Water? A waterfall falls but the water doesn't break when it falls and river rapids break but don't really fall. Here is a fun riddle: A guard is in charge of watching the bridge between North Korea and South Korea. The bridge is long and always takes 10 minutes to cross. The guard is told to shoot anyone coming from South Korea and send people coming from North Korea back to North Korea. The guard knows how long it takes to get across the bridge and sleeps for 5 minutes, wakes up, does whatever he needs to, and goes back to sleep for another 5 minutes. A man really needs to cross the bridge and get to North Korea but he is in South Korea. How does he do it? There is no where to hide from the guard and everything around the bridge is full of death mines. Also, if you don't want us to post riddles here, I will delete the post.
Go to the nearest Airport, buy a ticket for North Korea and fly over. If that's not applicable then fly to China, take over transport to get as close to North Korea then run across the border?
-_- Points for creativity though. There is a legitimate way across the bridge though without getting shot.
You can go ahead and post riddles here! Im going to ask krysyy if we can possibly open a riddles/short stories section to the forums.
He could wait until the guard starts sleeping then walk onto the bridge. Just before the five minutes is up he could start walking back towards the South. The guard will stop him and send him "back" to the North where he appears to be coming from.
How about this? This is more of a problem than a riddle but here goes: There is a room. In that room is a light. There is a door seperating you from the room. You cannot see through the door. There are three switches outside of the door. You have to figure out which switch is the one that turns on the light in the room. You may only open the door and enter the room once. How do you figure out which switch turns on the light?
I'd take the light outside the door before it closed >.> I hate riddles mostly because I'm horrible at them like the one my collage prof put on an exam "A school bus (below) begins to pick up students starting at 8 a.m. It takes 1/2 hour to drive to the school from the time the first students get on board. There are a total of 3 stops on the route. The route is in one direction only( i.e. the buss travels along a straight road, there are no turns) The bus has an average speed of 30kph. Its a cloudy day. Which direction was the bus traveling"
Wut? That's not really a real problem, I think, more like a joke riddle. Or I just don't get it, but it seems like this isn't really possible.
If the light bulb is exposed, then I have an idea. If not, i'm not too sure. You could turn switch 1 on for 5 minutes or so, then turn it off. Then turn on switch 2 for 5 minutes then turn it off. Then turn on switch 3 and walk inside. If the light is on, it's switch 3, if the bulb is really hot, it's switch 2, and if the bulb is sorta warmish, it's switch 1?
That's pretty clever! But why would you turn on switch 1 at all? You could just do switch 2 for 5 minutes, and then switch 3, so you don't get confusion because you don't know what's "really hot" and what's "sorta warmish"