
Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Progryck, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. And just like that, it's done...
    All tarot cards are finished and added to the deck.
    They even form their own little pattern if you lay them out correctly.

    (the fool and the world hold the same spot in the middle since they represent both beginning and end, and the end of one journey is the beginning of another)

    Thanks to all of you for the support along the way.
    I'm currently not planning on extending this project any further apart from eventually getting them printed somehow.
  2. I did indeed never make one for myself, mostly because I forgot and by the time I remembered all cards had been claimed. :p
    But these last few Tarot cards were claimed a bit slower, so I ended up claiming "The Star" for myself.
  3. I feel the Star was the perfect card for you and so well deserved. Thank you Progryck, for bringing light, great fun, humor, and warm kindness to the community.. not to mention some wonderful talent for us to appreciate along with a glimpse into that creative mind of yours. :)
  4. Tsk tsk... I can only say AAAAAAAAAH to that (which means 'Awesome Artists Always Act Awfully Anti-excited After Acing A Humblenesstest'). The art deserves an 'AAAAH' as well but I'm afraid one without an extra meaning.
  5. That's pretty neat!!!
    xGGirlx, Progryck, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  6. cool!
  7. I'll try to play a game with them soon! I also think that somehow this is the first pack of playing cards that I own. :p What better pack to start with, though. :cool:
    Progryck likes this.
  8. EMC's first Playing Card deck!!!
    Progryck likes this.
  9. is 5 still open ?? oof just notist im tho late by a lot