The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Yay! I love dem' sewers :)
    rock00888 likes this.
  2. Just a side note there have been no domestic problems in OakVille only with other cities/groups.
    brickstrike likes this.
  3. ME TOO!!!! Except that I have died once already building it. Stupid gravity means I have to build it at bedrock. There was a lava pool under the Wern town hall.
  4. Hey, wanna merge our ideas and make a city there? We can still call it hybrid city but it is modern looking. And then hyboria lake can just be that.
  5. Speaking on behalf of the majority of NR citizens: Please militia, don't leave. Look how far our collaboration has already come in just a few weeks. Just think... if we keep up this progress where will we be in 3months time? 6 months? This time next year? The NR will be a dominating force on EMC; I guarentee this. We will prosper together, the militia have been outstanding contributors to our nation and to be honest, I feel they are under appreciated.
    I have spoken to a few individuals in relation to unfair criticism so hopefully we will actually have contructive feedback coming in soon.
    As for the underground city members: pls stahp. You have made an illegal build and knowingly did so. Tear it down asap. Don't like Wrem? Cool. Don't live there then. I would personnally encourage you to make a city suited to your ideals instead of ruining it for the other happy players.

    No disrespect people, its all kinda silly.
  6. I think the objection to the militia is more of an objection to their procedures. I respect the militia and most of their operations, however I don't like the numerous invasions of privacy or their assumption of power to fine people.
  7. A reduction in Militia participation? Not in my New Republic! <3
  8. To all NR citizens,
    I agree that the number of cities may be getting too large. I'm not blaming anyone for creating them, but I do urge would-be city creators to think twice, especially on smp9. Don't get me wrong; we want diversity between cities, and we'll support any new cities. It's just that the existing cities and government are struggling to keep up.
    Before starting a new city, try seeing if any of the existing cities sound good to you. 72Volt just listed 10 of them; surely one of them has rules you can agree with. If you still want to start a new city, consider putting it on a server other than smp9. We can only support so many cities per server - the 60 person limit could be a problem before long. Also consider any roads or railways that need to be built. For example, mba2012 just spent a lot of time extending the highway to Oakville. If you can build the road to your city yourself, it would be a big help to the government (just be sure to ask before building anything).
    I'm not saying that starting a new city is bad. Just consider whether or not there's a better alternative. Consider helping out one of the other cities, or even starting a wild base not connected with the NR.
    In turn, the government will do its best to improve its laws and infrastructure, and to implement a website and Grand Democratic Assembly. I feel that once these two things are in place, more people will be willing to stick with Wrem and Inizio.
  9. Building 4 building's and calling it a city is classic. Do the Pazzo empire a favor expand away from us that would be great.
    L0tad and smile3 like this.
  10. If you could draw a line around the area you'd like us to keep away from, we'd happily comply within reason. :)

    You're making a great Deputy :D
    supereskimo likes this.
  11. with all due respect Volt i shouldn't need too. You started your 1st city 1000 blocks away, almost exactly that is fine but expanding that close to another city "active or not" is wrong and providing unwanted attention and or association. Build on the land you guys have dont take more then you currently need and respect other builds.

    i would hate in a years time to see half finished roads and or builds over a entire area like that the wild is next to infinite there is no need to surround pazzo like that

    And if you really wanted a invisble line your city of Werm was pushing it as is to be honest
  12. Hmm.... Maybe, I wanted hyboria city to not only be modern, but rustic. What I mean by this is to have different districts of the city. Maybe you can help me with the skyscraper and hotel district to make that uber modern with surrounding areas be different styles. I will elaborate more on this later, if you think the different styles is a good idea. :)
  13. Yeah, we sort of realised that as we were building it. If you want I can help expand your pool to allow more rom for diving boards, plus some ones off the highway if you want.

    Also, guys, as Deathtomb just said, please try and stay away from pazzo. If you can expand south, not west. We want to leave pazzo out of any big things that happen. People in pazzo are already in chat range of Wrem.

    Also, about there being too many cities. From now on if you want to start a city, you must contact me and detail some basic information about the city and supply a map showing the location. Also, my city is not going to be much of a city, more of a place to stay while you enjoy the theme park. My city is more of a gateway.
  14. Guess I have step in before arguing over boundaries for Pazzo and NR thought you two Wild Communities understood each other status in that the convo week ago.
    Since Pazzo has been there months before NR encroaching on them here is a solution expand West or South of Werm for now. There is plenty of wild out there and expanding eastward is trying ask for trouble for both parties . so please let the arguing stop between NR and Zolora Empire before someone embarrass themselves.
    Here rough Paint drawing for NR to Expand on...
    PenguinDJ, L0tad, brickstrike and 5 others like this.
  15. Ok, hopefully my city will be a gateway to the south. With a large bridge across the bay it will allow people to easily travel to the south to expand.
  16. You asked for it so here this is what i would be happy with

    Pazzo Buffer Zone - This is the area i would like to see untouched if you crowd to much in area it can become unsightly

    Suggested Exspansion Directions - Respect your neighbour and expand in a direction that wont infringe on them in any way shape or form

    Edit:Seem's Dwight beat me to it
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  17. Its Wrem guys :( not Wern
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  18. Good God so many colors.
    Could u just have a map with ONE line?
  19. Dwight called it Werm, not wern :p


    :( :( :( :(
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