Harsher Punishments for Using 'Caps'

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Feb 25, 2012.


Harsher Punishments for Using 'Caps?'

Yes 41 vote(s) 44.6%
No 27 vote(s) 29.3%
I don't mind, it doesn't effect me. 24 vote(s) 26.1%
  1. Applying for mod isn't that simple. You need to be mature and a lot more. Which is why I'm taking time to perfect my application. But anyways, off topic.

    It gives people advertising a bigger advantage then people typing in lower case.

    So true, or maybe a ban from the forum it self also?

    Very true, and you can usually tell whether they're lying or not, depending on if they apologise more than once, and also if they say they DID know it was allowed.

    I'm losing track of all these posts.

    But IMO, I like the idea of taking rupees of people typing in caps. Mainly because when they do it, they're advertising, to earn rupees.. get my point?
    nnnnmc1, nerone94 and mtp1997 like this.
  2. The only issue with that is how much, since people get about 100 rupees a day if they aren't supporters. So say it takes like 10 per caps spam, it would take 10 of those to equal one day of logging in, and they probably make that much in an hour at their shop.

    Unless it would scale up with each offense.
  3. Yeah, that system sounds ideal. Or more taken off depending on rupees balance, supporter status or time in the empire?

    Justin/Jeremy, can we get your opinion on this?
  4. I agree that becoming a mod myself is a valid argument Nikko. However, there are many players in the Empire Minecraft community, and I am trying to make the server a better place for them. For me to become a mod would only be useful to the players who are on at the same time as I am, And I admit that I cannot be on 24/7, as much as I would like to be. XD If harsher punishments were to be introduced, maybe players would stray away from overusing caps in fear of a lengthy ban. The /report system is also a good step for cappers to be immediately reprimanded by the system is they are reported for caps multiple times. (the "immediate system reaction" feature is not available yet, but I hope it will be soon!)
  5. well, you all know that I play with my 3 yr. old and sometime she types and sometimes hits the cap button. She I have to say No because then it would be me being punished. I am really sorry when that happens...
    FractalFox and EdmundWayne like this.
  6. Which is when you can kind of tell when things are actually on accident, or they are just using the "Accident" as an excuse.
  7. Another thing I've noticed; not as many people remind 'cap users' that they've done wrong. I only see a few people enforcing the rule, such as yourself.

    I know he's not talking to me, but I also wouldn't want to become a mod and lose playing time until I've fully taken advantage of the fun on the empire.. Or the fun as a normal, law-binding supporter.

    I enjoy seeing younger players on the Empire, and I - if not everyone - can tell if it's an accident.

    We forgive :)
  8. Being a mod wouldn't be terrible. I doubt if I will ever become one, so I do my part to help the community in game how I can. Remind people of rules, answer questions and direct them to the guide when possible (If I am too busy to jsut outright show them). You don't have to be a mod to help. Our ponit is simply that, if we aren't going to be the mods and there aren't enough to crack down on this every single time it happens (since it happens a LOT) then there needs to be something more discouraging to make sure that a mod shouldnt have to be online to enforce this rule.
  9. Is it possible for this to get a sticky for a while? I won't explain why, but I think it would be good..

    /report taking action automatically :p And maybe this is where the 'rupee taking system' could come into the scene?

    All this mod talk's making me wanna apply. And not at all, being a mod would be great, it just takes a lot of play time away. :/
  10. I think in order to limit a lot of frustration over rules there should be a mandatory reading of the guide, like in the "Terms of Service" agreements. Except I never read those...
  11. To be honest, I don't think anyone does. But maybe it pops up for all new members?

    Man, if all this does happen, Justin'll be busy.
  12. Well for those saying they should disable caps I already talked to Justin about that. He mentioned that adding a feature that would disable caps will affect server performance because the plugin has to keep track of 60 players chatting constantly.
  13. How about 'embargo'
    Those who got good shop make an alliance.
    We don't want poor-manner people in our res.
    disable that person move-perm.
    "Quality over Quantity"
  14. That makes sense.. Dam :/

    Another great idea!
    thecontroller and nnnnmc1 like this.
  15. I have to agree that this conversation is probably way over what it should be. I haven't seen a time where over the top caps hasn't been dealt with in some way, so I'm not even sure where this all came from. The most obvious (and usually kicked immediately) one is a sentence like this:


    Clearly this is a dumb thing to do, because the fact that they typed out the "SORRY FOR CAPS" in the sentence shows it wasn't an accident.
  16. I think this happens more on SMP2, maybe it's just me, but it feels like SMP2 isn't exactly moderated as much, with people getting away with stuff they shouldn't.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  17. ...And the "SORRY FOR CAPS" was in caps.

    Really sincere.
    IPwnCreeps, FooHundred and nnnnmc1 like this.
  18. I agree that smp2 is less moderated.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  19. All the servers are equally moderated. The moderators are watching from Square. Just because they aren't on the server doesn't mean they aren't moderating
    GameKribJEREMY likes this.
  20. I understand this, but that's just how it feels.
    mtp1997 likes this.