The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Done.
    You just proved his point of you being rude perfectly. You're embarrassing yourself.
  2. The H11 Tower is now open and is the highest Building in Wrem (unless the flag on the militia building is taller) if not the NR!
    pat2011 likes this.
  3. Thanks for being a flame war contributor.

    Thanks for being another flame was contributor.

    Im going to be the bigger person and stop here. Thats the mature thing to do.
  4. Yes, that is the mature thing to do. Thanks.

    I'd also just like to point out that you were also a flame war contributor.
    L0tad likes this.
  5. Well that's a first.

    Volt, I think you need to deal with the government more, and who does and doesn't have power.
  6. I am leaving temporarily, I have nearly finished taking down my home lot and I am keeping the brewery for now, I'll come back when the arguing stops (if it stops, and if the NR is still even open) actually although I enjoyed my time at the NR I realised how much time it's taking from time that I should be revising, I still have a 3 exams left, so I'll get those done first without even thinking of coming back.
  7. We have admins/mods watching this thread much more closely now, and the subject of argument is currently being talked privately with 72Volt.. I think this is close to an end. :D
    PenguinDJ and Dean_Catterson like this.
  8. I would love to join this "Rebublic", please sign me up! :D
    And also i have an idea. We can ask 1 person from each smp (trusted and been on emc for a while) and let them be almost as a "mayor" or something like that. They would be kinda like representing, i guess you could say, that specific smp. Idk lol that just came to my mind,
    Thanks :D
  9. no nap, legit is right.
    mba2012 and L0tad like this.
  10. smp ambassadors? What would they do though?
  11. I believe dean put in a 68 block limit, you might want to check if its ok :)
    I'm not sure how high your tower is, so I might be out of my mind and this post is worthless :p
    Disregard this.
    I might like to make a town, if I do, it will be called pine town.
  12. Why not? just as like little representatives of other smp's
  13. Its all good :) I was present to approve the build
    jacob5089 likes this.
  14. I think we were considering of having governers of each smp.
  15. Yea thats what i was kinda talking about except that theres 1 from each smp
  16. Okay after reading an immense amount of what to me is a flame war I need to address each person.

    Dean, I think you need to ease up on rules a little bit. Mba is not only gave you permission to hand out plots, he also is there to help cities grow. I also think that, maybe at times you can only see things one way and not really consider other people's opinions. I hope that this won't cause any more arguments but, it needs to happen. I know you are only trying to make sure that Wrem is the standard you want it to be but, changes are certain.

    Mba, it is sad to see you go. I know at times everyone is insulting others to get their point across but, don't fret about it. Talk things over with dean and others to resolve this because I hate to see a friend hurt. If you feel you need a break from the NR, then that is what is best for you. I hope you can use this info to help stop the disagreements between you and dean.

    Nap, look I understand you want to prove you point but, it can be done with a lot less bickering and insults. I don't want other members to leave because this happens and I don't want the NR to end because of all this fighting. It is time to look forward and not stay in the past.

    Soul, I think you mean well by telling us what we are doing wrong but, issues will be resolved. I hope you won't get anymore hate for what you said because, I honestly thought it to be true. The NR has been growing in size, land and people wise, and it is getting difficult for decisions to be made. Maybe we can find a solution like having a group of representatives for all the players. Maybe this can be used for not only city wise but, for complaints as well. :D

    MVP, I hope at one point it will be better for you to rejoin. I hate that you are leaving and hope that others see this as well. Maybe you can say what is on your mind to help us fix the problem?

    Legit, Okay time to let things go. You yourself are getting a little more aggressive and it is scaring me. Sure, everyone is agitated but, there comes a point where enough is enough. If you want complain about someone or something talk to supereskimo or someone in a government position. Or better yet talk to Volt. Volt and l0tad are two of the greatest people I have every met on EMC and I know they can fix just about anything. :)

    Choong, you seem to think just like I do. Me likeys :)

    And for everyone reading, don't choose sides for things like this. It only furthers the arguments and disagreements. Thank you for reading.
  17. Kinda glad I didnt get noticed seeing as how I've done nothing but try to cease arguing.
  18. Well every time I post that I would like to help with the big builds it gets lost in the flame wars and walls of text. I should just stay in my lil' hole in the ground. If any of the "great" builders need stone, drop me a pm or see me in game....don't bother sending it through this post.
  19. Not how i vision this outpost...sad rilly. All this arguing, just let it go an move on.
  20. Made my day
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