Empire has updated to 1.8!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 5, 2015.

  1. chicken and pig heads aren't working :(

    i tried several times and they still won't show :(
  2. I'm reading through these new changes and I think the best one is knowing our villagers are going to evolve. . . but in a good way! I see fields of villagers...

    Thanks developers and all contributors for this fantastic update. :D
  3. This thing is at the top of the fourms, home page, and probably somewhere else too:
    607 and Nickblockmaster like this.
  4. Sorry but I'm just a little confused, can I not get double trades from villagers? Like 2 paper trades on an old villager?
  5. gg
  6. Is it normal for a banner that has been placed when the chunk is loaded, then the chunk unloads, and it won't stack with banners that haven't been placed.

  7. Rebel.
    TigerstarMC, 607, Gawadrolt and 2 others like this.
  8. NOTE ON PLAYER HEADS / MOB HEADS: Please be patient if they do not show up. Mojang has a limit on how fast the profile data can be requested from them, and because we have 3 servers sharing the same IP, mojang tends to rate limit us a lot.

    Ill have to do some tricky work to get around that but probally should do it.
    607, PenguinDJ, cdjs1987 and 3 others like this.
  9. ive found that putting them in your vault and coming back a little later not only changes their name and makes the weird ones stackable, but loads them without having to wait in real time
  10. Vault would trigger a "refresh" yes.

    So if you have a mishaving head, try that. I was playing with some code to trigger a refresh last night.

    I am still stumped on heads losing lore though.

    So if you have a lored head placed, please do not pick it up.
    AwesomeBuilder33 and 607 like this.
  11. Nothing serious, but something that seemed odd. I have a small chicken egg farm on my res. It's basically a 2 deep pit with hoppers and trapdoors over it. After the update, I went through the room where it's at and seen 5 chickens had gotten loose, though there is no way for them to escape. Not a big issue, got them back, but just seemed odd as none has escaped previously.
  12. Spruce, Jungle, and Birch Fence Gates aren't registered for the Use flag
    This is most likely the same for Doors as well
  13. I always thought the EMC shop stayed an update behind lol.
  14. I still don't understand why we can't grab food out of our tvs yet... willy made it look so easy ;)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  15. Didja already get the report fron MrGrayWolf about how he has super turkeys as well as normal turkeys spawning like crazy on his res?
    He gave up trying to eggify them. Some drowned in his farm (vertical water sources) and the super turkeys he managed to eggify turned into regular chicken spawn eggs, so nothing to worry about there.
    But what if he had managed to kill the super turkeys? >.>...
    Could this be a bug due to the biome changes on res's...? (Though i dunno why super turkeys would spawn too lol)
  16. Btw Aikar, you didnt change your name to aikar with a lowercas a, right? I'll have to re-check my now-"aikar's Head" when i log back in tomorrow... Er much later today...
    >midnight in ocean monuments<
  17. Can you look into the zombie pigmen? They are making the rails unusable. Can't go a few blocks without running into them. It's just a 1x2 tunnel with track, no reason they should be spawning on there.
  18. I was watching some YouTubers, and they were talking about how in 1.8 zombie pigmen are much more common on rails than before. It is probably a vanilla change.
    607 likes this.
  19. place the head in your vault see if it fixes it

    I think spawn mechanics might of changed, someone mentioned spawns on slabs now too?


    All: We had an issue where the code that saves item data with the block was bugged. It was trying to save/load the item from the wrong location :/ I accidently did X,Y,Y instead of X,Y,Z >.<

    NOTE: This only applies to special items like EMC Promos and items with lore/custom names
    This means if you broke the block AFTER the 1.8 update, it lost the data.
    Then, if you PLACED something after 1.8, it would of SAVED into the wrong location. I gave about an hour notice to go pick things up, but if you still had something you placed down after the 1.8 update that is now broken, please contact SS to help.

    If you BROKE a block AFTER 1.8 that was placed BEFORE, and the data was broken (mainly reported player heads), also contact SS for help restoring item.

    Please provide as much evidence of proof of the item as possible. SS will investigate all reports to verify before giving you a replacement item.

    Trying to falsely report lost item that you did not have is a bannable offense...


    Animal/Mob heads: Place them in your vault, close it, and reopen it to convert the item to 1.8.
    This reinitializes the item to have proper skin.

    I'll try to find a way to auto do this.

    Kephras likes this.