The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. They can get banned (and usually do) for griefing. The staff/mods on EMC really crack down on griefers.
  2. In need of New Republic flags for the movement? Go to Creeper Inn, Wrem, East, until you find the shearing plot. Shear red and yellow sheep for some resources! Free flags for everyone!
  3. I am gonna make leather armour with the helmet being eyed yellow, and the rest being red. We should all do this! :D
  4. Uh... I would say some jerky thing to be funny or smart alecy but Ima just uh and leave it at that.
  5. The Militia has been granted policing rights in Wrem. This was authorized by Dean and 72Volt does know about it as well. If you are breaking any rules in Wrem, you will have a sign posted of warning and each sign will be signed by the person writting the warning. Three warnings will equal a fine and you'll also be reported to Dean for maybe an additional punishment. But this is only one of our jobs in Wrem and we are here to protect the citizens first and for most. Thank you.
    napoleon3665, wisepsn and brickstrike like this.
  6. Thank you I was having trouble understanding it all!
  7. wisepsn and supereskimo like this.
  8. I strongly recommend that you require the person writing the sign to include the date when the sign was issued. It may take an extra sign, but it will help prevent multiple warnings in the same day (since this seems to have been a major cause of problems in the past).
  9. Ok here is my input on the matter. I believe that someone who has experience and knowledge and all the qualities of a great leader should get this position. I also think that the one old players in the NR should have this type of position because, new members of EMC or the NR may have the potential to become a leader but, we would need a trained person for the job. I myself am not at all very good at communication and responsibility but, I believe that Supereskimo is. He is one of the oldest members of the NR and he would be a very good advisor and support.I hope you take this into consideration when choosing. Thank You for your time.
    wisepsn, mba2012, Jeanzl2000 and 2 others like this.
  10. Good Idea!
  11. mba2012, PenguinDJ and brickstrike like this.
  12. That is a good idea, thanks supereskimo.

    Now as for this Deputy First Minister, I would love the position to be honest.
    I know if 72Volt wins the election we could make a good team.
    But, if Napoleon wins the election we will be a great team.
    Me and Napoleon built THE largest building and landmark of Wrem in just a few hours(some help by Skip R.I.P).
    We also built the only highway to Inizio in just a few hours as well.
    All this with our own money and material and not a dime from the New Republic.
    We have helped increase the number of players to the New Republic and a small town of Wrem is grown into a vast expanding city, with many businesses and homes.
    Speaking of business, we have a great plan set-up for small businesses, mall owners and factories as well.
    Not to mention lastly, the Militia. The security of Wrem, the defense of the citizens of the New Republic.
    We have made major defenses in torches, walls and traps. We will be expanding these walls very soon through Wrem and hopefully all over the New Republic. So one night you can go to your pig pen to get yourself some dinner and not worry about a creeper, zombie or skeleton trying to kill you while you are just trying to eat.
    So, when you think about the First Minister, think Napoleon.
    And when you think about the Deputy First Minister, think of kritacul.

    Thank you all.
  13. Aight I've had to give out a few warnings already.
    Let me say this straight up, NO ONE is exempt from the warnings.
    Followings warnings apply to ALL Wrem;
    Door(s)-You need a door(s) on your factory, business or home. If you do not have one a mob can walk right in just like anyone else.
    Lighting-Very important, keeps mobs from spawning. Improper lighting or no lighting at all is bad.
    Roof-Just like a door, you need on no matter what. If you aren't done building, put up a temp roof.
    Mobs-If one is caught IN your factory, business or home, no matter what automatic warning.

    These are simple to follow and please do.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  14. Does the mob rule apply to mob grinders?
  15. No unless you have one hidden in your factory, business or home.
  16. Tears of joy I assume.
    supereskimo likes this.
  17. On a side note, When will the New Republic be getting its own website/forum? I know it was mentioned before, but it would make things alot easier then everyone having to read through 10 pages on this forum everyday just to keep up with whats going on..... just a suggestion. :cool:
    smile3 likes this.
  18. They are working on it :)
    That reminds me, Volt could u add me to the designer/ developer or whatever you call it conversation? I have a few things I think I could contribute to the technical aspect and such.
    CommonSense_64 likes this.
  19. *Ahem*
    napoleon3665 and KoenJanssen like this.
  20. (what is this for if he brags oh well)
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