Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. When you know where other people lose their stuff... :p

  2. This is why I am addicted to iron golem armies :p
    jossytheninja and Lil_Emo_Cat like this.
  3. Could've known... xD
    Thanks again, Tom!
    (this was on smp8, too, by the way :rolleyes:)

  4. Chin touched my res.

  5. Thanks TBird1128 for giving me 82r to make this happen xD
  6. Came out of nowhere O:

  7. And he didn't break it, right? That's cool!

    You can bribe Chin to visit your res. for 82r? :D
  8. I think the convo to get chin to my res went like this
    Me: Oh no Chin is here to break things hide your res'
    Chin: Hmm, which res to break, 19146 looks good
    Me: Oh great, party at my res while chin breaks it!
    Lil_Emo_Cat and ShelLuser like this.
  9. Flying under the world with an elytra improves your fps!
  10. o.o
    Lil_Emo_Cat and TromboneSteve like this.

  11. Whatever you do dont blink.....( Weeping Angel Skin :p )

  12. One of the first dragon stones collected by the Dragon Tomb Squad.
    Awesomeshepherd, 607 and SkeleTin007 like this.
  13. You and your iron golems xD ...also I love BurgerNight's question that you happened to capture in this screenie :p
    Lordess_Spartan and SkeleTin007 like this.

  14. Breaking News! At Poof's party, a sheep learns to climb!

    When you find both holiday mobs at one spot.

    I'm tempted to open it. :p
  15. I was digging through my old crap and found a 1024 texture pack I never could get to work. I gave it a try again because I had upgraded my gpu since then and it works :O

    Looks like we're one of Saturn's moons now

  16. that texture pack is really cool
    TromboneSteve likes this.

  17. Some time ago I build an EMC tribute thingie. I exported it as a structure (usable with structure blocks) and since I had that I figured that I could do something more with it. So I set up a small troll on a single player world.

    This is a level which my gf and me have been playing a bit, and some weeks ago we build a huge bridge to a mooshroom island, which we intended to explore some more at a later time. So now I added a small troll ;)

    As soon as you step on a pressure plate then a few seconds later this happens. The structure remains there for 1 - 2 minutes and then... the area gets reset back to the way it was, the pressure plate gets disabled and all seems normal again :D

    "What do you mean, something happened? I don't see anything"... At least that's the idea, usually those plans end up totally different than I intended but we'll see next time when we play this :)

  18. When an enraged zombie gets into the iron golem farm and kills the villagers. :(
  19. If you need villagers eggs to replace those guys then let me know. I can probably spare a few (still trying to come up with a decent villager farm design but..).

    Also: /ps, check your survival settings. You can control the spawning of those enraged mobs. So you could consider to turn that off for the server you're currently on in order to protect your farm.

    Hope this helps!
    607 likes this.