Tiger's Text Bookstore

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Kephras, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. Well I'm almost a week behind in posting this, but "Lost and Found" by Steamingfire is on sale now in the short-stories section. Very reminiscent of Dr. Seuss. :D
    jacob5089 likes this.
  2. Never saw this until now... I guess I don't need my Library anymore...
    Galantisizer likes this.
  3. Nonsense! If anything, it gives you more of a reason to build one. :D
    607, herocrafter2912 and Galantisizer like this.
  4. I guess you and me were thinking the same. I have The Inkstain 1-6 in my library. But I was going for a check out type of thing, rather than a purchase. I may have changed my mind.
  5. SteamingFire notified me recently that they were quitting EMC, and requested I remove "Lost & Found" from the store. While I haven't gotten to that yet, I will mark it as "discontinued" in the thread listings here, since no more copies will be printed.
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  6. Nice! I might buy some later on.
  7. Some updates!

    -Steamingfire's "Lost And Found" book is sold out now. You'll have to ask her for future copies, unless she wants to have it restocked in TTB.
    -DIORITE! Oh how I've waited for this... the original plans for TTB called for polished diorite, not plain old smoothstone, as part of the ceiling and trim inside. I've been mining my tail off out in the mountains the past couple days stocking up enough diorite to complete the renovation. First floor is almost done - the second will be trickier since the roof is kinda tall, has large sections over open space, and will require scaffolding (probably just dirt) to get at.
    -The writing bug hasn't been biting lately, sorry to say, but I will continue to look into new player titles. I've already got a couple backlogged from my hiatus that I need to review. And ChrisFlareon, if you're reading this, I [love] your brewing guide. Please let me stock it in the references section? :)
  8. Oh my Arceus, I will HAVE to check that when I get back into Town... hopefully the diorite ceiling will be done by then O:

    And yes, go right ahead! I'll make more copies and put them on my top priority list once I return to Town. c:
    Kephras and khixan like this.
  9. Updated with ChrisFlareon's brewing guide and Khixan's wonderful minecraft-ified fairytale.
    jacob5089 and khixan like this.
  10. It feels odd to say, but the Baltimore riot recently may have given me a spark of inspiration to revise / resume the Nucleus series.
    For those wondering why Part 5 has been so long in coming, it's basically because I wrote myself into a corner, and I'm not sure how to get out again. The tale was meant to focus on the relationship between Lucas and Cassie, and how it grows and changes after the incident - unconsciously I think I was drawing a lot of inspiration from Dean Koontz's fantastic Watchers.
    And then I went and mucked it up playing to an idea involving elaborate conspiracies by escaped lab rats.
    The core of the story is a lonely guy who'll do anything for his cat because he's got no one else in his life. That's... it. I think somewhere along the line, I lost sight of that and confused the hell out of myself trying to build up the story as something more.
    khixan, AmusedStew and codygraw101 like this.
  11. Three-day weekend! Oh free time, how I've missed you.
    Hopefully this gives me the chance to finish the stone->diorite overhaul.
    khixan likes this.
  12. I made sure to get diorite while I was out mining today. Hit me up if you need some.
    Kephras likes this.
  13. I am buying your book next time i log in xD
    Kephras and khixan like this.
  14. Hopefully not necessary, but I appreciate the offer and will keep it in mind :) thanks!
  15. UPDATE:
    -The Diorite conversion is finished! I can at last call TTB 100% finished (at least, structurally). Still plenty of space for reading material though.
    -Carthaga Times 1-5 is now available on the 2nd floor, under the Periodicals section. I'd been meaning to set that up for ages and somehow never got around to it.
    Kaizimir, 607 and khixan like this.
  16. New book by ShyguytheGamer1 in Short Stories!
    Man, that section is getting stuffed. May have to rework that part of the store, or move some signs around....
    khixan and 607 like this.
  17. No matter how many times you rework your bookstore, i'll find more and more people to stuff it up >:)
    607 likes this.
  18. Tigger got his write on. Please excuse the racial slur, I assume you would prefer striped mincraftian. But the phrase loses some of it's intended impact without the slur, no offence intended.

    Having only read some of your short thoughts, posted on the forums, I will say that your writing style is Awful similar in some regards to Pratchett, and just stinks of an Asimov influence. There's a "tickle" of other influences/similarities that I can't quite place as well.

    I have, in the past, aspired towards authorship. Sadly there's this "minor" learning disability, and head trauma induced brain damage impeding that goal. You however are publishable, not that I'm a professional or anything, I've seen far far worse drivel turned into movies.

    You are good, keep it up do what you love.

    just one more thing.

    Tigger please, Undead Pirate protagonist.

    Now I need to add a personal Library to my res, and I want your head for the museum.
    SMP9 /v +shoppe Still under major construction.
    Kaizimir, 607 and Kephras like this.
  19. My tail is made out of rubber, my bottom is made out of springs... :rolleyes:

    It may surprise you to know I've never actually read any of Pratchett's books. I was heavily into The Far Side and Dilbert growing up, so any wry or warped humor you find in my work probably draws its influence from that. Asimov I'll grant you, though I haven't read nearly as much of him as I'd like. The ones you can't place probably include Ray Bradbury (first and foremost), Michael Stackpole, Timothy Zahn, Arthur C. Clarke, and Tom Clancy. Honestly though, that's a bit like trying to pick apart a box of crayons after they've been left on a heat vent for too long. Just a big waxy mess.

    There are far better authors than myself already out there, and having seen what Hollywood does with published work makes me cringe slightly (which is to say, it's not really a discredit to the original author so much as the scriptwriters if the movie is awful). But rest assured, the write goes on. As khixan can attest, I've been hard at work on an actual novel recently, and should it see completion and publication, EMC will be the first to know about it ;)

    I thought ninjas were the zombies and pirates were robots?

    I don't give it out except for very rare occasions ;) But you might convince an existing owner to part with it.
    607 likes this.
  20. Another scavenger hunt.
    Kephras and technologygeek like this.