Did something change with treasure chests in the wild/frontier?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Fred_TWK, Jul 20, 2022.

  1. Wild/frontier, not waste.

    In the past, I have been able to break such chests.

    I now found another spawner in my outpost, generated with 1.18, and I can't break its chests, I get the same message I get in the waste.

    I did break 2 chests from a spawner generated with 1.18, but I did that in 1.18. This new spawner I found this week, but is in terrain that would have been updated previously.

    Did something change with such chests?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  2. Treasure chest are instanced per player iirc

    These chest have been semi-protected for years so that when a player finds the same dungeon, they can get a chance for loot

    Did this happen in /wild or /waste?

  3. so the wiki should not apply
  4. Hmm, did you try emptying the chest before destroying? (or viceversa, leaving something inside before breaking it)

    Try locking it with a sign, and then removing the lock sign and then destroying the chest?

    if not, it might be a bug...
  5. What chest is it? Is it from a nat gen structure or random chest? I have several at my outpost. Some I can break others not. I can't break anything in Nether fortresses, Bastions, etc but I can break the holiday chests. If you own the land the land in wild you can pm SS for removal if it impedes a build.
    We3_MPO, 607 and Tuqueque like this.
  6. will try, but as always I first empty them then remove them. always worked before.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  7. Ok, I've tested this and I've tried everything that I can think that can change that chest's nbt data, and not even a creeper can destroy it.

    • Creating a DC (successful, but original chest cannot be removed)
    • Creating Locked DC, can lock such DC, but still can't break original chest, before or after breaking lock sign back
    • Water-loggin the chest- you can put water, but chest still unbreakable
    • Creeper, did not blow up chest

    Didn't see any notes from Chicken regarding changes recently.

    I know that treasure chest generated before SU2 or 1.9 (one of the two) don't regenerate loot, thus not being protected, maybe you have only been encountering these so far.

    Some clarification from the devs on the wiki/feature will help us figure out if it is an unannounced intentional change, a bug or just that the wiki needs to be updated

    Note for when devs see this

    Went to an area generated in 2017 with a desert pyramid and a village next to it.

    The chest in the pyramid were not protected, which I probably opened back then
    The chest in the village, were protected, which I probably didn't open back then

    <check if the pyramid treasure chest are generally protected, or if this is an outlier>
    We3_MPO, 607 and Fred_TWK like this.
  8. feels strange though, the area was unexplored and generated 1.17 terrain (the version during which I explored the area)
    We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.
  9. This is actually on purpose, so that treasure chests that replenish are not destroyed. Original posts were for "chests outside of town" so both wild and wastelands as far as I believe

    "Self-replenishing Loot/Treasure Chests(top)

    Once looted, a treasure chest outside of the Town will refill itself if a different player opens the chest after an extended period of time (in order to prevent farming).

    These chests cannot be broken. Additionally, refills may overwrite any existing items in the chest."

    see https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/1-9-update/#self-replenishing-loot-treasure-chests

    I will look into possibly adding this info in another wiki spot.
  10. If I can be honest, I really dislike that.

    Fine for the waste, but in the frontier, in the middle of a perimeter I am digging for a farm, I want to be able to remove those chests.

    Particularly if those chests are way down deep and I can find them only after weeks of digging, I don't want my efforts to avail to nothing.

    Even more so given that the frontier is not supposed to be for resource gathering.
    Ryko369, We3_MPO, 607 and 3 others like this.
  11. Definitely make a suggestion post. This could cause major issues down the line for some people
  12. Done, thank you.
    We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.
  13. Treasure chests are part of exploring, not mining or gathering per se. Mansions, temples, mines, ruins, shipwrecks, etc.

    Chests are not a full block for mob spawning issues, cover them with carpet or light them up with a torch, if you are concerned over mobs on them.

    Unless they are in a claimed outpost, then expect that any player might access them if they find them. Don't attach hoppers to them, won't work. And don't block them off, if they are in public domain.

    That's easy peasy and done.
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  14. and if they are in the outpost, as I posed at the beginning, what do you suggest?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  15. It’s still an eyesore in the middle of your build. And what if it just so happens to be in an area that you planned to build in? You’ve just spent weeks digging a hole for nothing.

    I seriously doubt many people are going to care if a few minor loot chests in the frontier are suddenly reverted back to vanilla. As Fred said, the waste is there for gathering resources, (I know you said chests are more part of exploring, but let’s be honest - most exploring is done explicitly to find the chests, look at the landscape for a few minutes and leave. Also, you can explore in the waste just as easily) and the frontier is there for building. The mechanics should reflect that. Anything that hinders building should not be enabled in the frontier.
    We3_MPO and Fred_TWK like this.
  16. You can request them to be removed as I said at the very beginning
    KatydidBuild and Tuqueque like this.
  17. Merek's suggestion is what I would do.

    Perhaps it was a good point to bring up for the Empires update and it's related mechanics, in case devs had not planned for that. But I don't think it's fair to change the mechanic server-wide because of the players who choose to live/build solely in the Frontier.

    In fact, the same argument has been made for the holiday and feast chests. Give a method for owners to turn those off from spawning and spoiling builds in areas that are owned.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  18. Except holiday and feast chests are breakable. I could flip the argument the other way and say it’s not fair to leave mechanics the way they are for the sake of people who want to loot a few chests in the wild. Also, it’s not server wide. By all means leave the mechanics the same in the waste, you shouldn’t be building there anyway. But in the frontier it causes more problems than it fixes
    We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.
  19. The 'refill' aspects of the treasure chests was not previously enabled in the frontier. That was enabled - which automatically kicked in protection carrying over from the wastelands.

    That is what changed.

    Edit: Reply to the other thread.
    We3_MPO, Fred_TWK and Tuqueque like this.