Storytime: Krysyy and the Moose

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Nope, that was the webcam. I don't hold my own camera when taking a pic of myself....
    ShelLuser, 607 and FDNY21 like this.
  2. :p
    SteamingFire and cadenman2002 like this.
  3. Krysyy... xD
    At least send us a pic in your elegant wedding dress!
  4. She probably doesn't have it yet, as a lot of people spend quite some time picking one out (unless they have a sort of heirloom thing that gets passed down). :) I'm guessing she'd also like to keep that to her family for a while as well before any pics. :p
  5. No heirloom I'd fit in...My mom was a size 2-4 when she got married. That is NOT happening =P

    Wedding dress shopping isn't done until later in the planning process, but I do have some ideas in mind. I can't post my choice publicly until after the big day or a snooping Moose might see. I buck tradition on a LOT of things, but that's not one of them. He'll get to see the day of and not a moment before.
    TechNinja_42, ShelLuser and khixan like this.
  6. i have a beautiful unworn wedding dress if you want :p (only partially kidding haha need to get rid of this thing XD XD)
  7. Hashie... STAPH IGNORING ME xDDD It makes me feel bad ;-;... I did nothing ;-;
    ; ;
  8. If any one wants to see what I have been working on for krysyy and moose come to utopia /v 5353.
  9. Ahem. SHE! :rolleyes:
  10. I can't even remember why I said that, let alone what gender everyone is. Time to go to bed now.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  11. What's your favorite mini-game, Krysyy?
  12. Also, what's your favorite food in-game Krysyy?
  13. How are these related to her getting married?
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  14. They're related to her enjoyment.
  15. But this thread is related to her wedding. Her profile is related to her enjoyment. :p
  16. msg me in game i will explain what she is doing got to keep it hush hush so krysyy doesn't find out.
  17. Aha! What do you say now, FDNY? ;)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  18. Any update on this? :rolleyes:
  19. Congratulations. After two weeks of forgetting, I will now post this onto this thread! :)
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  20. Congrats Krysyy and Moose!