Harsher Punishments for Using 'Caps'

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Feb 25, 2012.


Harsher Punishments for Using 'Caps?'

Yes 41 vote(s) 44.6%
No 27 vote(s) 29.3%
I don't mind, it doesn't effect me. 24 vote(s) 26.1%
  1. Except for it is. Why should we have to turn off chat to avoid people talking in caps? You can't avoid the chat without turning it off, which should be a choice, not a necessity.

    Quite plainly, I think the lack of maturity in all of your answers more than proves our point. The ones calling us names are the ones we want to not have to deal with in chat.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  2. That is not turning the chat off. That is no longer listening to one player.
    (by the way /ch off turns the chat off, not /ignore.)
    Also, how are my replies "immature"? Debating is not immature, and I am using simple logic to resolve the issue. If logic is immature by your definition, then so is the post you just made.
  3. You're not turning off chat...you're ignoring a single player. I'm not a caps typer but what I'm reading is that you obviously want harsher punishments off first hand...bad move if you actually want the community to grow.

    Not to mention, calling people "immature" for disagreeing with you makes you the "immature" one, stop using this as a holier-than-thou response to anything that people says that is opposite of what you're saying. You're technically calling him a name each time you write it, so semantics aside please stop saying this.

    Turning off chat is /chat off. The way you're speaking (if you had actually put any thought to it without simply jumping at a quick harsh consequence to an offender), someone who repeatedly types caps would merit an ignore (he's a repeat offender, not like he's going to say something eventually worthwhile for you to hear, and even then you'd have to ask yourself do you really need to hear it). Not to mention, if they are such repeat offenders chances are they'd be caught for a ban, either from you /report-ing him or a mod seeing him, both equally viable choices for you to take.
    twinchicken86 likes this.
  4. We have already covered why repeat offenders do not get caught or banned. A Simple "sorry" after the fact of using caps is all it takes to fly under the radar of the mods. The point you are missing, repeatedly, is that it should not be MY responsibility to enforce rules on the server.
  5. I have to agree with nerone94. It's not our responsibility to enforce it but we have to because there are some people who just can't follow the rules. And plus ignoring them doesn't help others because there are some people that don't want to ignore that person or they have no knowledge of the command "/ignore". Plus if that person uses caps repeatedly other people might follow along and start using caps and next thing you know half the servers population will start using caps. Also its like your saying you saw a murderer murder someone and you just ignore it without calling a police.
  6. I have trouble with ignore, is it only meant to ignore someone for a certain amount of time? For me it seems to ignore them for a while then later it stops working. Have you had any similar issues?

    it would be cool if there was a "chat off except tells" command, i guess it would be like /chat leave but you wouldn't have to do it each time you changed channels - i don't know how long channels stay left but i can imagine losing track and wondering why everyone is so quiet lol.

    dark liz wrote an epic post here about this:
    BloodDisciple likes this.
  7. I don't think that's really fair. I doubt the simple "sorry" is the reason, more likely it was missed, all the mods are volunteers and put in time when they can, I'm sure they try, but sometimes there might be only one mod on or maybe even none - watching 7 servers worth of chat they're bound to miss stuff now and then.

    It shouldn't be, and it isn't. You don't have to, you choose to. Sometimes that's helpful, sometimes people react differently and you just make the situation worse. We now have a report feature that you can use and an ignore command.

    Comparing murder to people shouting (caps) is a little silly.
    angelomni likes this.
  8. I knew that someone was going to say something about the comparison between the murder and caps. But sometimes the /report doesn't get addressed that quickly :\
  9. I understand your frustration, caps is a big issue and major annoyance to you - and is to many people. I don't think harsher punishments are a good idea, because not everyone understands the issue, and need to be reminded a few times that it is an issue. It seems like they need reminding all the time because of the constant influx of new people who all need reminding, and I'm sure there's some who just don't learn (or don't want to) - they'll be dealt with.

    I think this is just an issue where there's no one-size fits all solution. On one hand there's people who really get irked by it, and other (new) people who don't understand the idea that caps=shouting and shouting=rude. If you are to harsh on newbies who don't understand, then EMC will become stale because everyone who's new will feel like we're too harsh and banned their friend for something trivial. On the other hand if you're not harsh enough, you'll upset the people who really hate it. So the compromise I think is be firm on the rules, but be gentle as well, start out with warnings and inform people why it's against the rules, and if people ignore warnings escalate the punishments from there.
    EdmundWayne likes this.
  10. I guess your right :) I hope those newbies catch the rules as soon as possible.
  11. me too :)

    i'm glad my post made sense lol i probably shouldn't be posting the last couple of days my thoughts are flying around and it's hard to catch them.
    thecontroller likes this.
  12. Pointedly, them not being able to get back in when the server is particularly busy is part of the punishment, and what makes it just a tad more effective.
    apamment likes this.
  13. Exactly, apamment hit the nail on the head with this reply. It is NOT your responsibility, but as an upstanding citizen of the community you at least should choose to do so (you don't have to).

    It's not your responsibility to also report a crime that happens in the real world either, but common sense would dictate that as a citizen who is worth his/her weight in gold that they should choose to do so. If I watched someone repeatedly beat you upside the head, I'm pretty sure that any of you guys would get mad at me for ignoring it (a.k.a. /ignore) and not saying anything (a.k.a. not using the /report feature implemented for things such as this).

    There's a /report feature, I stated that in my post. /reporting does the job well, and if they're maliciously (by that I mean repeatedly) breaking the rules by typing in caps and there isn't a mod around, a swift /report and /ignore gets the same job done that most are advocating for here. As an upstanding citizen of EMC, which I hope you guys are, you'd choose to do the right thing and /report (and /ignore if you feel that they're being an eyesore).

    Think of the /report feature being 911; the police may not arrive on time but there's no doubt that the incidence will be filed and if found breaking the law the offender will be detained. If you don't call the police, however, then you're allowing the law to be broken. An automated security system that would warrant a 6-year prison sentence on a simple misdemeanor (even if it was their first offense or they lacked knowledge, or even if it treaded on the grey area of the law) would be over the top, right? So why not just make a judgement call and dial 911 and let the authorities deal with it?

    Real life analogies...sigh...
  14. Which I do. i understand the mods cannot be everywhere all at once, and I was in no way trying to knock what they or any other member of staff do. That wasn't the point. THe poitn of this entire thread is that, this issue is not major, it just happens every single day. The mods shouldn't have to be on to deal with something this minor when they already have so much to watch. And since they cant catch every instance of this, we proposed a system to help discourage people against using caps.

    As much as we would all like to think so, /report does not get the job done every time. Response times are slow, if they ever come.
  15. While I agree with you that sometimes they are slow, I equate it to WoW's report feature. If you played that (which I hope you didn't) then you'd know that they sort of done things the same way: If someone was breaking a rule, a report would go through, and if they broke a rule, they'd get warned, kicked, 24-hour suspension, 3-day suspension, up to a permanent. While it was not automated, they surely got the job done. Of course there would be those who broke the rules, but then again they were generally harsh in their punishments if (after being reported) found breaking the rules. We only got 6 servers and for me being on everyday for a majority of the time in towns, it doesn't happen as frequent as people are making it out to be (or even then it's not something that would be hard in deciding whether or not they're breaking a rule, there's usually only 180-230 people on during the servers during primetime so if we're to take into account people who are flagrant rule breakers and those who commit an offense compared to citizens in good standing, it's not like that our mods would be overwhelmed with the amount of reports that go in (esp. if the reports are about the same offense, wouldn't take long to make a ruling, wouldn't have to even read the cases after a certain point)

    A good system would be the one we already have implemented though, I've used it plenty and while it's not a direct action it has caused the 2 people to get banned.

    My thing is, we have to make a better judgement call and simply not report everything we see; while it does happen everyday a one-time thing shouldn't be something to quickly report for. Thus there's no reason to make it automated, and at least not super harsh.

    If anything it should be:
    First offense: warning
    Second offense: chat priveleges revoked for a few hours
    Third offense: banned (suspended) for 1 day
    Forth offense: 7 or 10-day banning (being on the verge of losing a residence and everything in it is definitely a great punishment, which is harsh in itself...not to mention trolls and flagrant rule breakers tend not to come back after a few days, but for the ones that do, there's the 5th offense)
    Fifth offense: Permanent.

    By the 3rd offense they should have an idea of what they're doing is wrong, thus you separate the repeated rule breakers from the typical one-time offenders. And then giving the mods the ability to judge the situations and deem the right punishment for breaking the rule makes it easy enough that (1) everybody gets what they want without feeling that things are too harsh/lenient and (2) justice prevails, regardless to personal feelings.
  16. Which is true. I don't report on the first offense. Usually, I remind them not to use caps. And then, if they keep doing it, I ask them to stop or I will report them. I have had major issues on 6 in particular where people are using caps, calling me names or using abbreviated cussing. I've reported them all with no effect.
  17. This guy...
  18. For someone whose thoughts are "flying around" your post is the best voice of reason on this thread. For that matter, your comments are often a voice of reason.
  19. Inhavent read this whole thread but I thought I would still out my two cents in. I don't think the punishment needs to be harder, but I do think it needs to be more consistently enforced. There are too many people on smp2 alone that always get away with caps, especially when they are like "Soz for caps". You are not sorry, you are just trying to get away with it by putting it off as an accident, to be fair, you can do caps accidentally. I have done it myself once while hurrying and not watching what I typed, but I learnt my lesson. As for the /ignore feature, it is an option but I don't like ignoring people. Sometimes they sell things I need, sometimes they have valuable information etc. I dunno. This is just my opinion, don't made it harder, just enforce mo.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  20. Just to be clear, not sure if there was a misunderstanding or not (your post is pretty much exactly what i meant), but when I was saying not your responsibility, I was refering to taking it upon yourself to enforce the rules yourself, not using the report feature.

    It's helpful to remind people of the rules, but if you start acting like a "sherrif" as was mentioned in another thread, it's going to have mixed results - and often it will just make the situation worse, even though you're trying to make it better.

    So yeah, remind people of the rules, if they're rude about it or continue anyway, like you said, I think /report and /ignore is the best solution.