Empire Wild Policy - How to Register an Outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Aikar, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Getting one is a difficult process. Most members think once DT is here getting the Egg is going to be walk in a park. As Aikar said some time ago that you most have at least 5-7 members to have a chance so that gives the toughness level.
    607, mba2012, penfoldex and 3 others like this.
  2. To give you an expanded sensible answer :p , this 'Empire Wild Policy' is just an introduction/prelude to the future rules that will be required to officially claim land by using a dragon egg. By having bases and outposts declared now we are also protecting players from future issues whereby somebody with a dragon egg claims land which isn't theirs, effectively 'Griefing by claiming others peoples land". This policy assist us in verifying the true owner in these cases, as well giving players advanced knowledge of if their outposts will be protectable once land claiming is officially available.

    The dragon eggs themselves will be won in an epic group battle of unbelievable torment, aka Dragon Tombs, and will be "used" as a marker at the centre of an outpost. Once the egg has been activated your outpost will operate in a manner similar to town lots, using permissions/flags to control and protect your outpost. Additional activated eggs will extend the outposts protection perimeter, but no distances and specs have been discussed to-date. :)
  3. This, pretty much.

    The way you can look at it, is that everyone has been asking for the wild claim system so that they can feel better about building in the wild.

    But instead of making everyone wait until that feature is done, we decided to at least give the players MOST of the benefit (control of the area) ahead of time instead of making you wait.

    So, you get most the benefits, minus the grief prevention.


    This basically stems from a case where a group was formed, and there was plans for the head quarters to be constructed in a certain way... But an unknowing member ended up building their own little personal place where the HQ was suppose to be.

    Now, that put us in a difficult position... tearing down that persons stuff would be griefing by our old rules, but I think everyone can understand how this situation tore the group up politically as they were all excited about the plans to build there.

    thankfully that situation was resolved with the player moving - but it wasn't without resistance, and it did damage to the group politically.... and made the leaders question why even bother doing it when they have no control, when they could have control if they just started their own server.

    When users feel like they should start their own server because our policies cause them grief, then that is a good sign the policy has to change.
    zulu9, mba2012, dresden72 and 2 others like this.
  4. Will multiple people be able to grant flags, in the case that there isn't a single leader?
  5. I do not believe this detail has been discussed yet.
  6. Is it a solid 5000 blocks from spawn now? I have a wild base that is just on the edge that I built with my friends over the year and always planned to protect it. Are there any exceptions?
  7. There is a good chance you will be able to. Right now this is where we are drawing the line; when the actual land claiming comes out - it will probably less of a distance (but still some sort of minimum distance).
    PAVI259 likes this.
  8. Any plans to "grandfather" in stuff that was built too close before this implemented? But then apply the min distance to new builds? 'cause our place is way under 5000 blocks.
  9. I think I've seen in the past where Staff have suggested that the area eggs will claim may be small. So I've been picturing a situation where people come together and place their eggs as they get them in order to help cover their community several chunks at a time, in effect making each egg owner a "leader" of the piece of the community that their egg influences.

    So you or I might put one down to cover an iron farm we built together. Then later I might put one down that covers my house and a storage room. This might also overlap a zombie spawner that I built a grinder around and I would share permissions with you. We might have wheat, sheep, and tree farms under your house that get protection once you get an egg.

    Through all of this you and I are making decisions not so much on who claims what, but on how we are going to share both with ourselves and our friends.

    The comments I'm currently seeing sound more like the area an egg influences might be larger than I expected and that only one might be needed to cover an average Wild community where several people are playing together.

    I'm expecting permissions will be modeled after the system we are familiar with in Town that have worked so well for us. With either influence model, if someone wants to leave, I have heard they will be able to just take their egg and go. With the larger area, it might be complicated because they would be affecting more block area and players.

    Whatever they decide, I hope that they can balance things out in such a way that we can cover wild communities and other structures like drop and experience farms while also making it possible for everyone to have a chance to be involved so we do not develop a system where we have a few privileged land holders set above a peasantry class.
    607 likes this.
  10. Under this current policy, you can establish multiple people of authority in your thread if you wish. This policy is simply meant to say "If there is problems, who should have the final say?"

    It's meant that people handle things between themselves, just that if staff do have to get involved, who's going to have the answer to the problem.
    Pab10S likes this.
  11. This addition to EMC is freaking AWESOME!
  12. Thank you Shaun, I am glad you could clear this up for me :)
  13. Our own empires?
  14. Wait, THAT kind of Empire?
    HylianNinja and supereskimo like this.
  15. As someone named Luke... I never stop hearing "Luke, I am your father"
    hashhog3000, HylianNinja and mba2012 like this.
  16. Your real name is Luke?
  17. Yes, yes it is... May have given to much information away about myself; Next thing I know someone is going to send me a /tell Your SSN is ###-##-####
    607, CoolCal14 and mba2012 like this.
  18. ░░░░░░░░▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
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  19. This sounds really cool. I have a very large base of operations WAY WAY out in the wild. I've seen a person or two lately on the maps poking around the area, and would like it protected, but have no way of logging in right now. It's been awhile since I've been on, and my outdated MC version didn't work with the current server version, so I HAD to update, but I had to update to the new 1.73 version, which doesn't currently work with the server either.

    I do not have a locked chest in the area, as it was much farther out than I thought anyone would ever venture, and cannot log in right now to create one. Is there anything I can do? I've actually completely abandoned living in town and moved everything I have out to the new place.
  20. The latest version is now 1.7.4, and I'm connecting with that fine.
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