Aug 12, 2013 - Voting & Survival Tweaks

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. I asked to simple questions you can even get it answered I love it.
    But good job Aikar you made a lot of people's lives a whole lot better now in the wild and wasteland.
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  2. lol no he didnt
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  3. lol yes he did ask Equablehook624, gabrilrocks, or ninjakiwi how hard he was and how fast he killed us. >:/ even alikar said that there was a bug where he was doing to much damage

    If there was a dislike button for post, then you, bitemenow15 would have earned one
  4. Lol, so my pet Momentus trapped in a pit with some lotion in a basket would have been über godlike after being in a loaded chunk for a few hours/days. :p

    Chunk loaded time affecting power would be great for a dystopia type server though.
    I have heard about this, but what exactly did he do? :p
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  5. Protection 4 armour…
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  6. considering that prior to this current update i had a 5 momentus enraged grinder which i could get pulled into the middle of naked and survive im calling bs and boo on you. one hit cannot kill you in prot 4 based on its coding where the armor leaves you with atleast half a heart. no doubt the enraged sitting in momentuses butt also hit you thus it was not one hit. learn your maths son
    Twitch1, Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  7. This was the case. The longer a chunk was loaded the stronger NEWLY SPAWNED mobs became.
    Twitch1, Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  8. Right, the modifier is applied on monster spawn - so we actually will likely still have a few leftovers who have the boosted damage.
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  9. He said boots only. Next time, try more armor.
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  10. oh i know they are strong or were atleast, but my prot 4 armor got me through the flurry of giant hits which would almost kill me, its the enraged that really get ya the little butthuggers. so one hit no, two definately. unfortunately now the update despawned my momenti :( so i cant test how strong they are now. THANKS FOR BREAKING MY FARM AIKAR! lol
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  11. yea... I blame someone for this... CORDIAL_PIE!!! YOU SAID I COULD TAKE IT ON (I asked her what the red text meant and ask here if she though I could kill it (she was someone I trusted that was online at the time) and was she very very wrong) >:/ I lost 2 sets of armor, my main (not the protect 4) and QUICKALERT's (who owned the protect 4) thankfully he did not care
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  12. yeah trick is if you get sucked in, move immediately. those enraged attack fast so if they are in range they get like 3 hits on you
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  13. For the Zombie Virus update, does it affect the already obtained zombie virus?
    Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  14. Yes, I was sure to implement new items in a way we can change behavior after obtaining them =P

    Funny thing is I tried to nerf them before but didnt do it good enough..
  15. Ah so THAT'S what happened today! For a moment I thought my 60+ horses on my ranch somehow went wild again then I just thought my game had gone weird. Nice to not have HORSE permanently hovering over all their heads I was getting tempted to name them all! :)
    Twitch1, Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  16. Oh yeah! Those are really good updates.
    I wanted to highlight these three updates in specific, because there are updates I've been waiting for.

    You did a very good job Aikar. Well done.
  17. from what i understand is some on the redstone i used in my free auto farms that i make for the people was some how corrupted and crashing the server some how ... so i does not know
  18. Look at it this way. You are forever implanted into EMC's permanent history. Aikar named a bug after you. :p
  19. Shweetness
    Jcplugs, Twitch1, AmusedStew and 5 others like this.