The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. The NR movement is going further. More cities, more protection, etc. Great thing is that we do not get grieving's a lot, and due to the militia and the army, we will be able to fix all of that. New Republic is one of the strongest, more successful outposts right now. Lets keep it at that. :)
    72Volt and Dean_Catterson like this.
  2. This.
    Adderwolf71, brickstrike and L0tad like this.
  3. Not SMP5-type huge lava walls around Frontier spawn, graceful lava walls around cities.

    It's Napoleon's responsibility, I'm sure he'll get the NR Army set up so we can make a COD unit in the army :)

    Don't tell me what to do! :p
    If we can spread across other servers, we will. :)

    Constitution is complete, I'll add you in :)
    Which reminds me, here it is, on public display, for the sake of it:


    I) The Declaration of Establishment
    1. We, the signatories of this document, declare the establishment of the nation of the New Republic, of which we shall belong as its citizens, which is hereby established through our self-recognition as such.
    2. The status of belonging to the aforementioned nation is not mutually exclusive or conflictable with being an Empire Minecraftian, an Emperian, an Empire Minecrafter or any other variation, nor does it conflict with official legal nationality in the real world; it is merely additional to such qualities.
    3. The New Republic considers itself to have the authority, at all times, to protect its citizens and its lands, and to enforce its laws.
    a. The country of the New Republic considers its cititzens to be so regardless of whether they live within the territories of the New Republic at any given time.
    b. The New Republic shall have the right to claim new territories not already claimed by other nations or individuals. It should also have the right to obtain additional lands through treaty from other individuals or nations. The laws of the New Republic will be considered fully in force within the bondaries of any territory or territories of the New Republic.
    c. All citizens, and the state itself is also bound by the rules established by Empire Minecraft and its owner(s).Citizens of the New Republic are known as Neorepublican. Neorepublicans are guaranteed rights and entitlements by the New Republic state.

    II) Rights of the Neorepublican Citizen
    1. Anyone can claim citizenship in the New Republic freely, and anyone who takes a territory of the New Republic as their domocile or quasi-domicile is automatically considered to be a citizen of the New Republic.
    2. Neorepublicans are entitled to all human rights. The State is obliged to promote and protect human rights.
    3. Neorepublicans have the right to vote, stand in elections, and propose referendum options, and may organize themselves as they wish to achieve their goals.
    4. Neorepublicans have the right to freedom of contract, as long as it does not affect the constitutional rights of others, and free trade of all things tangible or intangible, real-world or Minecraft-based, useful or useless, goods or services or information, or anything else.
    5. Neorepublicans have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of social, cultural and economic self-interest, providing it does not unfairly jeopardise the self-interest of others.
    6. Neorepublicans have the right to claim all land they have built on (plus a 5-block radius around it providing the radial area is not obstructed by a previous build, and where it is obstructed the claimant may claim the median between the two builds) as or within sovereign territory of the New Republic, Town-based or otherwise.
    7. Neorepublicans have the right to protection as prescribed by the Empire Minecraft Ten Commandments by both EMC staff and the state.
    8. Neorepublicans have the right to intellectual free speech.
    9. Neorepublicans have the right to prove their maturity through a fair, balanced and unbiased test. Utilizing distinct services and holding distinct offices may require attested maturity.
    a. The government holds the authority to strip a citizen of his/her attested maturity as punishment for breaking certain laws.
    10. Unless otherwise specified by law, the government may not take possession of a citizen's belongings or buildings without permission from the individual.

    III) Power and Responsibilities of the State
    1. The State may only exercise its power to fulfil its responsibilities to the Neorepublican people.
    2. If a petition signed by a minimum of 10% of persons eligible to vote is presented, the State is obliged to a) issue an official statement / declaration of intent, b) organize and carry through a referendum within 6 weeks and c) upon the referendum schedule GDA within 4 weeks to discuss and resolve the issues.
    3. The penal law must be based on principles of humanity, fairness and justness, and provide adequate, meaningful and wise punishments. In any case, along with the protection of the community and the Republic as a whole, any possible repairing of caused damages must stay in foreground.
    4. The State may punish offenders with punishment no more severe than requesting they be banned.
    5. The State must protect the rights of all Neorepublicans, provided it does not infringe on laws in the real world jurisdiction of citizens.
    6. The State considers itself to be the only official body capable of officially recognizing someone to be Neorepublican.
    7. The supreme decision making component of the State shall be the Grand Democratic Assembly, headed by the First Minister.
    8. Any citizen may organize a petition and call a vote of no confidence of the Grand Democratic Assembly or an individual representative or official. If at least 50% of the GDA or, in case of a referendum, at least 50% of voters with minimum turnout of 33%, vote in favor, the Grand Democratic Assembly is dissolved or the representative or officer in question is expelled, and reelected.
    9. Amendment of the Constitution requires at least 66% votes on a referendum with a turnout of at least 33% of the citizens eligible to vote.
    10. Any Neorepublican may call a vote to override an Assembly motion, which will pass with 66% votes on a referendum of at least 33% of the citizens eligible to vote.
    11. The official languages of the New Republic shall be English and French.
    12. The supreme judiciary body shall be the Grand Courts of Civil and Criminal Justice. The decision of the judges and jury is final.
    a. The Court of Criminal Justice may only try crimes specific to Neorepublican law. Crimes against EMC or real-world law must be treated according to pre-existing rules.
    13. The State may not keep secrets from the citizen population without special permission.
    14. a. The New Republic is financed by its citizens. The basic services of the Republic, especially protection of the citizens and their rights, must be available to all its citizens regardless of their contributions.
    b. Any possibly required contributions, fees and taxes must follow the principles of solidarity, sponsorship, social and economic viability, justness and fairness.

    IV) Neorepublican Law
    1. The contents of all active Neorepublican law must be available to all citizens upon request.
    2. All laws must be passed by the Grand Democratic Assembly before becoming effective, excluding those laws passed before the existence of the Grand Democratic Assembly.
    3. Neorepublican law may not violate the Constitution or EMC official rules.
    4. Any governmental department of the New Republic must be established by law.
    a. No governmental department shall have powers or authorities except those specified by law.

    Very nice, if Napoleon can get the NR Army set up, we'll send a deployment :)
    mba2012, PenguinDJ and wisepsn like this.
  4. First white wool sheep pen done at the free shearing plot in Wrem. Please bring shears! I am hoping to do red and yellow next for people who want to make the NR flags. :)
    supereskimo likes this.
  5. Ok, awesome! I look forward to being a member of the NR for the rest of my EMC lifetime.
    wisepsn likes this.
  6. Excellent ^_^
    wisepsn likes this.
  7. I have a question for you. Are you deciding who the deputy first minister is or will it be a vote? If you are deciding I have some good input to say about one of the people running.
  8. I will decide the Deputy First Minister, what's the input? :)
  9. Because we need a police type force any any society well any form of government. As part of the Militia, we try to help enforce the laws that are on the books with the proper authority given to us by the government and city(s) we are in. Try to "keep the peace" and punish those that want to disrupt normal life by damaging other's property or stealing from others.
    That is why the Militia is here.

    Also we kill mobs in and around the city(s), put up defenses, places torches so mobs can't spawn and we use our own money and materials to do our job.

    Your Welcome ;)
  10. Did smp9 just crash, or is it just me?
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  11. it did for me
  12. It did it yesterday as well been on and off I'm hoping they are working on some stuff for it, if not then they obviously need to.
  13. So, I think it should be fair that people can create a city no matter what. So, feel free to claim a 6 x 6 area of land to found your city, from then onwards you can expand it as you wish.

    Also, just to make it clear, all laws etc. set down by the New Republic Government over rule any rules set down by a city.

    And anyone who would like to help create the new building restrictions, please say so here and I'll create a PM with you.
  14. If people are let to build in any kind of space that they find that will lead to a very disorganized layout and will decrease from the aesthetics of the cities. That is why when it comes to founding new cities and new towns, the person making the city/mayor should keeps plots in certain spots and not have people claiming land left, right and centre.
    Dean_Catterson and ants4235 like this.
  15. this one will hopefully be different from the rest i have plans i will reveal down the road..... :)
  16. Fair enough, but for the Militia Base it is that, a base. Not a city, town or village. As for our laws, we maintain the same as Wrem except for the building laws/codes.
    So let it be know that the proposed island off of and north Wrem is the Militia Base and Port.
    Only Militia is to build for now and only with permission by ME or Napoleon ONLY.
    As for the port, I'll set-up some stuff with Dean and if need be, you as well Mba.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  17. I know, what I meant is that the mayor can claim the 6x6 area of land, and then expand on it by building plots for others.
  18. It's just like the UN!
    L0tad likes this.
  19. Doesn't matter then, I though you were talking about people founding cities with no real organisation.
    ants4235 likes this.
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