opinions you think others might not share

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bitemenow15, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. dragon ballz xD
    Equinox_Boss and britbrit3197 like this.
  2. Also fruit, steak, potatoes, chocolate, Sushi, pizza, subs, cheese, cheese sticks, pickles, pancakes, Hot pockets, Italian food, Asian food, Mexican food...you get the point. Just not liver.
    Equinox_Boss, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  3. I See What you did there...
    Equinox_Boss and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. SHHHH jk you always mess with my fun!

    Kamehameha! If i space the ball and Z it auto corrects to Drag on walls
    Equinox_Boss and jkjkjk182 like this.
  5. You and i have very similar taste.....
    And we both hate liver.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. That's just your opinion.
    Equinox_Boss, 607, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  7. He stated matter-of-factly...... :D
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.
  8. You got burned JK :p

    Another Opinion *cough*fact*cough* My doggy Tybalt aka Short cake is the best derpy dog ever!
    Equinox_Boss and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. Crime and GDP correlates because there are usually more people in a high-GDP economy, and therefore more potential for crime. Also note more valuable economies have more media available which can negatively inspire people and more tools for crime.

    If we harshen crime, it will cause a downward spiral of complete intolerance towards anyone who commits a crime. I generally do not think criminals should be respected, respect should be earned, but in the situation you propose, we could be talking about basic disregard for such people as human beings. To come at this from a more spiritual point of view, it introduces more hatred into the world. As Buddha said, to do unto evil with good is good, to counter evil with evil is evil.
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and HylianNinja like this.
  10. Hot pockets.
    Equinox_Boss and Xinn like this.
  11. Volt, I have a request for you that you can likely carry out, a simple thing for you from what I can infer . As you seem so confident that Adolf Hitler was in some way redeemable. The thing I want for your to do: Imagine

    Imagine yourself leading a happy, successful life. You have a comfortable home, a good job, a lover and maybe a few children. A good life someone like that would be leading, yes?
    Then, someone rises to power. Fueling their rise is one of the most powerful human emotions of existence: Hatred. They have rallied the masses less fortunate; the poor, the impoverished, the homeless. He cast the reasons of their ever low lives upon people of you and your standing. Soon, it seems that your personal life has taken a turn for the worse. First, all those who are not close to you distain you, performing actions like spitting upon your path. Then it seems that you have to be registered, forced to brandish a lapel pin to make you stick out. Next goes to whatever sort of business you may be involved in. Your shop is marked, someone who is said to make everyones life bad works at/owns this place. Thus, business dries up. Soon people come to your home, force you to join others that are said to be of your standing within a ghetto. You'd think you've finally stopped falling, that you've finally gotten to the ground that the social/lively hood ladder is stood up upon. The hard, stone cold, ground never felt any more welcoming; an end to all the torment you and those who you love were forced through. Then, after a day of lowly work and hoping for luck to take a second turn, there are these uniformed men at your house. They tell you of a place where you and all those who are like you can go. There is work, housing, food, safety and more, you can begin life anew! Soon, a truck comes for you, your family and your friends. You come to a train station, where you're forced to go into these cargo cars, like mere cattle. Uncounted hours of cramped travel and darkness pass by when you feel the train come to a stop. You're hurried out of the train car, into a large crowd in front of a podium, where a man announces people shall be split into different groups depending on age, gender and a few other eggs in the basket. Little do you know, you'll never see your family again. The following weeks are met with some repetitive activities. Awoken, eating mere scraps of food, sent out to things like farms, construction and factories, then its time for roll call. You may be told of what comes next and what was done wrong. Then you may see something of a horror, a man being led onto the platform in front of you, a rope is put around his neck, and down he goes. Then you go to what is, by some demented standard, a form of housing. Upon of of the 3 per row "bunks" made of either wood or stone you are to sleep day after day after day. Then one day, when it seems like every scrap of usefulness has been drained from you and all who live within your barrack, men come to the entrance and awaken everyone, telling everyone that they're going to be given a shower. In a mass you are marched to a building out of the way, through the doors, in you go. There's another set of doors in there as well, the men tell you all to strip. You may have a bit of joy within at the sound of something so refreshing as a shower after so much uncleanliness. The second set of doors open, and the naked, boney mass of people are sent in. The room is dark, and it doesn't seem like there is any sort of plumbing within the room. Suddenly you hear a few noises. The first is the door behind you being shut, sealed. Then comes a slight creak from above and there is a small circle of light in the center of the room. Then from near it you hear a pop, then a hiss. Milliseconds pass and the hissing gets closer and closer and closer. A small cylinder has fallen into the center of the room with a thud. Then comes the screaming, the shoving, the hacking, the gagging. A feeling comes upon you as a foam comes from deep within your own body. And then it's all over.

    Think of the millions who suffered at the Hitlers hands. He had options during the drafting of the "Final Solution", options that would've made him look merely highly discriminatory such as deportations, but he chose genocide over all the choices. Think of the men, many of whom had their entire world torn to shreds. Think of the mothers, separated from their beloved ones. Think of the children, sent for live experimentation. Think of the few who put up a rebellion and were killed. I make a second request now. A request that next time you intend to use Hitler like a mere "for-the-kicks" teenager who every now and then steal few candy bars from the local gas station, the next time the thought is starting to be conceived within the expanse of your mind, that you bar it, hold the thought, hold your tongue, hold your fingers. I would love for some world of redemption to be possible, to think that within even humanities darkest there is hope that their compassion could see the light of day and flower. But that is not so.
    Equinox_Boss, moyaboya and Noxavis like this.
  12. i meant gdp as in gross domestic product of people more crimes per more people basically. also when i proposed my standard i said convicted violent criminals, not people awaiting judgement. also buddha would not consider killing or maiming as evil (he was a warrior prince before reaching enlightenment and in the karmic stage to murder someone good is to bless them)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. additionally (and this is somewhat unrelated) can someone teach me or point me to a guide of how to do those spoiler things?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Pfft. Who doesn't watch avatar the last air bender.
    I thought you were a teenager... Akward...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Well, I can see you clearly feel strongly about the topic. But it is my belief that everyone of the human species can be redeemed. Some will take more effort than others, and Hitler is likely far above anyone who you could try to redeem in the present day in terms of how much one must try to rehabilitate a criminal. Hitler was indeed responsible for incredibly huge crimes against humanity, and it's likely he would die while attempting to redeem himself under a facility like I suggested.

    Perhaps Hitler is a bad example, seeing as it does provoke a backlash.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Type Spoiler in brackets to start it, and /Spoiler in brackets to end it.

  17. is anyone who just looked at this thread confussseed?

    lol poker face
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. It is (Spoiler) and (/Spoiler), but replace the parentheses with brackets.
    Derp, Derp, Derp Derp Derp Derp, Derp, Derp Derp derpity Derp Derp!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. v_v Well my bday was in January so when we talked that one time yeah i was 19. And I get that ppl think im a teenager a lot for example When i get stopped at a check point with cops apparently I look 16 and they make sure to point out how suspicious they are of me.

    xD I do act like a kid sometimes though >.> ok like 90% of the time.
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.
  20. Ha ha... Was right
    You just wasted a lot of time.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.