Tiger's Text Bookstore

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Kephras, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. another drop party, or writing contest?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. 1. Oh there'll be a drop party alright. Not for a while yet though.
    2. Writing contest would be a good idea, but I wouldn't do it the same as the last. And recent ones haven't worked out so well, so I'm not sure what measure of success that might have. Also, I suspect a lot of people have the Haunted House build contest on their mind right now.
    Equinox_Boss and bitemenow15 like this.
  3. 2. haunted writing contest?
    Equinox_Boss and Seanawesome14 like this.
  4. If I were to do any kind of contest it'd probably be set for November.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Discussed a new book idea with Fishcat recently, may be adding it to the selection soon. :)
    'Course, that means spending more time on SMP8, time I haven't had a great deal of lately...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Updated the OP - Fishcat's fable "The Boy Who Was Friends With Staff" now on sale in the short stories section!
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  7. The writing bug is starting to gnaw hard on me. New books forthcoming, if I can find the time to get them transcribed and formatted. :)
    Equinox_Boss and Palmsugar like this.
  8. Hashhog has sent over the latest copy of the Inkstain. :) Inkstain 7 is now available on the 2nd floor.
    Equinox_Boss, 607, Palmsugar and 2 others like this.
  9. Conspiracy!

    The way this is going I might actually need to build myself a library (like) section in my upcoming house. Palmsugar showed me one of your books the other day (obviously I totally forgot the title ;)) and I really enjoyed what I saw. The idea alone to set up a bookstore is a good one!

    So I visited smp8 and now I got the Treasure Hunt and the first 2 parts of Nucleus in my collection. At first I thought that the price was a bit steep, then I noticed how the book was actually 30+ pages long. Perhaps needless to say but that sure changed my perspective a little ;)

    Of course now I'm also "angry" with you (naah!). Because at this rate I'll never get my house done ;) (just to make sure: which is perfectly fine with me of course, I play for the experience first, the rest comes second. but lets pretend you never read this ;)).

    Conspiracies I tell you!
  10. Journal section is now updated with "Tales of SMP8 (vol 1)" by Prometha. :)
  11. New book "Purple Eyes" by xXMetroXx now in stock in the Short Stories section!
    Equinox_Boss and hashhog3000 like this.
  12. 2014-12-27_14.54.52.png

    Woo, endorsed by admins. Today is a good day. :cool:
    hashhog3000, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  13. Inkstain 8 is available & stocked in the Periodicals upstairs. Also trying to coordinate with Kaizimir to add sale chests for the Carthaga Times (1-5 are stocked, but currently not for sale yet).

    And some other news!
    -I have not forgotten about my postponed "November to Remember" contest - info for that will go up shortly after New Year's in January, as promised. :)
    -I've begun giving serious consideration to opening more bookstores across various SMP's. Since it would be tricky and inconvenient for other authors to pay each server a visit for sale chests, I've decided that - in addition to my own books - the other bookstores will offer shelf-space to authors local to that server. This also means each bookstore will have a unique selection to offer.
    -Corollary to that... I can't decide what form the new bookstores will take. Suggestions have been to clone the current bookstore, but use different materials, redesign it but keep the same materials, to do different colors per server... I'll likely post a poll on this soon, if I can get the time to compile some screenshots as examples.
  14. I do like this idea, a lot. It will give other people a chance to express themselves simply and quite efficiently
    Equinox_Boss, Kephras and 607 like this.
  15. This sounds quite interesting. It's hard for me to decide on color/design, so perhaps some screenshots would be helpful. :) I look forward to hearing more about this project! :D
    Equinox_Boss, Kephras and 607 like this.
  16. Well you already know what the current bookstore looks like.
    I've been itching to try out one of my new architectural designs though. I don't know if it's entirely suitable for a bookstore, I just think it looks really neat.

    (Alternate) 2014-08-31_00.03.10.jpg
  17. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. Thanks :D its very nice actually, i think i will use this as my main one for a while :)
    607, Kephras and Equinox_Boss like this.
  20. Seffychan's "Once I Met Death" is now up for sale in the Short Stories section :D
    607 likes this.