That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. that moment when you're aimlessly running around town and you find a res up ahead that seems super fun to run and jump into, but the res has move off :(
    ShelLuser and Gawadrolt like this.
  2. Stereo chorus? Or just in chorus? I don't know anymore ;)

  3. That moment you cant sleep, and you see more dutchies online right now. #Neveralone
  4. That moment you turn on a dog whistle and forgot to turn it off at night... Ouch
    FacepalmRhy likes this.
  5. That moment when you head out into the wastelands to mine clay out of a swamp, you fill up your inventory, but you realize you forgot your armor! :eek:

    Happened to me a few times. :p
    SkeleTin007 and ShelLuser like this.
  6. the moment when u are swarmed with bosses
  7. .... your lag is soooooo bad you have to wait an extra 5 minutes for everything, even for the sugar cane to drop!

  8. That moment when you find a year old thread of funny "that moment whens" make it about five pages in and decide that when you see shelluser you are going to scroll past and then take half the time to get through the other 35 pages.
  9. That moment when EMC just rubs it in :(
  10. moment when old days of EMC relive 4 a moment!!

    lb used lead 2 move his donkey to other ppl res ^.^
    SkeleTin007, 607, Shiyvah and 2 others like this.
  11. This was one of the best evenings EVER on EMC so far, but more on that later in another thread.

    That moment when.... you discover your maxi-me?!

    This was made by ElfinCarrot (see /v 3299) and I LOVE it. I'll admit: also because I got featured (you gotta admit this does boost the ego a bit) but... this is AWESOME.

    Who is the nice lady next to me? How polite of you to ask, that is no other than SMP2's own Poofasaurus. And I have proof!

    So yeah: thanks ElfinCarrot, we love what you did here!!
  12. The moment when you discover a new element and receive a nobel prize :p
    Tigerstar likes this.
  13. Huh?
  14. Moment when it looks as if Chin is making Shelly fish ^.^

    Jelle68, SirTah, SkeleTin007 and 3 others like this.
  15. That moment when you come back online after a player organized FNM and you suddenly see....

    You guys even made a bridge?!

    For sure: players didn't stop when I had to and continued the fun. And to make the FNM campsite easier to reach they did indeed build a whole bridge, I love it. Thanks guys, this was awesome! I really hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me, but judging by the looks of it I think its safe to say it was:

  16. That moment when you can't remember where you stored your voter's items :(
  17. Dress up time:

    SirTah, Patr1cV and Acemox2k like this.
  18. The moment when you realized you have a twin look-a-like
    SirTah and ShelLuser like this.
  19. *sees ghast*
    *pulls out knife*
    Dufne, ShelLuser and BenMA like this.
  20. But you love Ghasts though? :rolleyes:
    Don't forget RhyTheGhastLover
    AmusedStew, ShelLuser and BenMA like this.