It's not that I don't want to respond, I just don't know how to word it, I just can't make it come across right. Even I am not completely sure why I did this.
i have been bullied my way is to just make them mad and live on cuz i think i make them more mad than they make me. also like last week girl flicked me off i said,"Woo wht does that mean it a fingure." also right before that overheard a diff girl say she wanted to punch my face in, which i heard about day before from some1 that the girl did, and i tunred around and said," Go ahead, do it. See wht happens."
I wasn't bashing you, I was just stating what you said in your thread. You annoyed people so much with your trolling as Zoebearfun, you came back as Cordial_Pie to start over but you continue to troll. It's kinda like "Uh, what was the point of buying another account?"
I totally agree.. all you have to do is ignore the people.. yes they will still say "harsh words" but you just have to take it.. no time in your life will you never get called "gay" "stupid" "faggot" "emo" you just have to deal with it.. the people do not matter in the long run who cares what they think? As for the physical bulling.. you just have to stand up to them and be serious and tell them to leave you alone... you have to look them straight in the face not holding your head down mumbling "levemelone" You just have to stop showing so much hurt and interest in their bulling. The only reason they do it is because they want you to feel hurt and they think its funny... if they arent getting any "kick" out of it they will move on to somthing else. Just stand up for yourself.
i agree i have even told the things in my classes there opinion means 0% and if they think i care they dreaming, and basically those words exactly, cuz no matter wht i do i know they cant hurt me since with my school physical is not big unless it is fights over stupid things and it is a big thing where the stupid intellectualy people go and throw some punches( never been)
srry but that kinda funny but remind me when my science teacher favored the girls, even when they broke a lot of rules and took stuff, and they never got in trouble
Man, a lot happens here when I sleep. I was wondering if I should reply to people one by one, or just mash it all together into one giant post... I went with the last option. If you got an alert that I replied to your post, it should be in here somewhere. That pretty much sums it up, yes. Thanks for the sympathy. I agree, we're still way too tribal in our behavior. Blind patriotism and xenophobia does nobody any good. I can't believe more people didn't like this post. Had me fall out of my chair laughing. People who rate other people's problems as more important than theirs. What, so I can't be upset just cause something worse is happening to someone else? Heartbreak is serious business, by the way. It can cause actual physical damage to the heart, and can even lead to death. This is like saying we shouldn't investigate burglaries and arson, because there are also rapes and murders to investigate. You must have a sucky boss. I love my job, and my boss is close to being the perfect leader. I've never felt stressed at work... the worst it gets is boring at times. Perhaps you should look for another place to work if that's how working feels to you. A boss who does what you describe will actually get a rather low productivity compared to what he could've gotten had he been more like my boss. I work hard. Not because I'm being forced to, but because I feel respected and content at work. Had I been miserable, I'd do exactly as little as I could get away with without being fired, and spent the rest of the time playing games and surfing the web. I used to care about this a lot, though I don't particularly anymore. However, I think that if you're going to complain about other people's writing, you should make damn sure your own is perfect first. It's "capital", not "capitol." There's not supposed to be an apostrophe (') after the I, but there's supposed to be one in the "It's" of your last sentence. You capitalize words that shouldn't be capitalized. Finally, you have two comma splices in there. I do agree with your sentiment, but critics should really practice what they preach. What sort of mom would tell their child stuff like that? I don't mean to be hating on your mom or anything, but she's certainly not helping, to put it nicely. Finally, I just want to say regarding school: It sucks. I went on a nice long rant regarding schooling in the past, and I won't get into it again, (Links for the interested: 1 2 3) but the way school is set up is a perfect environment for not learning much, and for creating environments where bullying is a way of life. I'll leave you with this presentation, simply because I think it's really good, and certainly relevant.
Maybe it's because you get angry quickly, that's why they pick you, I know one kid in primary school, and everyone likes getting him all angry because they think its "funny"
Bro, seriously, if you leave EMC just because of that, I will come over and slit their flesh! ( nah, not going to do that, don't want to go to jail like they would )
Well I'm over that group of 16 kids who everyday get in my way at the lockers, I tell the Teachers but nothin is done. They then make fun of my friends but I stick with the 8 People I consider Friends and in my grade there are 350 or so people, everyone thinks O have down Syndrome when I don't. I tell my parents and teachers but you know what. I don't let it ruin my day I focus my brain on other things, Barely on the forums you will hear me ranting about this but I want you to know your not alone there are others in your shoes.
Bro, one mistake you did there, you told your parents and teachers....that'll just make it worse and give the bullies another way to get you angry and laugh at you, they'll just call you a "dobber" or something...
Well it makes me feel better. I'm over it but rather than conveying m anger violently I tell on them and Focus my mind on other things. Well that works for me.....
Nup bro, failed for me in primary school, the bullies don't care if they get yelled at, they just let out their anger by bullying me, and that's what you call "circle of bullying"
This just reminded me of something else I am sick of reading and hearing about on every thread/message people seek advice on. Apparently in the UK and the other parts of the world there are some differences when it comes to bullies and mental health issues. From what I've seen, here in the states and elsewhere if you're bullied that is bad. You're encouraged to tell someone so they can take care of it. If you're depressed and thinking of jumping off a bridge or something, you're encouraged to get help and talk to someone WHOSE JOB IT IS TO LISTEN AND STOP YOU FROM DOING THIS. In the UK if you're bullied that's obviously bad. BUT the way it sounds, telling someone so they can take care of it is like the end of the world, like it's going to start wars and famine and the world will implode. Mental health issues? Feel like jumping off a bridge? Don't tell anyone, it'll cause the end of the world, massive floods and famines and the world will implode upon itself. "DON'T SAY A WORD BECAUSE YOU CAN'T TRUST THIS EDUCATED PROFESSIONAL THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THEIR JOB!" How do psychiatrists and therapists have jobs still over there?