Storytime: Krysyy and the Moose

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Awesome ring it looks beautiful.
    Congratz krysyy and moose
    I hope you have a great wedding
    607 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  2. That was my first thought, when I finally got home and was about to message Krysyy, she fixed it before I got a chance. :p

    Can we get a livestream of your wedding? :p

    Eggagement promo. Happy belated Easter!
    607, hashhog3000 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  3. I would like to suggest something if posable why not if people of EMC would like to see the wedding (I know i would) why not set up a privet live stream for them to tune in to and watch it that way??? (I know it would cost a little more)
    but I just thought i would share that for you to chew on...
    607 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  4. Congrats!!! I am really happy for you guys! have a good life!!
    607 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  5. The party might have some special things, but not a serverwide promo.
    Kephras and hashhog3000 like this.
  6. Woot congrats !!
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  7. I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations!!!
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  8. Ooh, is "Storytime" going to be a recurring series now? *sits on floor, legs folded, palms on cheeks*
    607 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  9. Congratulations Krysyy and Moose!
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  10. Krysyy replied to my post!! w00t a special day THIS is :D
    tuqueque and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  11. Congrats Mrs. Moose!
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  12. Someone make her profile picture a dragon breathing out meese on fire with Aikar laughing we need a update to her :)
    Congrats krysyy, let's call you krysyyjanemoose91
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  13. You're younger than me and I have nothing to show for my life *tears*

    607, Kephras and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  14. so your 24 :confused: so you arnt an old lady after all xD
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  15. *shhhh who wants to crash da party?!?!?!*[/quote]

    me me
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  16. AWW YIS
    607 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  17. Just noticed the pictures.

    Looks like you could kill somebody with that ring...
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  18. Sidenote: I wonder if the Moose has minecraft???:rolleyes::rolleyes: and if he does, i wonder if he plays on EMC???:rolleyes::rolleyes:

    ----------------------------------Complete different post--------------------

  19. Krysyy has pretty much covered all of the answers I can give - probably in more detail than I would have :p

    Yes... it's still up

    We have to move between now and next Christmas (across town by choice), or I would have given in to the fact that it would be there the next time around. One day I'll snap and just throw it in the trash can.

    I do in fact have minecraft and did at one time moderate (senior staff) for EMC. I effectively work too much (or too much randomly) to call it fair for me to be a moderator anymore. Krysyy still uses my account from time to time in game so if you ever see me on, I'm still green. It also wouldn't exactly be fair for me to go back to participating in the economy after being able to spawn in items. I've somewhat decidedly not told her my forum password, though I'm sure she could find it if she needed it, not exactly sure why.
    607, tuqueque, Damiensmom11 and 11 others like this.
  20. moose... you should become a magician and make the tree disappear... unless ofc it got whovian christmas orniments on it... then i understand why she wont let you take it down ::p
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.