The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. For no reason, here is a list of ORIGINAL EMC Militia Members who are actively participating in the NR. We have had members join BECAUSE of our relations with the NR, Such as Dean or _Joe.

    All EMC Militia Members in the NR:
    Kritacul (Temp Banned)

    Members from before NR Alliance:
    Kritacul (Temp Banned)

    That is 5 out of our 80 current members! We are going to start trying to get more Militia Members to be active in the NR.
  2. To add to that list, Commonsense_64 and Wisepsn are all both NR Citizens and Militia Members.
  3. Wow, nice job you guys. I miss being on and will be back soon.
    I won't let you down(Militia) or NR either.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  4. Wait... My friend is being kicked out because if Napoleon. How can he do that?
    L0tad and matthew12hydro like this.
  5. Idk if he is being kicked out jacob, Napoleon and 72Volt will have to talk it out. But if he did get hacked than from my opinion he should be fine.
  6. He told me his friend uses the account and did something he wasnt supposed to...
  7. Ok, while you guys are arguing and all that jazz..... I'm gonna look to start a little town where everyone is free to build whatever they want (except for dirt and netheracck shacks :p mba I'm not sure if I need your permission to do so..... I have a location in mind.
    wisepsn likes this.
  8. Oh Do tell!
    MVPworldseries likes this.
  9. Tomorrow.... :)
    wisepsn and brickstrike like this.
  10. The wait is killing me! #YOLO :p
    wisepsn and MVPworldseries like this.
  11. I would like to make a proposal.
    The Militia would like to aquire some land north of Wrem and North East of Oakville.
    It is a island and will be used for training and as a retreat for Militia members.
    I hope this is ok and not too much to ask.

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  12. I planned to settle on that island.
    However there is already a small building there, torches, cobble, and a sign.
    Therefore, someone has been there.
    I don't know if it is ok to build there.
  13. I think that would be a great idea! Maybe there could also be a small coastal port city on the shore of one of the islands to help provide the training grounds with supplies and be trading port between Wrem and Incitio (what is the official name of that city and how it is spelt I have no clue :/)
  14. So did I but, if there is a small area that someone has been to then we must ask them if the islands can be part of the NR.
  15. Well I put the torches there for protection as for mobs.
    Having part of it as a supply port is a good idea though.
    But this again will mainly be used for purposes of the Militia.
    Don't want to step on any toes, just noticed the list earlier and was thinking a head.
    brickstrike likes this.
  16. What exactly is New Republic Territory? Is there an updated map, maybe? With lines drawn?
  17. I was thinking that one of the smaller islands be the port so the rest of the larger islands could be for the Militia's use. I'm sure this will be decided amoungst the people in charge of this (mba perhaps?) later this week if it won't tomorrow.
  18. I currently do not know how to make images of my computer screen so you would have to ask ant or someone else who knows how to. I can tell you that it is going to be updated. :)
  19. I was having a conversation with Ants4235 and there was a map that showed some boundries, but not all of them. I think that it needs to be established soon before people start moving in on territory that the NR intends to claim as part of their own and subject to the rules.
  20. Here is what I could get, photoshop is not working well for me right now lol.

    Attached Files:

    wisepsn likes this.
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