The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Now was a bad time to bring 10 blocks of diamond from town, eh? :p No, i'm not really bothered to be honest, although neore was unique and good for the NR economy, I was struggling to get my head round it.
  2. What was so difficult? As a player, all you really needed to know was that it's a currency which you can exchange for diamonds with a Treasury dispenser. :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  3. Can I just make sure this is clear: MBA has no jurisdiction over Wremian build regulations. He is infrastructure minister, not mayor.
  4. You know what. I'm officially gone. The New Republic is the most corrupt place on EMC. If the power hungry people can't understand that there is a higher power, I'm out. This was not a very pleasant journey.
  5. does that mean I can build my H11 tower the same height as the P11?
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  6. No disrespect mba. I believe your job is to oversee the creation of the NR's infrastructure, not build regulations. This job was clearly designated to the local government (AKA Local planning department, mayors etc). I personally believe you have done a great job and have put in great effort in improving our nations infrastructure. Perhaps you acted in good nature, in fact i'm sure there was no malice intended whatsoever in your actions, you see a number of players claim to have had their builds authorised by your good self despite being in breach of clearly marked regulations. I admire your professionalism and dedication but sometimes I feel like you don't like me very much :(
  7. I'm certainly leaving after this. Read deans chat.

    Just to explain what happened here. Pat was sad that the Milita tower was still taller because of the flag. So because I am the Infrastructure Minister and I have control over all the areas in the New Republic I said he could build two new floors. Pat did exactly so. But dean can't accept that there is someone in a higher position managing infrastructure.
    L0tad and brickstrike like this.
  8. If you want to leave I will not stop not because I don't like you, ( I have no hate towards you whatsoever) it just seems that you've been passing out plots, that other people have already paid for. That's it, while Dean's comment sounded harsh I'm sure it meant no offense. You have been very helpful, and we appreciate all that you have done for us, just some decisions are not right and Dean pointed that out and everyone completely ignored him.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  9. Mba is leaving again? Awww

    He will be back, just like last time.

    Troll Attempt 2/10
    L0tad likes this.
  10. I sorta believe mba does have that power... But anyway, don't leave mba! I won't have a faithful gold to talk in the potato language with! :(
    SebaB2001 likes this.
  11. No need to be rude, that's the kind of talk which ignites flamewars.

    I recommend you file a complaint with the Arbitration Committee, and me, Supereskimo and whoever else I get on board can sort your problem out. You're certainly an asset to the NR and I'd hate to see you leave. :)
  12. You both should discuss this, there has been a lot of disagreements in the NR and they need to be addressed in a civilized manner not by battering other people. This is a clear example, while MBA is infrastructure manager, you should have talked to Dean with it. I don't think adding 2 floors to one building could've hurt but you made a decision without consulting other people, and that makes Dean the founder of Wrem feel like everything he's done made no impact on the social environment of Wrem. Yesterday it got so bad that Dean was kicked because he was messing around with L0tad and brick got him kicked for it. So, I think all this talk about building new cities needs to cease until we get to a more important matter at hand, the people.
  13. I would love for us all to get together and talk over our differences.
    72Volt likes this.
  14. Your members are bloody disgusting.
    L0tad likes this.
  15. So, I have a very interesting question.
    Mba says that pat was saddened due to the fact that the militia building's flag was a bit higher than his building.
    MBA allowed pat to build two more floors.

    In the chat proof, Dean says something about "Not your fault pat, I like your build."
    So, my question is.... Just read what I said over, and understand my confusion.
  16. That was highly unnecessary, we are trying to fix it and your rude comments are not helping.
  17. I believe the fact that MBA just gave permission without talking about it, while it was not a huge problem it was not the first time it has happened.
    brickstrike and Dean_Catterson like this.
  18. The reason why I don't like this outpost is because none of you, except Volt and maybe L0tad, the founders of this place, can handle the 'sovereign state in its own right' feature of this outpost. The whole place is collapsing in on itself and some members are letting power get to their heads and are gossiping about other players behind their backs.
    Well, i've been watching. And this outpost has been pulling people apart rather than together.
    btribble, mba2012, L0tad and 2 others like this.
  19. I believe I've been very unbiased in this situation and others of the same type.
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