The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. personally my feelings on this matter is simple, if you want to set up a map like that then you should consider an entirely new city with a minimum of 5,000-10,000 blocks away from any already built town no matter if its active or not. then you would have the complete freedom to form/border/build in any way you wanted! Take the example of the LLO! they made sure never to grow/build close to any possible wild outposts! And the LLO still has lots of room to expand if they wanted to.
    L0tad, brickstrike and mba2012 like this.
  2. So basically the message is, don't grow any further west to avoid conflict with pazzo and expand north, east and south.
    brickstrike, 72Volt, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  3. exactly
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. to be quite honest y the heck would you start a city so close to another in the 1st place? apparently not even taking in the consideration of space for both cities to expand. in my opinion thats just out right disrespectful, not only to the town you decided to build next to, but also to your fellow town members who i'm sure wanted to move out to the wild to have the freedom of space to build large and expand out. as 1 friend called it, looks like North Korea trying to surround pazzo lol.
    actanonverba1994 and mba2012 like this.
  5. It was L0tad who set up the first city, Inizio.
    As the First Minister, I would like to apologise that we have offended you.
  6. I think NR actually IS North Korea...
    L0tad and napoleon3665 like this.
  7. No, we're more like the British empire 300 years ago. We don't secretly develop nukes (as far as you know...)
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  8. Announcement!

    It has emerged recently that remnants and divisions relating from the Great Flamewar still remain, and disputes are still arising. We have had a resignation from our Secretary of State, and it now appears I must instate leadership and control once again.

    I hereby decree that an impartial Committee will be set up. The Arbitration Committee will have power delegated by the First Minister to create rulings and to resolve disputes in the spirit of the New Republic and its Constitution with the force of a rule of law. Once the Grand Courts of Civil and Criminal Justice have been established in full, the Committee will be dissolved.

    I, the First Minister, will be the Chairman. My deputy, Supereskimo, will be my deputy. I am appealing for anyone else with a passion for solving problems who wishes to see the New Republic advance to come aboard the Arbitration Committee and sort the almighty mess I face out. :)

    To file a complaint with the Arbitration Committee, please use the form. I refuse to be compared to that sleazebag who shall not be named, or have the NR compared to his 'Delta Team' :)
    wisepsn, brickstrike and mba2012 like this.
  9. I'll join the Arbitration Committee.
  10. I am going to have to make the application process very rigorous, and wherever you have a conflicting interest, you will be required to be absent from the Committee when it is deliberating a decision.
    supereskimo and mba2012 like this.
  11. i really wanna join ..... i love politicts !! (COUGH, COUGH) 72Volt lol
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Well whoever volt chooses cannot be biased because, I feel that has been happening lately.
  13. I agree. It has happened too much.
  14. It can't be impartial if people involved in disputes are in the commitee.
    72Volt likes this.
  15. Citystate leadership will be disallowed from being in the committee. Otherwise, where there is a conflict of interest, members will be asked to abstain from the committee case. :)
  16. I honestly think people may be overacting a little bit.
  17. What do you mean
  18. Okay so I have reached lake Hyboria. I noticed some thins done to the land scape that I know has been player touched. If you have built in the Hyboria State, can you please speak up now or forever hold the peace? I know oidking has a base in a desert pyramid in the state but, I don't know about any buildings or small homes in the area other than that. Thank you.
    wisepsn, jacob5089 and brickstrike like this.
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