Empire has updated to 1.8!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 5, 2015.

  1. Oh, that's a common mistake. Quite a stupid mistake, though :p
    I hope everyone who had a lored head will get it back.
  2. Had a Super Turkey out at my xp farm a few hours ago and I was very surprised to see him (the one thing I do more than xp farming is special mob hunting). He went the way they normally go.

    Then I saw the comments about super turkeys in town. Maybe the problem is more widespread.
  3. I hope Blizz Ards are spawning in /shop on smp8.
    ionadroppy likes this.
  4. When you teleport to place while riding a horse or a donkey or a mule, You teleport inside the horse,then when you try to move, you teleport back to the horse. When you disconnect and go back on, you are on the horse, donkey, or mule. Then when you teleport home (/home), you are in the horse again. What's up with that? I was able to do that before this new update, so, Bug?
  5. Known bug

    if you didn't place it back down in the exact same slot yesterday while we had the bug, the data is still lingering in the chunk file and we have a new command to retrieve items out of the chunk.

    But anyone who broke the head then placed it back overwrote the data with the new broken data .... :/

    But as said before, PM SS with evidence and we will restore it.

    But we will first try to extract it from the chunk (the bugged items are there... they are just stored at the wrong location which is a range thats not even inside the chunk, its outside the box)
    ionadroppy and 607 like this.
  6. Aikar I love this update. I have applied to staff and am awaiting the feedback I am so so excited.
  7. Feedback isn't guaranteed, just a heads up.
    607 likes this.
  8. Nor are you suppose to talk about the applications, if you read the application <.<
  9. If the configuration is like the one below,


    place any slab on the bottom half of the top block


    This will prevent pigman (or anything that is not a netherhound) from spawning into the track area.
    kevmeup and AwesomeBuilder33 like this.
  10. Ya I did that a bit in 1.7 but stopped because I read they can't spawn on rails. I still think this is odd because netherhound don't spawn there and they never did. Unless Aikar coded them with different spawn requirements.
    DrewRadio likes this.
  11. We shouldn't have to do this anymore. No mobs should spawn on rails.
    607 and ThaKloned like this.
  12. I used my nether rail 4 times last night, pigment were not a problem. In fact, in my 2 X 2 tunnel, it was less of a problem than 1.7. Maybe staff changed something since then?
  13. Mobs do spawn on rails now.
  14. 1.8 drastically changed the internals to how Blocks are represented. It's extremely likely that Rails are no longer considered a type of block that would prevent spawning.
    AwesomeBuilder33 and 607 like this.
  15. So, we still need slabs?
  16. Probably. I'm doing that now. It much faster then laying down the rails lol but your not stopping every 5 blocks and cursing.
  17. You should be able to use an auto-clicker to place them while riding. That should make it very easy.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  18. I've got a DC of stone on me and I've been going backwords holding the mouse down to lay the slabs lol
    jkjkjk182 likes this.