The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Altho oakville is abit closer to pazzo then i would prefer i am willing to be in agreement with this newer map plan. This plan is more respectful in the aspect of space to grow and build for all parties involved. I would like to say thank you to all those involved in this recent discussion as it has strengthen my faith in the willingness of others to be respectful and courteous towards their fellow players.

    As i have stated before i like the idea of having neighboring wild towns and this current map plan idea is more suited to allow all wild cities freedom to build and grow into what could be a very nice interacting society.
  2. We need NR elections. When will these be?
  3. 24th-31st June :)
  4. Ok, we have too many "city". I think we should focus in the ones we already have ten start new ones. Like previous sated, is we have 30 "city", and only 90 members, each "city" will only have 3 members. I also think that bridges everywhere is ugly, but, things will change when i am elected to the head of panning.

    Darthin, your modern city, i can work it into a distract in Inzoino. That would be easier than starting all new, and MBA, you theme park, if i move the military bane up a bit, i have an open water front spot for it, as well as a spot for the resort you wanted to build. I also think it is time to start thinking about a city on an another server, maby 7, near the LLO.

    Sevres of you can combing you ideas your idea, and build out first trans server outpost.

    Another note, the way i have wrem and Inzono set up is eventually they will merge, i suppose we can include other towns in it too.

    i also feel like i need to define what a "city" is, we only have 2 true cites, ans many smaller towns. Although these towns can grow to become citys, i think we should label them as towns for now. I also think out citys, towns, and villages are too close together. Am i the only one getting claustrophobic?

    Gland to know Pazzo is in ok with our expansion, and i look forward to a prosperous future for both of us :)
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  5. WE DID IT
  6. I intended to expand away from Pazzo, but other people felt it was a good idea, and right now, i have no control over that. MY intention was a have mega city states, 1000's of kilometers apart. We are growing to close to the Pazzo, and i would like to ask all expansion to stopped until we can work out a better agreement. We at the NR wish to respect other outpost, but unfortunately, some member have no direction of space, or central planning for that matter.

    Thing will get better, and our bolder need to be set in stone to prevent the same downfall as the roman empire. We ask all member want to build a new city, please hold your plans fro the time being. We need to restructure a few things.
  7. My "city" Stoneguard which is in fact a city because we already have laws, businesses, and places to live, is a good 2000 blocks south of the NR, I know you weren't naming specific towns, villages, and cities.

    To save me from double posting, I think Smaller towns such as Potatoville and Oakville should not have a railway system before bigger planned towns: Oceania, Hyboria, Wrem, and Stoneguard. Just saying not looking for a fight.
  8. wasn't pointing to a specific town, your is a city too.
    so 3 then

    OFishal map of NR.jpg

    New map
  9. Sorry for all the posts, but, what is your guys opinion on an arctic city?
  10. I approve. :D
  11. smp7?
  12. An issue has popped up. Its about the harbour in Wrem.
    I gave L0tad the land surrounding his famous shack for him to build a nice little harbour.
    From my understanding, Napoleon purchased 3 lots on it (1000r). L0tad then wanted them back

    *I don't quite understand this bit in between*

    So then mba gave the land to brickstrike, who then built the harbour over a much larger area than I had designated to L0tad, leaving some players, such as Bunker, with their plots having turned into a harbour overnight.
    Nap had been promised his 3 plots but to this day doesn't have them.

    My questions are:
    1: Why did L0tad lose the rights to the harbour?
    2: Why did mba feel he had the power to remove it from him?
    3: Why did brick build over Bunkers lot? (brick claims bunker gave him permission but the issue is still unclear)
    4: Why did the harbour occupy half of the Commercial district?
    5: Why has napoleon not been given his plots or a refund?
    6: Why wasn't I notified about events, as the person overseeing allocation of land in the city?

    Can I get some answers here? Perhaps resolve the issues
    ants4235 and napoleon3665 like this.
  13. So.... I was herpin' and derpin' around in Wrem (again...)
    brickstrike likes this.
  14. Someone has been busy reading signs...

    And I haven't been active for a while. What has been happening?
  15. Okay, the application form is now complete for anyone who wishes to join the Arbitration Committee! Many thanks to ICC for his Moderator Application which was largely copied for the form ^_^

    Application is here. :)
    NetherSpecter and ants4235 like this.
  16. Announcement!
    As the First Minister of the New Republic, I would like to announce the abolition of the New Republic's currency, the Neore.
    The Neore was started as a project with a simple aim; to create a currency for the people, by the people.
    However, this ideological aspect of the project has been overshadowed by large logistical difficulties in creating a currency, and it is simply more convenient and practical to make use of rupees.
    As a result, the New Republic will return to a monetary union with the rest of Empire Minecraft.
    You may exchange your Neore bills for diamonds with Adder, for the same value as before, 100n equals 1 diamond, or keep them as rare collectibles. However, from this point forward, we are discontinuing exchanges where diamonds are exchanged for Neore at the Treasury.

    The Neore will be reintroduced in the future. It will become a necessity for the New Republic's growth, to enable transactions between different games with different currencies which the NR may expand to in the future, as a plugin on XenForo software on a future NR site so you can tip helpful posters with Neore alongside likes, and it will become a major force in the growth of the NR as there are bound to be people who will exchange Neore for IRL money.

    Until that date, Adderwolf's responsibilities will be reduced to managing the long-term diamond and physical asset investment reserves of the NR. :)
  17. I can supply all stone needed for the Highways.
    KoenJanssen and kritacul like this.
  18. Im so glad this happened. I got tired of keeping up with all my books.
    kritacul likes this.
  19. Application sent...
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