The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. You left out my upcoming wild city...

  2. Okay, well. Though this may sound a little rude, i'm hoping you are taxing the people with larger lots rightfully, as I never was asked if I could have a larger industrail, or commercial lot. (Not that I need one anymore.) :)
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  3. Oh, my apologies, what exactly is it called?
    Are the laws strict or lax?
    Are people allowed to make businesses, or is everything done by the government? :)
  4. Stoneguard
    Businesses are built and people may purchase them, there will be plots in which you can build your own house or business.
    I wouldnt say everything is done by the government, Im not sure what you mean by this, but we do have laws and rules.
    ants4235 likes this.
  5. If you need help with a navy let me know, or any military branch for that matter. I have somewhat extensive knowledge of Battle Tactics, Naval and Land battles, how to optimize defenses, security, the whole deal. Just let me know!
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  6. 1 Question why would we need a military if we can't PvP?
    ants4235 and brickstrike like this.
  7. (When did we even have a militia in the first place?) Seriously, I don't remember :/
  8. Someone obviously hasn't read any apocalypse stories...... :p
    Also, while just making the N.R. look all the more authentic, it does show we have manpower.
    PenguinDJ and L0tad like this.
  9. Eh yeah I guess, but Spenser I still dont see why, wouldnt constructing a military tempt people to greif us because they know we cant really do much, besides reporting them?
  10. Stop giving them ideas!
  11. There are plenty of military operations which need to be done outside of fighting.
    Managing security by placing torches, killing mobs, rescuing lost citizens, mining for diamonds for the diamond reserves, and, once we expand to other servers, PvP, establishing a presence in the form of government, bases and cities, and the like.

    Also, we may have subdivisions of the military for certain state business. For example, we might have a New Republic Black Ops or TF2 clan made up of a special NR Army taskforce, and the NR Army could retrieve Dragon Eggs with which cities could be protected, and to demonstrate the awesomeness and power of the NR.
  12. Ohp well I dont mean to...
  13. There we go that's the explanation I was looking for. but why not put up lava walls? :p jk
    napoleon3665 and brickstrike like this.
  14. U do realize we are planning to make lava walls.
  15. One day, we will select a city, and it will have lava walls.
  16. Hey, you, you misspelt 'Neorepublican' in the name of your channel :p
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  17. I have a PVP server we can go to if you want.., its public.
  18. Is there an application form I can send in or something? Or are there currently no spots available until the Constitution gets put in place?
  19. :confused:
  20. I believe NR isn't moving to other servers for a while. It'd be neat to see NR in some of my other favorite servers. :p
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