The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Lol, who is soulpunisher anyways? This guy came outta nowhere with his rude comments and pointing fingers at people. You arent even in the new republic therefore your opinion means little to nothing. Go back to town and pick an arguement with someone else. :)
  2. Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.....

    Did i say that? no...
  3. I hardly ever go to town, lol.
    I'm the second highest posting member, one of the most well-known members on the forums, an ex-NR member (I still check in every once in awhile), and also, bowties.
    Bowties are cool.
    Like, really really cool.
    So are scarves.
    mba2012, penfoldex, smile3 and 3 others like this.
  4. Arbitration Committee case has begun, a resolution is in the works. :)
    Also, I will be publishing a comprehensive dispute handbook soon. :)
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  5. and potatoes. They're like, the coolest. ^.^
  6. I feel my comments should have invoked a more mature response. Perhaps one on one discussions via PM? I think that's what we need. I am no saint, admittedly. But it would be nice to oversee the growth of my city in a way I see fit, of course this doesn't mean I must have 100% total control, co-operation is necessary for success in any civilisation. However please understand that in my settlements early days I must firmly keep my hands on and steer the ship in the right course. Remember that Wrem was a swamp 6 weeks ago.
    I have great faith in 72Volt's newly assembled Arbitration Committee will bring an end to this silly bickering. I will set-up a chat with mba to talk over differences should they not be resolved soon.
  7. It would be nice if SoulPunisher, napoleon3665, dean_catterson, Jake_bagby, NetherSpecter, 72Volt, and a few others could resolve this via a private message on the site. I'd hate to see this thread get ruined and shut down because of this.
  8. so im just gonna leave the NR im really tired of this fighting. i might come back in the future if they get past all these problems.
  9. Exactly what I said some 40 pages earlier...
    I agree. Or, as JackBiggin told us yesterday, "Or how about we just don't argue at all? :)"
  10. Nap, I find it ironic that your calling Soul rude, while saying rude things to him. You are possibly the most power hungry and hypocritical members of the NR. Shut up before you make anything worse.
    mba2012, L0tad and Jake_bagby like this.
  11. I think Jack would be very disappointed to see the dispute remains. He seems a cool guy and I personally don't want to be wasting any more of the moderators time.
  12. Mhm. I agree. I was going to make a PM but then my alerts were flooded with messages @.@

    Also, i'm going to ask IcC and maybe some others to keep a close eye on this thread to prevent further arguing.
    L0tad and PenguinDJ like this.
  13. guys, i have now set up ... Monarch Industries. We buy, sell, build and renovate Properties.
    CommonSense_64 and brickstrike like this.
  14. I'd hate that. The world is great only because people disagree and make something better, which is what every community, from millions of people to a clan on a video game, needs to do. They all just get over it. But it is the bitterness that this has gotten to the point where it's just plain out rude to people.

    I wonder what would happen if this thread was shut down until 72Volt's committee solves this, then reopened for discussion.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  15. What do you mean by "renovate" properties?
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  16. I think Jack means we shouldn't argue like the way we have been the past few days. Screaming, flaming, and hurling insults at each other. I agree, we should have civilized arguments with constructive criticism, and discuss it in an orderly fashion. If we all agreed on everything, the world would be a very boring place. :)
    mba2012, PenguinDJ and NetherSpecter like this.
  17. Really Legit? Is that how you feel about me? Yupp im power hungry, i resigned from secretary of state. hyopcritical? pfffffffft. stop, please stop, im rolling on the floor right now. You're funny kid.
  18. If the thread was shut down... That would likely stop valuable developing for a while.. :O
  19. THANK YOU! Exactly what I have been saying in the 30 or some odd posts on this subject.
  20. Thank you for proving my point of rudeness.

    You are power hungry. The only reason you resigned is because Volt didn't agree with you, which, like other things, got you mad, because you didn't get your way.

    As for hypocritical you are being so, right now, by being rude.
    mba2012 likes this.
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