Alright, It's time. The cards will be divided by completing challenges. Since there are a lot of cards this post would get a bit too long if I had to type it all out here, so I made a small site to make it easier to navigate. Some rules: -most challenges are completed after you PM your answer/screenshot/etc to me here on the forums. This will count as your time of submission and will allow me to check who was first. -Google or any other assistance is allowed, I don't care how you manage to beat the challenge as long as the end result is correct. -You may work together, share a card with a friend or give it away to someone else. If you manage to claim a card you may request how I fill it. (as long as it fits the theme a bit) -In case you think a puzzle is broken/unsolvable, let me know. and with that out of the way, let's start! Click here to go on an adventure.
only a tiny bit confused. if the card has been "solved" then it can be claimed by someone still? or no?
Only "claimed by" is important if you want to claim the card yourself, this shows if anyone has claimed it already. "solved by" shows people that have given me the correct answer, but chose not to claim it, it's just for bragging rights. So short answer: Yes, if the "claimed" field is empty it's still available.
Small update as well: One day later and half of the cards have already been claimed. Thank you to everyone who has already participated. There are however still 9 cards available, some of which are very easy to claim. For 3 cards there is even a deadline at the end of this month, so claim while you still can.
Hey everyone, After some hectic weeks at work I have finally regained some time to work on these cards. To my surprise not all cards have been claimed yet. I have extended the time limit of some challenges so if you have not claimed a card this might be the time to do so. Here is a small review of what cards are claimed so far: Tarot cards: 0: GreenMeanie1: JNightwind2: wafflecoffee3:4: DrasLeona2475:6: MissBonnieParker7: Unoski8:9: W1therRex10: Luckygreenbird11: Ryko36912:13: crystaldragon1314: CelenaasaurusRex15:16: spitfyre1317:18: Asuriaa19: BlueShinobiXIII20: OhMiku21: click here to try and claim a card. Quick reminder to everyone since the cards that are left over might be a bit harder to claim: Everyone is allowed to PM me here or on discord to get some hints or ask questions, I'm pretty bad at not helping people. I'll start uploading the first few drawn cards this week, so keep posted.
Alright, let's start of with the first few cards. These Tarot cards also feature a more intricate background that creates a big drawing if you lay them next to each other, but that'll be something to reveal when they are all finished.
Next batch. Also, for those that want to test these cards out (without spending money on actually printing them) there are some online playing rooms, like this one. PS: There are still some cards left unclaimed. I'm planning on finishing this all up by the end of the month so any card that remains unclaimed I'm just going to give to someone random. Consider this your last warning in case you wanted to claim one.
And another batch done. These will be the last cards for a while since the rest have not been claimed yet. So in order to speed things up a bit, here are some hints to help those last cards get claimed. There is a password hidden through every page of the site. Check ALL pictures you can find in order to piece it together. Check more here. Only 1 person has made a guess so far, so you still have a big chance of winning. Small hint: It's more than a minute. Check more here. This one can be solved very fast. However, you do have to think like a hacker, think outside the box, really inspect every detail of the image. Check more here. Again, only 1 submission so far, so if you think you can draw better than this you might still win. Have to admit, it's a faithful representation of me. 10/10 Check more here. Once again, only 1 submission so far. This "task" is more of a lottery than anything, so submit anything at all and you have a chance to win. Check more here. Good luck everyone.
And here we are, March has ended and so has the competition. With this all the cards are drawn and the deck is complete. I hope you like them, some of my best work yet. But in all seriousness, Time to finish these cards. I'll post the actual results once april fools is over. (No one claimed "the Hierophant" yet, last chance if you want to solve it. Hint: there is a letter hidden in almost every image on the site.)
Going through sll the cards for the first time, and they look awesome! Only one thing surprised me, I don't see a card for progryck...? Did you not make one of yourself? If I might make a suggestion, I think you should be the "Ace of 'Arts" (heArts)