The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. What.
  2. Flamewars? Lol, no...what starts flamewars is people posting screenshots of conversations that they have nothing to do with. (*ahem jake*)

    Both dean and mba have some things that they need to hash out. Volt, you need to draw the line for both of them and let each one know what they can and cannot do. This will eliminate confusion.
    brickstrike and 72Volt like this.
  3. What starts flamewars is you gossiping in the first place.
    Take a look around the outpost. Maybe then you'll know what I mean?
    mba2012, L0tad and brickstrike like this.
  4. Soul maybe stay out of this.
    brickstrike and 72Volt like this.
  5. In a way this holds true, MBA and Dean have been arguing and battering each other since I can remember, there needs to be order and peace if this wild city would work out. Volt, I know you do not like doing this but someone does need to tell them they're place in the NR, and someone needs to be the referee.
  6. to add on to what i said it is not collapsing on itself.
    72Volt likes this.
  7. How does any of this concern you again?
    MVPworldseries likes this.
  8. No, mba my good friend, deserves to know what people said about him, I originally sent it him via skype but it was up to his discretion to post it here.
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. MBA. you know what, im gonna leave aswell this forum is just a place where people argue constantly! im sick of it!
  10. napoleon, from what I see, a flamewar begins from disagreements. An argument begins from hatred of ones actions. And I can tell, that a lighter is about to fire an argument. (And no, i'm not about to fire it. :p )

    Likewise, soulpunisher has some very excellent points. There are some members I can point out myself that are very insenstive. I may be insensitive, only the community can tell. However, some members are simply too immature that it's dangerous to give them too much power. I'm not going to say who I believe it is, of course. But didn't we talk about a maturity test for becoming a civilian of the New Republic?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  11. I've never really 'left' the NR, I read the thread to see what's going on, but have only recently started to reply. I was thinking of joining but then people started gossiping about my friends, and I believe I should have a say about what is said about my friends.

    Also, i'll be a bit less aggressive now. I think that we can all sort this out.

    And Dean, mba told me that this is your 'last straw'. I dunno what that's supposed to mean, but it sounds bad.
  12. I think clearer definitions as to our roles would be a great help
  13. While Soul has good points and we are just arguing, he does not need to come out and flat out say "Your members are disgusting" he does not know what is going on exactly he isn't there everyday reading the chat like I am or Napoleon or Dean or even MBA. no matter how good his points may be it does not need to be like that.
    napoleon3665 likes this.

  14. Gossiping and voicing your opinion are 2 different things.

    I agree.

    Excellent Question.

    Good Job Jake, Flame War 3 shall be dedicated in your name.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  15. Arbitration Committee case will begin shortly.
  16. Yeah, and you weren't doing the latter.
  17. I don't know what you mean by that napoleon. Does that mean that very harsh words WERE said about mba? :/
  18. Actually, in yours and Dean_Catterson's.
    L0tad likes this.
  19. Actually in a way he and Dean were they both opinionated that MBA has been doing way too many things without consulting other major players in the town of Wrem.
  20. Awesome! :D Not my fault players 'slag off' people behind their backs. This is also just about the 'last straw' for me as well
    mba2012 likes this.
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