Let's elect a President of EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 72Volt, May 15, 2015.

  1. This is very interesting! I won't nominate myself because I'm too new and won't be a good leader xD congrats to future winner :p
  2. Well, this is incredibly self serving so... I love it. I nominate the greatest bounty hunter that ever lived: Gawadrolt, friend.

    As far as nominees go here are my absolute favorites:


    Not yet nominated but would def vote for:

    marketthan13(you better freaking nominate yourself, like.. now!)
    baradar(I didn't add an a this time!! lol)

    edit: I guess if he ran against those already nominated I would vote for budha, but probably not if he was running against half the list that I put that hasn't nominated themselves... .love ya bud XD
  3. I nominate myself. :)
  4. *A challenger has appeared!*

    If I am elected, I promise a flat, 9% tax rate for all on EMC. Oh, and dank memes for all.
    ShelLuser, wisepsn, 72Volt and 4 others like this.
  5. I'm a man (I think?) and my alter-ego is a reincarnation of the Fonz. You know what that means...

    hashhog3000 likes this.
  6. Nuuuu I nominate *drum roll*
  7. i nominate Qkazoo07
  8. Someone has to be in last place, so I'll nominate myself.
  9. I think a lot of people missed the op: nominate yourself, not others
    72Volt and 607 like this.
  10. Ooh, very interesting... but this will be a tough decision...
    should I nominate myself? :p
  11. For crying out loud, I would crash the economy worse than Aikar.
  12. As your president of EMC I will get you Dragon Tombs!*
    *within the next 100 years
  13. I vote for Jesus as our president
  14. Oh the narcissism of this thread
    Bro_im_infinite and 607 like this.
  15. I felt like making a geeky reference, but nobody would probably get it anyway, so never mind :p

  16. Tadaa! Here I am!
    The combination of OrangeDuck and 607, combining all the good sides, omitting all the bad characteristics, makes for...
    the perfect president, of course!
    I nominate ourselves for president!


  17. Alll Hailll the Stone Slab Empiiireee....
    ShelLuser, SkyDragonv8 and kitten3101 like this.
  18. Remember, the golddigger will give all citizens 221 gold nuggets if elected. put me in!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. samsimx is our lord! :)
    samsimx likes this.
  20. I will be a useless president-in-exile if you elect me! And I will crash the economy and start the EMC Depression!

    Vote me for a terrible future!
    ShelLuser and Bro_im_infinite like this.