys!

    I'll explain the 'why' in a later post. I'll also share more about amounts. But for now: it'll be worth your while, but don't expect millions ;)

    HOW to participate
    (finally he gets to the point, sjeesh! :D )

    Pick a number between 0 and 1025, so from 1 to 1024. Then we shall ask the mighty Random dot Org to draw a randomish number and those players will finally know what time it is :p

    Numbers already picked:

    6 - KikuDusk
    7 - GeneralWillikers
    15 - mjnoe70
    17 - Sachrock
    22 - _Devuu__
    52 - TBird1128
    69 - Jay2a
    128 - Jelle68
    216 - The_Mancub
    333 - crackingoat
    379 - 2True4u
    409 - Raaynn
    420 - FoxyRavenger
    421 - SeflYT
    500 -fBuilderS
    555 - NuclearBoBomb
    596 - Allicanto
    606 - TrumanIII *
    607 - 607
    608 - AncientTower
    666 - ShyguytheBanana1
    667 - DarkModFallen
    739 - FalloutHood55
    749 - BlitzAttack
    777 - Crowsong
    813 - JohnKid
    859 - TomvanWijnen
    973 - RunderCaster
    999 - FadedMartian
    1010 - The_D1rt_Lord
    1023 - Vortixin
    1024 - Floorne

    * Last forum entry

    Double entries: **

    ** If your number was already taken you'll be warned & added to this list. If you don't pick a new number I'll shift your number upwards to the first free slot. This way you'll still have a chance!

    Extra prizes

    (told you it was going to be chaotic & weird)

    AncientTower: One 3 gold blocks - "Because it was funny"
    ShyguytheBanana1: 666 purpur blocks (+ vault & stable voucher) - "Because you know why"
    Floorfne: A written book "Dufne and the duck" + 1024r. Because 1024 ;)

    If you want to donate rupees then just: /pay shelluser <amount> 1024 event, that will do it. From here on all rupees I earn go into the prize pool and well....

    People who donated:

    SelfYT - (slightly used) Ore Buster (Durability: 1548/1561)

    Good luck to all of you who... what? What about my rupees?

    OH, you mean to ask about the rupee prize? Good question!

    Up until now my events have always been chaotic one way or the other. And this time I'm going to make it official and take things to the max. So... My rupees? If you want to find out then you'll have to actually follow this thread.


    This event is going to be a little chaotic. There will be more than meets the eye.

    Even the prize pool is a little uncertain, and if you don't believe me: see the poll! ;)

    You can pick a number and hope for good stuff to happen, all good, but... you may want to check back later on :cool:

    When, why, how!??!

    Poll runs for 2 weeks. And many things can happen in between :cool:. When the poll closes then the main prizes will be drawn, and all shall be revealed.

    (sorry, but this is also a little about my fun, and sometimes I like to tease a bit ;))
    Crowsong, 607, mjnoe70 and 2 others like this.
  2. Killings me smalls.

    So I pick 667
  3. Congrats on 1024 days!

    6 please :3
  4. congratz :)

    596 plz :p
  5. So that's the time. do I take 607's 607 or do I go satanic with 666. I never know what to pick, so I'll let tell me. :D So I used random .org three times added them all up and the average is 608... lol I'll go with 608.
    607, KikuDusk and ShelLuser like this.
  6. Using to pick a number in hopes it gets picked by again? Hmm, I can't help spot some possible conflict of interest here :D

    ha ha ha, I actually laughed when reading this! So the first extra prize (it's madness!) is a fact, sent by mail.... NOW :p



    You should see what happens when Aya likes your post :eek:
    607 and AncientTower like this.
  7. Was thinking about doing 607 too, but then realised that the real 607 deserves that number...

    Then I thought about 966, Jelle and I's mall, but then realised that I could better give Jelle the opportunity to choose that number, since it's sort of slightly more his mall (even though it's on my residence.... oh wait, oops, just realised that it got a different owner a while ago, lol... now it is on his account... :p still mine though :) ... ... lol kidding of course :P)

    Doing Jelle's old mall, 1145 doesn't work either...

    Then I thought about doing my first residence, 858, because it's both a cool number, and my first residence... but I don't really use it much at the moment... (don't worry, residence, you'll get proper use in the future :p)

    But the residence I do often use, is 859. That's my first alt's first residence, with basically all my EMC items on it (including my promos - it's not a derelict protected residence. :D). I consider that residence "home". So let's go with that.

    I'll take number 859, please. :)

    Oh, and of course, 2¹⁰ times thanks for the giveaway, and congratulations on 2¹⁰ days. ;)

    (oh, and don't worry, I'd love to hear more stories of why you love EMC. :D)
  8. Congratz Shel!!! :D

  9. I thought about going with 666 myself but stuck with my usual 6. :3c
    AncientTower and ShelLuser like this.
  10. Congrats on 1024 days! I'll take 333 please.
  11. I liek the number 999, there for it shall be :D

    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. Congrats on 1024 days! I can now call you a terabyte! hahaha, ha. ha.

    666 please because everyone knows why :)
    ShelLuser and AyanamiKun like this.
  13. Congratz! I'll take #421
    also... may I donate to the prize pool possibly?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. And that my friend wins you a prize :mad:

    Congratulations, you're the 2nd runner up extra winner and you've won 666 purpur blocks. Because ender man are evil and.. well, purpur :p

    Your name doesn't fit on a sign but I worked around that. /v 3544 (smp2), go inside and in the hall go right. You'll find a chest with an access sign for #animalcare (don't ask :p). that's yours!

    Apparently there's also going to be something else but Aya is out in the frontier atm, so we're having some communication difficulties ;) (you got to admit: it sounds good, right?) :)
    ShyguytheBanana1 likes this.
  15. I'll take #69 please

    TomvanWijnen and ShelLuser like this.
  16. going to give this a little nudge for the heck of it, bedtime for me. let's see how this turns out tomorrow :)
    607 likes this.
  17. Well, Congrats to ya Shell .... and I just gotta pick

    409 !

    Why? well its not just because it divides so nicely into 1024...

    Not even because its a special multiple of that most important number, 42.

    But, quite simply, in just a few small words... because

    ............................................ She's real fine, my 409 !

    Looking forward to see how this all pans out.... and to your rupees (all... 1024 of them?)

    Actually would rather win copies of your books.... any for sale yet?
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  18. Congrats! And loved the little story there. I almost always love to read a good story. :p 22 for me please
  19. wait, for real?
    ShelLuser likes this.