The Second New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 29, 2014.

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  1. are they focusing on the way it looks ?
    Sunny_Chicken and L0tad like this.
  2. So... a cobble field, then?
  3. use stone bricks
    Sunny_Chicken and L0tad like this.
  4. WE ARE.
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  5. Calm down... :confused:

    EDIT: Also, even if you use stone bricks, its still going to look like an ugly, grey field from the live map.
    jkjkjk182, mba2012 and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  6. Might I suggest using Stone Brick as a material?
    SteamedEcko likes this.
  7. why not just build into the landscape, like suggested before?
  8. You know,your not being very funny.
  9. Why criticise be a bit more friendly with ur criticism
  10. If you knew me, I am a very strong supporter of using stone brick. Also, one person supporting that idea isn't enough. An idea needs to be supported by many to make sure it is fit for whatever it is doing.

    Lol I didn't know you were against support for your actions too.
    SoulPunisher, L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  11. For the second time, WHAT are you tiring to say???? If you are asking us to be more polite, I hate to break it to you, but your "administration" had a bad tendency of evoking strong negative emotions is the locals, and former locals. Some of your actions and statements upset us very much. We would treat you "better", if you would also we welcome to a peaceful communication, and willing to accept constructive criticism.

    In simpler terms, Treat others the way you want to be treated!!!

    Also, Kitten reminds me of someone, but I cant quite put my finger on it? Soul, MBA, (Dwight if he is still reading this), do his actions remind you of someone from a few years back on smp7?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  12. Not sure.. Is it you? :p
    penfoldex and L0tad like this.
  13. Tell me who I am.
    Go on.
    Go on then!
    Go on,tell me!
    And our Government is functioning well.
  14. No,you KNEW we use Stone Brick,from my previous comment before that.
  15. I'm just curious, who are the players that are part of this outpost?
  16. You are almost exactly the same as I was say, a year and a half to two years ago, almost exactly. Ask MBA or Soul or PandasEatRamaen or Zulu9, exactly the same mindset, same goal, same tone of voice, hell, same name to your outpost too.

    I never said that you were not functioning, I will be the first to admit it is. My point is if you want respect, give respect. Take this for example

    I read that, and it was in an aggressive sending voice in my head. Weather that is your intention, or was just the way I read, in my head, you sounded disrespectful. The latter of the resens why is beyond your control, but the first one IS in your control. You and your citizens are always complaining about how people talk down to you, but we do that because you talk down to US. Take this post for another example, you are probably hearing it is an aggressive, aggravated voice. That would be because, it is! I am just tired of you guys always saying "oh, give us respect", when we are giving you one if the highest forms of respect, constructive criticism, because when you give constructive criticism to someone, it means you want them to succeeded. Every time someone makes a suggestion, you guys bash it. and pull out the caps lock. Just, give a little respect to others and we will give respect to you.

    Not ting to start any arguing (although that might insure, and I will take blame for it), although we should be welcoming of constructive criticism.
    smile3, 72Volt, penfoldex and 5 others like this.
  17. Couldn't have said it better myself...
    smile3, devon699, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  18. Quite a few different...personalities make up this.
    A few different players.
  19. Random Post
    Luckygreenbird likes this.
  20. What I mean is I randomly posted this
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