[New] EMC Market Buy/Sell Portal - Suggestions/Bug Reports

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by azoundria, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. I see you got it to work. If you leave out the quote, though, it'll be more visible. ;)
  2. Sí, I will leave mine as is for the time being. So few people know about Quercus Alba, and tzgiles hasn't been on in a while. Because of that, neither will be taken down. but it seems like if you click anywhere on my signature it takes you to the market.

    Is it that what the second link is supposed to do, azoundria?
  3. What second link?

    There's only one link, and it starts just before the picture and ends just after it. I wouldn't know why your whole signature turned into a link, I guess you made a mistake. :)
  4. Just click on any text in my signature. It leads to the website now.

    In the post azoundria had, there were two URLs/Copy and Paste functions. The top one does something (I think?), and the bottom one is the banner.
  5. Is there a way to see the most recent added items (aka, which shops were stocked/added in the last 24hours only)
    luckycordel likes this.
  6. Never got an answer :D:oops:
  7. Is this sort of a recent changes list or more of a filter on search results?

    The shop page only lists some of the shop items. (On some shops the full list might crash a browser.) I've added a link to view the full list at the bottom.
    607, TomvanWijnen and luckycordel like this.
  8. What are the ways that one can update the pricing of items on the list (especially if they haven't bought the items before)?
  9. Ways to update prices of items:
    • Double click the price listing and change it. You have to hit enter to save it.
    • Enter the new price/quantity at the bottom of the item page. It will replace any entries matching the same residence, quantity, and item.
    • Use the Import feature to import a list of prices (need a free account to do this). The import/export can be used to easily update a whole shop via Excel or a text editor.
    • Use the bulk adder (need a free account to do this). This lets you add/edit a lot of items quickly in the browser for a given shop.
    • Use the rupee history reader if you've bought or sold the item. (To add/edit all the items you've bought or sold in the last 30 days.)
    Hope that helps!
    M4ster_M1ner and 607 like this.
  10. Very behind on adding items to the site. If anyone would like to go through and make a list of items or help resizing icons for them I would much appreciate that.
    M4ster_M1ner, 607 and AmusedStew like this.
  11. Happy Canada Day!

    All items for 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, and 1.16 (upcoming) have now been added to the website. This is a total of 293 new items that have been added.

    Most (but certainly not all) have icons.

    A full list of new items can be found here:

    Please report if there are any issues using the new items.
  12. there is no skeleton horse spawn egg item
  13. Thanks. I wasn't aware that you could obtain one. I've added it now.
    UltiPig likes this.
  14. Hello! I would like to help update the shop listings in the EMC market database, but I've run into an issue. I've created a CSV file for res 2443 in an Excel spreadsheet (saved it as a .csv file), but every time I try to import it, it keeps telling me I need to add a line that sets the residence number. I have done this already, but it still won't accept the CSV file. (Note that this is not my residence I am trying to update; I'm not sure if that would affect this or not.) I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, so any help would be appreciated!

    Below is the link to a screenshot of the error presented as well as the first few lines of the CSV file I have created.

    Thank you so much for creating this tool! I look forward to using and helping improve it in the future!


    EDIT: I have also noticed a lack of 1.17 items/blocks in the database; is there an ETA available on when they may be added?

    EDIT 2: Something that may be useful would be options per item in a residence shop listing; it would save from having to search for the item and find the specific shop listing in order to access the options (if that makes any sense).
    Merek_Shadower and 607 like this.
  15. Huh, that's frustrating! :p
  16. Update: I found out why it wasn't working. Apparently Excel has a LOT of file formats it can save as, including multiple formats that use the .csv file extension. I tried exporting it as CSV UTF-8 at first, which was giving me the error; saving it as a normal CSV file format did the trick, and the import completed successfully.

    Here's a screenshot of what I mean; if importing doesn't seem to work, check to make sure you're using the correct type of CSV format!
    607 likes this.
  17. Ah, good job.
    It would be nice if all comma-delimited csv's were read correctly, perhaps?
  18. I just registered on the Marketplace and found it to be very useful. It's an awesome tool.

    My shop currently spans across two of my smp3 reses, 7866 and 7696, with the entrance and bulk of the items for sale being on 7866.

    When I registered my shop it was listed under res 7696 and only a few items I have for sale are listed. How do I add the other items I have for sale on the other res? I attempted to export from that res but the csv file is empty.
  19. Been working on getting new items added. Change log for 2022 so far:

    Feb 4th:
    Resolved an issue where the password recovery feature would not work properly in a small number of cases due to the lack of URL encoding on the provided account recovery code.
    Mar 6th:
    Fixed a bug where the shulker boxes page would not show up correctly when searched due to caching.
    May 8th:
    Fixed multiple bugs when marking items as "Out" or "Gone". These would complain if one of the database values overflowed, as it could on some entries that had been marked Out or Gone too many times.
    June 12th:
    Resolved a bug where registration would fail since some columns of the table lacked a default value and the MySQL database was upgraded to be more strict.
    Fixed a bug where the registration success screen did not display the proper layout.
    July 1st:
    Removed the recipe link between gold blocks and enchanted golden apples.
    July 3rd:
    Created a new utility to allow for easily adding new items.
    July 6th:
    Added amethyst shard, amethyst block, budding amethyst (small, medium, large), amethyst cluster, azalea, flowering azalea, azalea leaves, flowering azalea leaves, mangrove leaves, copper ore, copper ingot.
    July 9th:
    Added raw iron, raw gold, raw copper, block of raw iron, block of raw gold, block or raw copper.
    Added copper blocks, exposed copper blocks, weathered copper blocks, and oxidized copper blocks, as well as all cut and waxed variants.
    July 21st:
    Added calcite.
    July 25th:
    Adding all candles. Every colour added, but all have the same icon for now.
    Added glow berries.
    August 23rd:
    Added deepslate and cobbled deepslate.
    September 30th:
    Completed migration to a new hosting server.
    October 15th:
    Added deepslate bricks and chiseled deepslate bricks.
    I have been adding new items and doing updates in 30 minute pockets as I have time. I thought I should share the progress so far even if there's a lot still to go. If anyone would like to help with preparing icons and/or making lists of items that need to be added that would be helpful.

    Try exporting the residence with the shop items, then importing into the residence where you want them to appear. If the items aren't in any residence yet, then you can use the various tools to add them including Auto Reader, bulk add tool, adding them to the CSV yourself, or searching and adding an individual item.
    UltiPig, 607, wafflecoffee and 2 others like this.
  20. Just a quick summary of overall updates over the past almost 2 years.

    The following items were added:
    • Added fireworks with duration 1, 2, and 3.
    • Added chiseled bookshelfs
    • Adding piglin head item
    • Added decorated pot item and image.
    • Adding iron nugget and steel spike items
    • All pottery sherd variants added now
    • Added relic music disc item
    • Added in all 4 tiers of Witch's Games.
    • Steel ingots added
    • Added torchflower and torchflower seeds items
    • Soul speed enchanted books
    • Adding riptide enchanted books 3 levels
    • 3 levels of quick charge enchanted books
    • 4 levels of piercing enchanted book
    • Added multishot enchanted book
    • 3 levels of loyalty enchanted books
    • Added all levels of impaling enchanted books
    • Channeling Enchanted Book added
    • Added smooth stone item
    • Added brown mushroom block, red mushroom block, and mushroom stem
    • allay spawn egg added and tested
    • cherry blossom petals item added
    • Added cherry leaves
    • cherry blossom planks and bamboo planks both items added
    • cherry sapling
    • Adding cut sandstone and cut red sandstone to items
    • Added warped and crimson boats (also both missing).
    • Added warped and crimson doors (both items were missing before).
    • Adding all the Mangrove plank variant items.
    • Uploaded images, submitted items for boats and echo shards, recovery compass, and goat horn
    • warden, allay, frog, and tadpole egg
    • Mangrove, bamboo, and cherry boats
    • sculk veins and sculk sensor
    • sculk catalyst and skulk shrieker
    • Packed Mud
    • Adding mud brick slabs, stairs, and walls
    • mangrove roots and muddy mangrove roots
    • mangrove propagule
    • small dripleaf
    • wood and hyphae variants
    • mangrove logs, stripped mangrove logs, cherry logs, and stripped cherry logs
    • 3 variants of froglight
    • 5 disc fragment
    • spyglass
    • glow squid egg
    • goat egg
    • axolotl egg
    • Powder Snow Bucket
    • Bucket of Axolotl, Bucket of Tadpole
    • tuff
    • spore blossom
    • smooth basalt
    • Hanging roots, rooted dirt, mud, lightning rod, glow lichen, moss block, and moss carpet.
    • moss carpet
    • moss block
    • lightning rod
    • hanging roots
    • Glow lichen
    • Added glow ink sacs and glow item frames
    • both items are added now for dripstone (pointed dripstone and dripstone block)
    • Small Dripleaf, Big Dripleaf
    • Chiseled Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Cobbled Deepslate, Deepslate
    • All the deepslate ores added with icons - coal, copper, iron, gold, lapis, redstone, diamond, and emerald.
    • Added cracked deepslate bricks
    • Added waxed, oxidized, and weathered copper slabs and stairs to the item list without icons.
    • Added polished deepslate slab, stairs, and wall with no icon
    • Added deepslate tiles and cracked deepslate tiles with icons
    • deepslate tile slab, stairs, and wall
    • deepslate brick slab, stairs, and wall
    • polished deepslate added as an item
    • Cobbled Deepslate Stairs, Cobbled Deepslate Wall
    • Added cobbled deepslate slab
    • If you know of any items which are still missing please let me know!

    The following adjustments were made to items on the site:
    • Fixed bee spawn eggs shop name to be correct.
    • Fixed cake so it can't be stacked.
    • Fixed missing space in gilded blackstone item name
    • Terracotta name change
    • Updated all the shop names for stained glass blocks
    • Updated the shop names for all stained glass and added a keyword for easier searchability
    • Mdy Mangrv Roots shortcut
    • Prlscnt Froglight shop name set
    • Renaming Smooth Sandstone to Cut Sandstone. Resolved a problem with smooth versus cut sandstone
    • Getting new icons for smooth sandstone, smooth red sandstone, and cut sandstone
    • Added keywords for Music Disc 5 on 5 Disc item. Tested out and resolved an issue where searching "Music Disc 5" didn't show a result.
    • Messed up one of the echo shard images (16) and had to remake it.
    • Resolved mangrove mangrovepropagule spelled as mangrovepopagule by mistake.
    • Added so that "Glowberry" will find "Glow Berries"
    • All music discs have altshopname and keys filled in
    • Fixed otherside disc image was the wrong size for 16 pixel version
    • All icons for music discs are prepared now
    • Changed name of Chiseled Deepslate Bricks to just Chiseled Deepslate.
    • Adding an alias for amethyst buds as budding amethyst.
    • Extensive revamp of the potion items. Many were missing or inaccurate.
    • If you notice any other issues please let me know!

    Other miscellaneous updates/bug fixes:
    • Resolved a database error caused by a table that doesn't exist when updating listing.
    • Fixed issue with session. + was filtered from session cookie, causing a problem with login. This would show up randomly and log you out if your session ID happened to end up with a +, which was a rare random chance.
    • Fixed issue when adding or searching items which names that included brackets. The item wouldn't be able to be found when selected.
    • Tested and resolved an issue where keywords weren't being considered in the search for items. This would mean it was harder to find an item as you had to use the proper name instead.
    • Built a system to traverse all possible potion itemss and ensure they exist, which should provide some convenience for future updates if the potions change in the future.
    • Modified the backend database to add space for lots of alternate shop names. This is useful if an item may have several different names it's referred to in the rupee history.
    • Fixed three potential warnings in footer about variables that didn't exist. This was only text which appeared occasionally, and didn't have any functional impact.
    New Shop Screenshot System
    One of the largest problems is out of date pricing information. Going forward, I have been considering a different model where price update happens in two steps:
    (1) One person in-game goes through and takes screenshots throughout a shop. This captures all the pricing data. The screenshots go in folders based on the section of the shop, in a folder for each shop.
    (2) From each screenshot, pricing information is extracted for all featured items. The screenshot can then be tracked as complete, and attached to the new listings.

    This solves some major issues with incomplete information. Each shop can be screenshotted rather quickly, which is the fastest possible approach to capture all the data.
    It adds data about the section of a shop, which can be useful to help find the item.
    This will also allow listings to have associated screenshots. This also helps find the item, helps give some context to determine if it's been removed/changed, and gives a timestamp of when it was captured.

    If you want to help with updating shop information, one easy way is to visit shops and capture screenshots.
    (1) Find a shop you like/use, or if you don't know of a shop, find one in-game with /v +mall or /v +shop or from reviewing this shop directory thread.
    (2) Verify there's actually a shop there and the buy/sell flags are enabled. Check to see what information has already been captured and when for that shop on the shop list.
    (3) Traverse the entire shop/mall. For each section of the shop, capture screenshots of all buy/sell signs. Make sure each screenshot is visible of both item and pricing. Multiple items in the same screenshot is fine. If there are any choose chests, then click to open and screenshot with the open chest for each sign. Please feel free to type in local chat if there are any notes that you want to include with a screenshot. Put all the screenshots in a folder with a name for the section. If there are no sections, put the screenshots in a folder named "None".
    (4) Once you have all the sections done, put all the section folders into a folder named with the residence number.
    (5) Compress the images and upload the resulting file somewhere. You can then send me the link. 7Zip, zip, or rar should all be fine.

    Notes: You can capture a screenshot by pressing F2 in-game. You can find your screenshot files typically by typing %appdata% in a file explorer window then go into .minecraft then screenshots (%appdata%/.minecraft/screenshots). Do not rename any of the screenshot files - just put them in the subfolders by section and residence. The name is used for timing information on the new entries.

    The tool to process the screenshot information is mostly functional but not yet ready for public use as I'm still sorting out a few issues. More information will be shared when it launches.

    Shops Which Don't Exist
    I have been removing several shops that no longer exist. Please let me know if you encounter shops that definitely do not exist anymore when using the site. I have an easier way to clear out their listings.

    Membership Tier System
    I have been thinking about a new feature of having membership tiers. The higher tiers would get access to market data faster. For example, if a listing is added, the top tier gets visibility immediately while the lower tiers wait a couple days and the free tier a couple weeks. Information is also immediately visible to whoever adds it.You would pay for the higher tiers in a monthly membership by contributing a certain quota of shop information, paying rupees, or donating to the hosting/domain cost. Please let me know your thoughts!

    Send a PM anytime or post a reply here if you have any feedback.
    607, ultipig, Fred_TWK and 3 others like this.