The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Could you possibly split it, to avoid arguments or disagreements?
  2. Nerorepublic Empire Labeled.jpg
    Updated Maps :) I know Pazzo is separate, I forgot to note that on the first map.

    Nerorepublic Empire Labeled 2.jpg
    Are these boundaries right? And what is the best way to connect Oceania, Stoneguard, Potatoville, and Hyboria to our existing highway networks?
    ants4235 and KoenJanssen like this.
  3. Really good map! I think making one city, one that is in the center of all of them, would be the best bet. But, if one is closer to a certain city like hyboria is closer to Oakville then it is to Wrem, it should be a) a road that splits off or b) goes through that city.
    Also the boundries on this map are off but, thank you for making the map nonetheless. :)
    KoenJanssen and CommonSense_64 like this.
  4. So, potatoville will be selling plots with houses already made on them. I don't exactly wish for any building conflicts, so if anybody wishes to live in potatoville, they must buy a plot with a house on them. You will likely be able to edit the plot in the future, but anyways, I've been working on making cool houses in creative... Being able to make houses in snow biomes is very fun, and you can let your imagination wild.. So, my first house design is a proto-type igloo!

    "In this day and age of minecraftia, the brave explorers who explore the cold freezing desolate ice biomes, are not too rare. Though it is very dangerous with the blistering cold, and the mobs spawning at night, explorers get by. How? Well, explorers have been able to modify the igloos their ancestors used to make. Using snow and logs, can produce a not so warm, but very cozy home!"

    (Ignore the first spoiler of every spoiler group. Just click the second one. Sorry for the inconvenience. D: )

    This room is to be used as the main entrance, and is recommended to decorate.

    This is another room, obviously. You can use this room for crafting and cooking and brewing, or as a cozy bedroom!

    If you used the last room for a bedroom, use this one as a craft, cook, and brew room! Or, do whatever else you people do. :)

    Every house will have a frame with potato sold with it. Owners may remove or keep it at their discretion, however, showing your potato colors is recommended. ^.^

    Anyways, I shall update when more progress is made! Cheers!
    supereskimo and brickstrike like this.
  5. Oceania is getting a bridge across to Wrem to connect it to the highway network. My thoughts are that this road can continue to a junction with the current highway, the continue south for Hyboria. To get to Stoneguard a highway would be built branching off the current one and it would go through my city/town/whatever to potatoville, then down to StoneGuard.
    brickstrike likes this.
  6. Potatoes.
    KoenJanssen and Choongjae like this.
  7. What kind of prices were you thinking of for these plots/igloos?
    KoenJanssen likes this.
  8. If I were to caculate the prices... Snow is basically free, because I can make a snow generator, spruce wood I can farm, and the potato.. Well, potatoes are worth quite a bit. :(

    I'd say just 50n/25r is a good price. This is one of the most cheap homes I could think of, so I'm still going to make log cabins.. Cabins, and other hopefully nice looking homes. :)
    KoenJanssen and CommonSense_64 like this.
  9. Nerorepublic Empire Labeled Future Route.jpg
    So something like this mba? I tried to draw straight routes, and stay mostly above land if that even matters. We could make a mostly straight route from Wrem to Stoneguard easy it seems.
  10. Common I love your maps, I think a city in the middle of it would be awesome perhaps you could converse with Volt and perhaps make a large city called Capital Republic? Maybe? Just spitballin here.
  11. Thats basically exactly what I had in mind... amazing! :D Those routes would also allow the construction of at least two wonderful bridges! :D

    A few small changes and that could be the official plan for highways! :D
  12. I could construct them if you want, before you decline or accept check out the bridge at my city. :D
  13. Guess who was just awarded a new trophy? Me! And guess what it was:
    Awarded: A moment ago

    I LOVE IT!

    This calls for:
    Warning Some language :)
  14. Can you show me a picture?
  15. Common your maps are awesome!
    To add, I think we should build a full Station at each junction point in the highway, I've circled them in red.
    This could be done like the one we have in Wrem, so people and get around easier
    Nerorepublic Empire Labeled Future Routev2.jpg

    Each Station could include a map, a food supply, directions and shelter. There would be different tracks users could get on to go to different places.
  16. I'd also like to announce I'm starting a deliver service for the NR! If you need anything from town, I will get it for you quickly, and you can continue on your project! You must cover the cost of the materials, and a 200n (100r) fee for the delivery. An additional fee of 100n (50r) to deliver to Oceania, OakVille and Inizio. Also as of right now those are the only 3 places I'm delivering to, and Wrem.
    All you need to do is send me a message in-game or PM me!
  17. 2013-06-09_15.51.59.png

    NOTE: The bottom isn't done but it's the same as the rest.
    ants4235 and brickstrike like this.
  18. But... but... Stoneguard?
  19. very far my friend :/ I can still bring out supplies though, cuz imma help u!
  20. You have it switched up, :p. 50n actually equals 25r.

    Anyways, the cozy cottage will definitely be made as homes in potatoville. Those are just too cozy to pass up! :D ( )
    brickstrike likes this.
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