Name Changes are here! 8/24/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Aug 24, 2015.

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  1. 5 Minutes I believe. Without engaging in more combat.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  2. Be sure to check /diff before engaging to a mob.
    AyanamiKun and ThaKloned like this.
  3. Yes I checked, and it was on diff 4, if not then it would have been on 7. those are the only 2 difficulties i cycled between. Also I only switched between them when I died (I believe the 5 min timer is taken off after death), And that still doesn't explain why it didn't drop anything upon death.
  4. Is it possible that a player must do X amount of damage to the mob before it'll drop items and since you used potions you did not meet that threshold?

    *just throwing out ideas*
  5. dunno, seems unlikely. friend and me killed 2 momentus in smp9 waste with nothing better than iron sword! :eek:

    not sure about all the loot but we got 12 diamonds from it, and i dont think we did much more damage than we needed to kill it
  6. Did you make it so that normal members were asked if they wanted to test the name changes? Because I believe I see some name changes already…
  7. You need to log into the game for your new name to take effect.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  8. That would make sense. =P
    607 likes this.
  9. /p username is the ultimate tool to figuring who changed their identity.. :)
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  10. I voted on all of the sites with my new name as instructed but got no credit for any of them :(, even after logging into the game and seeing the change in-game and on the forums. Perhaps I made a mistake by voting before I logged into the game, but there were no clear instructions that this would be an issue.
    I'm a little bummed about the missed rupees but I'm most worried about my voting streak. I'm at 437 and I really don't want to lose that. Is there any way I can be granted credit or at least maintain my voting streak? Has anyone else had this issue?
  11. You will only lose your streak by one, so voting tomorrow will keep you at 437. Votes can only drop a max of 10, even if you didn't vote again, so you're not going to be reset to 0.

    And yes, you did need to log into the game for your new name to take effect so that's probably what caused it.
    ShelLuser and KaliaLlama like this.
  12. Also topg lets you vote every 12 hours, and you wont even lose a streak until 30~ hours. So just vote on topg and you can potentially still get streak increase.
    CadenMann, ShelLuser and KaliaLlama like this.
  13. +1 here for Marlix problems.

    Well, "problems".

    I've killed 4 by myself so far this week on diff 6.

    I just killed one about 15 minutes ago and got nothing but a message saying he has fallen. No one else was around.

    No problems with the first 3, no changes in my gaming since then other than my location. First 3 were killed in waste, last one was in wild.

    *edit: Just killed Momentus in the wild and got stuff. I think with the Marlix I might have been too far away. I sniped him with an arrow when he fell.
    Hashhog likes this.
  14. I can confirm that with Marlix I'm not seeing the item list when he falls but he is dropping items, at least from my experience. I'm also not seeing the guardians that Marlix spawns announcing their items. I'm seeing both of those with Momentus.
  15. The Guardians that the minibosses spawn aren't SUPPOSED to drop items. :p

    I've killed five Marlix within the past few days. Only one out of those five gave me Tokens and items.
  16. I do have a name you know :p
    Kytula likes this.

  17. hmmm weird because when I fought Momentus, I killed several spawned guardians and one of them dropped a dragon stone fragment and announced it in chat that it did it. Well, my memory sucks but I'm 100% sure it dropped a fragment and about 50% sure it announced it in the chat.
  18. How do I change my Game Name?
  19. Go to this link to change your MC username. :)
    Kytula likes this.
  20. The e-mail I use for Empire Minecraft is differnt from the e-mail I use for Mojang, which I have already paid for an account. I dont know what to do now.
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