Shell's 1024 days anniversary giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Sep 26, 2017.


Should my head be added to the prize pool?

Poll closed Oct 10, 2017.
Yes 24 vote(s) 77.4%
No 6 vote(s) 19.4%
MY head should be added to your prize pool and you know what? I'll send it and DARE you to add it! 8 vote(s) 25.8%
Other (please share ideas below!). 2 vote(s) 6.5%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I'll take Five Hundred and Fifty-Five.

    I like the number... Relax Shell lol
  2. That number is already taken by NuclearBoBomb, can you pick something else?

    You got approx. 2 hours, then I'm going to lock down the event and draw the winners. If you can't make it then don't worry: I'll apply my "double numbers" rule :)
    607 likes this.
  3. Just give me a random number so I can get it to the drawing lol. I want to thank you for being my friend and being a very understandable player. If I had a gold star for all of your helpful reactions, you would have all of them. Honestly, you need to be in either smp6 or smp7 so we can talk more
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  4. Thanks for this, and congrats, Shell! It's nice and I hope to continue seeing you around here on forums and in-game!

    I'll take 813, if that's all good :)
  5. Shel congrats on 1024 days! You were actually my first "Friend" (/friend) on EMC!

    Anyways, I'll take 606 ;p
  6. So here's some extra last min. info ^.^

    Shell was thinking about doing another event 2 give money away but i told him 'thats unfair' b/c he said he was giving his money away. i thought he was gonna do it now, i think u guys did to so lets be creative ^.^

    This is how much shell has right now:

    and heres what were gonna do:

    shell is gonna use 2 draw prizes... 3 DDTT, and 2 heads (2 heads is one prize).

    im gonna use 2 draw 1 prize: all his money. ill count all posts b4 mine, use and the right postnr wins.

    im also gonna give random heads away and mail them 2 u. i have 2 b/c after this shell wont have any money 2 mail anymore, lol!! ^.^
    607 likes this.
  7. I tried!

    Yes, I am the nutjob (seriously) who tries to use to generate numbers between 0 and 1025 to get the right results. Because... fairness. The odds of chance are different within the context of 1 - 1024 in comparison to those of the amount of players (= 33, read on).

    I know this is fact and therefor I kept pushing on. For 45 minutes. Meh.

    So I recalled to also have installed Tomcat on my server and I am just about growing tired of We need something better, something dedicated to our awesome community. Something which can truly come up with a close to random number (computers are never really random) and match that to a winner. In a fair way!

    I'd fire up VP (=spam for Shell's favorite schematics design software) right now and sort out a crude draft but.. I'm gold and all :) Mining time! Thanks for your entries and until we meet again?

    Errr, no

    I took a different route. I had to, this is taking waaay too long....

    There are 32 entries, as you can see, so now I shall perform a random hit on 1 - 33 (blame my weekend!). Yes, random reader, you may now wonder what the fuss is all about. It's all random, it's all "random person gets a prize" but trust me: it is not the same. For me there's a huge difference between having a 1/33 kind of a chance or a 1/1024 kind of a chance. From your perspective: You probably still haven't won stuff, but from mine.. Needs. More. Fairness!

    Alas.... In all fairness: going from 0 - 1025 to 1 - 33 raises everyones chances but I still reserve the right of not liking this and going to come up with something better (if I can). Been a while since I messed with JSP.

    Another reason why (I think) basically sucks: it's javascript. It runs on YOUR computer, not theirs. I'm not buying into that stuff anymore (trust me: major differences).

    (yes, I'm a geek, why you wonder? :D )

    The Dirt Destroying Ticking Tocks (DDTT) go out to:

    Please note: the line number corresponding with the number. This was "photoshopped" but not in an unfair way and more so: we're (EMC community) are going to come up with something MUCH more better than Will take me a few weeks but mark my words...

    The heads...

    A not-so-random-but-well-deserved player: Jelle68

    So well deserving.. I shall name a date: 28th of April, 2015. Yeah, I looked it up ;) The date when I soon afterwards went: "Who the heck is Jelle68?!" :D Good times! From my point of view this was 2 years in the making, as such: more than well deserved. 2 heads for the price of one :cool:

    Extra prizes:

    mjnoe70 - slightly used Ore buster (donation) + special head

    "Very active on forums" "Always tries to help people".

    Rundercaster - ElfinCarrot head.

    "Because 25" (sorry.. it is a "little" bit too late for details, and I'm also yah.. you know, enjoying my weekend :))

    <mutter> I should be in the Utopian wastelands right now </mutter>


    Vortixin - Jay2a head.

    "Because 26"

    "Meh, I so don't like anymore, I don't think its even random at this time. Look at the results! how many times do you get 'cool' numbers or numbers which are JUST next to previous ones? I go to 1024 and I get 64 and 512 and 792? Random? I don't think so anymore!"

    Sorry for the rant :)

    Aya shall handle "all my money". Note: I had expenses today :D

    Prizes will be /mailed. Gimme time :)
    607 and Raaynn like this.
  8. No... you didn't.... how could you!?!....

    A DDTT to The_Dirt_Lord.... thats like murder Shell!... or manslaughter... or at the very least ... bizzarly humerous.. :)

    Congrats all!
    607, The_D1rt_Lord, Jelle68 and 2 others like this.
  9. This event isn't over ^.^

    who wins all shells money?

    But who could it be?!!

    U got #8, so gratzz!!!

    Shell also told me i could give away some extra prizes ^.^

    (while hes enjoying gold status @ frontier waste, no fair! :p )


    If shell is allowed 2 chose random then so should i.

    u won: Minercal mincer!

    Raaynn (is random!)

    u won: Mineral mincer!

    Vortixin (random)

    u won: 2 enchanted books (Sweeping Edge III & Knockback II)

    extra prizes are thanks to Merek_Shadower!!

    imma mail u guys soon!
    607, Raaynn and WardleDeBoss like this.
  10. Thank you Aya!

    So yeah:

    This is for real, honest.


    I'm glad you asked! :) Some people noticed how I kept saying that rupees didn't matter to me all that much, how I "don't play the economy". And then I got called out for a dare. And you're living it right now.

    If you guys don't see me next weekend you'll know I lost the dare. Otherwise...

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall go out into the waste (costs me no money Ms. anonymous!) and have fun! :D
    607, Raaynn and Jelle68 like this.
  11. Thanks to you both... and keep having fun Playing Your Way!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. Number 999 for that lucky guy
  13. Thanks for the items :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. Well... having unexpectedly won a Mineral Mincer... I have decided to give one away in the very near future when i have some time and figured out how I will do so....
    A different one of course, as this Won i One will be kept for my personal collection of items, so thanks again to Shell & Aya ! Cheers!
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  15. Shell you evil person why would you give me the opportunity to vanish my brother-en??? DISGRACE!

    Nah but thanks for the giveaway.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. Looks like Raaynn pointed that out before me...... not sure how to feel about that..... ( "like" thief ;P)
  17. It's mildly disappointing that you went with anyway, in the end. :p
    I actually never realised that. That was my 16th birthday celebration, that's amazing! Thanks for pointing that out to me, it might've taken me a few years yet otherwise. ;)

    This sentence includes one or two weird mistakes, but I'm interested! You know I've used some interesting ways for Piwi Day before... ;)

    I feel like you might some kind of joke here, and if you did, I love it. :D

    ... and now I should really head to bed. Seriously. :p Still hours earlier than your regular bedtime... :rolleyes: But at least 20 minutes later than I had planned. ;)
    ShelLuser likes this.

  18. Didn't have much of a choice, I was pretty deep into enjoying my weekend and also a bit tired from having to cope with some stuff IRL. But... it worked out in the end.

    Anyway, I have something planned but that's going to take time. It sits at the bottom of my priority list :)


    I wasn't planning on going anywhere sometime soon. Maybe other from the wastelands :)
    607 likes this.
  19. Random Giveaway was today. Winner was SMP5 with most players on at the time. winner of the Mineral Mincer was Coach_Craig !
