The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Well, I took on a massive project tonight and took a bit longer because I was helping out with so many things and so many people. But I managed to get at least one rail up. Inizio-Wrem-Oakville & back.
    It's just one rail now, but hopefully I can scratch up some more material in the next day or two and get the other side finished. Btw, just to let you all know, I used AT LEAST 10-15 Stacks of regular rail and that was a pain with the mobs, lol. *Licking wounds*
    But I enjoyed it and I know a lot of people will as well.
  2. Awesome job ants! It's going to be really useful! :D I'll see if I can get some rail for you.
    brickstrike and ants4235 like this.
  3. I'm going out of town in about a week. I also have some family stuff and the "anniversary" with the girlfriend all in a 2 week span. I'll try to get on, but that's so I don't lose my res. So I maybe off for a month give or take. But I'll tell you other than all the bickering, back and forth, I've enjoyed the last few weeks. We as a group have gotten so much done and there is a lot more to come, again I won't be here for it. I hope you all do well and all that.

    I ask of one thing and I know some of NR doesn't like me(too old school/law driven) and "some" don't like my friends in Militia. I give these guys so much respect, because they have always been there for me. They push me to be better and try to help those that don't like us. But I love them and I know this is a game and the internet, I consider most if not all a Family.
    I hope you all can open up and actually get to know these guys and judge them by their deeds, actions and how good of people they are.

    Thank you.
    napoleon3665 and Adderwolf71 like this.
  4. Umm.... I might have a slight problem with the big oak lhighway. I chill with it going over the pool, as if we build an exit there it will attract more visitors. But....

    When it slants down (and when it is flat) it goes right over where I'm having the diving boards. :/
    I don't know how we'll find an agreement, considering you worked hard on the highway, and I worked hard on the pool. Also I was wondering if the highway is government owned or privately owned.
  5. As of the introduction of the limit there were no buildings in excess of the height limit.
  6. Okay, the list of cities so far, active or under construction, if I'm not mistaken:
    • Inizio. The capital, and first city of the New Republic. Mainstream city.
    • Wrem. A major city, near Inizio. Socially democratic city, with authoritarian control.
    • Militropolis. A sovereign base area, far south of the Main Cluster. Largely under EMC Militia control.
    • OakVille. An emerging town, part of the Main Cluster. Libertarian.
    • Stoneguard. Another emerging city.
    • Oceania. Emerging city, an EMC Militia project I believe.
    • MVP's town. Emerging city.
    • Potatoville. Planned city.
    • L0tad's farming settlement. Planned city.
    • Mba's city. Planned.
    • Neorepopolis. Planned.
    In a very short period of time, we've grown from 2 cities to a total of 10. That's remarkable. If anyone has any more info or cities, tell me. :D
    mba2012, supereskimo, wisepsn and 3 others like this.
  7. I think I would like to create a town....
  9. Define 'too many'.
  10. L0tad, chill. More is better. This means that we will have more options for new players to move to. Rather than just choosing Inizio or Wrem, they have 10 options.
  11. Precisely. Most of them are set to conurbate, they'll merely be boroughs among a megalopolis. :)
    L0tad and Adderwolf71 like this.
  12. Too many- an excess
    The more cities we have the harder it is for each one to grow. If we have 10 cities and we can only cram 30 more players on at a time, that's 3 people per city in stead of ten per city if we had 3 cities. Additionally what the new cities offer is often very similar to the existing ones, with the exception of their design and common architecture.
  13. I am only not chill when i am set off, so, i am chill
  14. I plan on creating a HUGE lake side city south-west-south of Wrem and Oakville. I will try to get pictures on the live map.
    wisepsn likes this.
  15. I plan on making a city somewhere, I have been venturing out to many locations over a few days and haven't found the right one to make a settlement, I still need a name too.
  16. Actually, more cities= more people, thus making growth faster. If each city grows faster, it will attract more people. Also, we have around 60 members (I think.) That means 6 people per city. If we factor in how more people join every week (~1), in a month we will have around 7 people per city.
    72Volt likes this.
  17. Hyboria.png This is where I want to make a city. Sorry for the white bottom, crop was being goofy.
    mba2012 and wisepsn like this.
  18. If we ever outgrow SMP9, we can halt new development of cities on that server, and underpopulated developments can be merged as boroughs into larger states. They'd presumably already be linked via a broad range of different infrastructural measures. :)
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  19. But if the old cities take most of that growth then the new cities are going to struggle.
  20. Here's a map of the New Republic, as I understand it :)

    Yellow outlined area is the New Republic's sovereign territory. (the southernmost point doesn't belong to any future state, but I've tentatively claimed it just in case something pops up in the future)
    Purple is Pazzo.
    Orange is the state of Thomas, mainly Inizio and surrounding parks and planned areas.
    Blue is Mba's planned settlement. What's that called again, Mba?
    Light blue is Oceania, a project by Napoleon.
    Red is Wrem. I know how much Dean loves his socialism, so I'm sure he'll be pleased by that designation :3
    Blue is the state of Hyboria, planned by Brickstrike.
    Neon green is OakVille.
    Potato brown is Choongjae's planned Potatoville.
    I'm bound to have missed some, let me know :D
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