The Empire of the Future - My vision! (Updated: 7/13/18)

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Feb 7, 2014.

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  1. With this, PLEASE add 61x61 like a player above said.
  2. well it kind of depends on the server tbh on 6 (particularly while its the recommended server) chat is annoying at that time 3, 4 and 7 are a different story but again all you have to do is go get some people from other servers. its not like anyone active is going to be like oh no i dont want free loot (which is essentially what dragon tombs are) part of the "challenge" should be acquiring the people to play successfully. theres no real reason to want to solo since everyone gets loot if they participate so what is the real reason for doing extra work to accomodate anomalies that want to be antisocial on a multiplayer game. you dont even have to communicate with those people aside from saying dragon tomb found at X, Y, Z on ____server so even the most introverted folks shouldnt have much of a problem. Also as far as another concern i see popping up for those people who live solo in the wild im fairly certain (although not entirely sure) that multiple tombs can be found and queued for from seperate locations so you can stay at your wild base alone, and others can find a closer to spawn tomb and join you. my understanding of the subject is limited however
    Pab10S likes this.
  3. In the words of the tiger from that one cereal, grrrrrrrrrrrreat!
  4. I posted this earlier, but I didn't receive a response. I'm curious.
    "A thought that I also had. Say I'm a regular user, (not a supporter, I wouldn't be able to claim another residence.) and I just finished very large build in current town, and the next day new town is released, and I want to move to the new town. Would I have to tear down my building and rebuild it in new town, or would I be able to pay a fee to have my building moved?"
  5. There is a senior staff service for res moving.

    My question: Will move flags be available in claimed land?
    607 likes this.
  6. The full details have yet to be confirmed, but it's been thrown around that they share much of the same features regarding flags.
    607 likes this.
  7. Aikar, will the Wastelands be reset? Please tell me no. I have alot of stuff out there :/
  8. mail!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. We should like make a chant out of this.
    M A I L
    What does it spell?
    When do we want it?!
    (muttered conversations about after DT or before.)
    We don't know!
  10. Wastelands reset after every major Minecraft update. The next reset will be once 1.8 comes out, which will not be for a while.
    607 likes this.
  11. wastelands will be reset randomly and without warning. do not keep anything out there.
  12. I read your blog... my two cents.

    I'm not much of a "guild" player, nor do I participate in PVP or team events. I've been a member of two building "teams", but there wasn't much construction going on. I like to build and have people look (and interact) with my creations. EMC gives me the ability to do that.

    I can see you're point about wanting to build a "community" of groups, etc. But until the maturity level of the members increase, I can't see joining teams anytime soon. And joining a team for activities I don't really enjoy.

    The team people can do their thing and that's great. I'll stick with building and creating worlds. With this in mind, you may consider building teams in EMCs future plans. We could be assigned to:

    - construct the bridges, pathways, and railways to destinations farther from the spawn
    - reconstruct areas around spawns so they're not so sporadic
    - construct arenas, parks, or shops
    - construct secret structures (temples, castles, etc) in the wild

    Our constructions should be commissioned by EMC and protected from griefing.

    My two cents are up. :)
    gollark8 likes this.
  13. I'll definitely come back and become a supporter again if this stuff gets added.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  14. I think that for people like me who WON'T join a team for stuff I don't like,there should be some empire building team,who build railways,bridges etc from wild spawn to other wild places.And get their stuff in the wild protected after being looked at.

    And possibly also being available for wild construction help.
  15. He isn't point
  16. You're right. It should read "I can see your point".
  17. 3man Dragon Tomb could be for "Easy" mode. Or they can go for "Normal" and harder if they want to try something that they're extremely unlikely to beat, but have some serious bragging rights if they manage it.
  18. The future's so bright I gotta wear shades. :cool:
    Or in other words, I see that some of the great ideas that Aikar has had for quite some time might actually come to fruition.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  19. Hello Nyan Ive been expecting u...Anyway I'm on smp2 right now contact me for further things :D
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