The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. That's a good idea of the areas. I know there are good markings for each city well enough. Maybe we should think about putting in some borders around the whole thing so people know when they are entering/leaving the NR. As a whole, just just the cities.
  2. Okay, I just want to let you know we will not run out of diamonds. The Neore Distribution Mechanism was designed against that.
    THe Diamond reserve increases when people exchange their diamonds for Neore, and decreases when people exchange their Neore for diamonds.
    The lowest the reserve can come to is half a stack.
  3. We also have a city called Militropolis which we acquired from the Militia.
    I suggest we designate the cluster of cities made up of Wrem, Inizio and OakVille as 'the tri-city area'.
    brickstrike, ants4235 and mba2012 like this.
  4. So, as the Minister of Infrastructure I propose that we change a number of thing. I believe that Minecraft should have some freedom in the way you build and use your land, so I would like building restrictions to reflect on that ideology. Secondly I think we should have a referendum to review the parts of the constitution which are already failing to work.

    Thirdly, I am beginning my official campaign for the position of First Minister. I was one of the people who helped come up with the idea of the New Republic. I also believe that a First Minister needs a certain level singularity, as in not being a part of a large group such as the EMC Milita. Yes I am a member of the Afterglow team, but this is a small team working on a number of small projects. I am also currently the developer creating the New Republic website, which I hope to be up soon.

    Also, on the note of the website. I am working on it. I will probably be running a wordpress site for now but eventually migrating to some more customisable software, maybe XenForo?

    Finally, we should all come together to recreate the restrictions regarding building and land claiming. I also propose we all meet to discuss the ways that different cities manage themselves.
    L0tad and brickstrike like this.
  5. No Choon, it is not a stupid question, its quite a good one. When assigning plots to people, I ask them if it is alright beforehand. Sometimes people request larger lots, which I take into consideration when assigning things. There is a downside however. Since having a larger plot takes up more space in the city, that lot will be subject to slightly higher tax than perhaps a smaller one. It isn't a case of player-to-player bias, more like me having difficulty pulling together enough space to build on :)
  6. Woohoo! Another town for New Republic.
  7. Great idea!
  8. Wow, I've been so focused on the New Republic and helping out, that I forgot about Militropolis.
    Thanks 72Volt. But still, the Militia wouldn't mind having that chunk of land in the New Republic. Thank you.
  9. I am working on plans for a small military base in Izoino (i don't know what it is called eater). IT is small, and, i think the additional island would be good for storage or something. Perhaps a navy
  10. Well, having it for Militia training and part of it being a port/shipping the best idea for it as a right now. Don't get me wrong the Navy I think is good idea but that should come down the line.
    ants4235 and brickstrike like this.
  11. kritacul likes this.
  12. My goodness that was disturbing. No offence, but you really could have done without the voice changer, dramatic music, and sarcastic ending. It was a little hard to hear what you were saying with the changed voice.
    kritacul and penfoldex like this.
  13. I'm trying understand what I just watched. The voice was too distorted and very garbled that I could makeout a lot of what I heard. Also the music in the background was very loud and kinda masking the voice. Sorry just being honest.
  14. Did you guys notice that L0tad was banned for 2 days? apparently the reason being was filling a house with dirt -_-
    brickstrike likes this.
  15. I need get better at that. Hehe...I will remove it soon and replace it with a less dramatic one...and one that you can understand.

    EDIT: i removed the post...
    supereskimo likes this.
  16. No offense lotad if you got 3 people saying the can't understand it, well maybe you can't. Lol.
  17. None taken,

    Perhaps we should appoint a news anchor
  18. Did my post just blow over L0tad's head?
  19. I believe I should point something out.

    One of the ideas which the NR was founded on was political and economic experimentation in Minecraft.
    An intention for the NR was to establish cities both for the sake of expansion across servers and their worlds, but also to a lesser degree to experiment with different styles of government, to satisfy a broader range of people with different playing styles and so we know how to run the mainstream cities better.

    At the moment, the current city-states exist or are set to begin, with political systems noted.
    • Inizio. A mainstream city, with a mixed economy and democracy. Serves as the capital and the seat of the NR Government. We shall consider Inizio the model for how experimental or mainstream a city is because it's most similar to many sovereign states; cities akin to Inizio are mainstream, cities which aren't are not.
    • Wrem. A socially democratic city, partly experimental in the case of the land restrictions. Heavily nationalist.
    • Militropolis. A mainstream garrison city, dominated by EMC Militia presence.
    • OakVille. A libertarian city, with what I presume is a market economy. Works on the famed LLO model.
    • Stoneguard. An authoritarian, democratic mixed economy.
    • L0tad's upcoming farm city. A city with socialist structures in place, primarily the state owned farms, which will be later sold off to the private sector. Also, a democracy.
    In the same way not everyone may be a socialist, a libertarian, or even a democrat, not everyone likes Wrem, Oakville or Inizio; not out of spite, but because it doesn't suit their style of play.
    I hereby make it an objective that the following types of city will be established according to interest, alongside mainstream cities.

    • A dictatorship. Some people like taking orders.
    • A Soviet, or in common speak, a Marxist-Leninist communist commune.
    • A plutocracy, or a city ruled by the richest people. Maybe this will attract richer people like AlexChance to the NR.
    • A 'militocracy' city, ruled by the NR Army.
    • A feudal city, ruled by a King or Queen who passes their land down a chain of landowners in return for allegiance, with Lords at the bottom, who allow peasants and serfs to work on their land in exchange for a home and shelter.
    • An aristocratic monarchy.
    • A meritocracy, where those who contribute the most to society and know the most in a given area are the rulers.
    • A fascist city. No, Btribble, we are not talking about the entire NR, it's one city. Fascism gets experimentation in the same way as all other systems of government, assuming there is interest.
    • A corporatocracy, where a city is governed by corporations and corporate interests.
    • A demarchy, with randomly selected public representatives.
    Also, after the elections have been held, and once the cities of the NR are federated, I believe each citystate should each have a Constitution, stating the nature of the political and economic system in the citystate, and other constitutional law which may be deemed necessary on the citystate level. While a lot of cities will be similar, mainstream cities, I do not want every single city to be the same in terms of politics and economics, that won't have as much appeal. :)
    Also, we could consider cities in different locations and conditions. For example, an entirely underwater city. I want the New Republic to be a movement for everyone, I really do :)
    pat2011, mba2012, ants4235 and 5 others like this.
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