[EULA] Mojang Supporter Changes Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gibabyte, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. If bunnies are added to the game, I demand ENRAGED Bunnies. So evil we would classify them as a miniboss :D
    wassatthen, 5weety, t6ler and 9 others like this.
  2. Oh it certainly will happen. 1.7.9 will forever be a 'benchmark' in Minecraft, sort of like how people still play Classic even to this day. With the profile system this will still be extremely easy for end users, just make a profile with the 1.7.9 jar and good to go.

    Also Bukkit and I believe also Spigot are both open source, so even if they don't get on board with hashing out all the issues that will remain in 1.7.9, people will always be able to fix and recompile the server software itself.

    1.7.9 will live on forever. :D
    DogsRNice and weeh666 like this.
  3. Huh? I'm confused... D:
    I think things will be okay though.
    Well, hope.
    Right? D:
  4. Well, best thing that can happen is that mojang gets enough hate about this, and re-writes the EULA. That means business as usual

    Worst is that mojang keeps the changes. That leads a few options. One could be trying to find some sort of legal loop hole. Another would be staying on 1.7.9, since the EULA is only for 1.7.10+. Everything should end out alright, but only time will tell if this goes through or not.

    If the EULA stays, that means you cannot get any extra perks for donating, basically. Donations have to be donations, versus a payment in return for perks such as a colored name, services, guaranteed slot, etc.
    battmeghs, mba2012 and 607 like this.
  5. How come every time I'm about to say something you say it first?
    jkjkjk182 and Aemilea like this.
  6. Is Mojang mad that people are making money off of their game? Because honestly, it isn't like they make enough money from the game already.
    PureBredGaeilge and Aemilea like this.
  7. Well, according to law and all that stuff, the transaction and payment is under "Donations" So in these servers as "gratitude" for your donation you may be given something.

    AND the server can take away anything given toward the player who "donated" since the player didn't pay for it directly.
  8. Not really. Most people see it as "you get perks for your money" versus "thank you for donating, have some perks". Getting a free bumper sticker from goodwill for donating something counts as gratitude, but that is not how it works for emc. Most people are paying solely for the perks. Also, since servers are for profit most of the time, "donations" are their income. While they are called donations, you are really paying for a service/perks.
    EdmundWayne and mba2012 like this.
  9. To keep all the perks, couldn't we give the vouchers out as prizes in game? I know there would be a huge revenue loss, but that is way to keep the supporters.
    Also, what will this mean for utopia?
  10. heh, stuff like utopia is the one thing they specifically said would be ok.

    TNT is the only concerned area to me, and we could easily change it so that TNT has a delay between every detonation per user instead, and reduce the delay between detonations with supporter ranks.
    DogsRNice and Ark_Warrior1 like this.
  11. Also, how much of a profit loss would Empire have if you couldn't pay for supporter ranks. I know you also make money from ads, but supporter is probably the biggest money maker.
  12. Well in EMC you're not donating. You're actually paying for perks directly.

    and yes, it's seen as pay to get perks in those other servers but lawfully it isn't, it's a donation and they even tell you to send the payment as a "donation" only so they don't get in trouble.
  13. So... every goddamn server ever made apart from Minecraft Realms?

    Way to promote your own service like a douche, Mojang. This is why i've never liked them :rolleyes:

    I'm so boycotting Minecraft until they revert this EULA change. What a load of idiots...
  14. They won't care one bit about you boycotting them. Do what you want, but you won't be able to do something to them by not playing their - already purchased - game any more.
  15. What about username colors and things? Apparently that's not okay.
  16. They want people to play, otherwise they're just wasting money on servers etc.

    So its simple - you get a bunch of people to boycott them, they'll be forced to revert the EULA back to what it was otherwise they'll have to shut down Minecraft and will have wasted alot of their money.
  17. You've been boycotting them for months... :p
    Olaf_C, penfoldex, 607 and 4 others like this.
  18. Not when they've made millions on it already.. The worst you could do is make them walk away with their fortunes but even then that'd be a huge waste of everything.
  19. 607 and mba2012 like this.
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