[FORUM GAME] EMC Text Adventure: The Adventure Update

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Jul 20, 2020.


Have you played Minecraft before or during its Adventure Update? (Beta 1.8, Beta 1.9 pre, 1.0)

Yes. 8 vote(s) 57.1%
No. 6 vote(s) 42.9%
  1. Code:
    You take a stroll in the plain. Nice temperature!
    You return to the plain.
    You make your way through the savanna.
    You enter a savanna. It's quite flat!
  2. Code:
    Run East
    607 and 4moTilCRhystmas like this.
  3. We're seven pages in, how has nobody found a tree yet
    Run east
  4. That's what I wonder. :p But well, remember the tree right to the left of spawn on the first adventure? That took a while... :p

    (the darkly tinted squares are unexplored)

  5. People are getting hungry
    607, TomvanWijnen and luckycordel like this.
  6. This is an impossible command, as you do not have sufficient food bars... please use another! :)
  7. Not for much longer :p

    Eat steak
    4moTilCRhystmas and luckycordel like this.
  8. Code:
    You run through the plain, getting tall grass in your face.
    You walked to the west, but did not get anywhere. You have located the western world border!
    You found a river, and drown. You are back at spawn. Your inventory is empty. 
    You return to the plain.
    You devoured a steak. *burp* You now have 6.5 food bars.
  9. Code:
    Eat Steak
    607 and 4moTilCRhystmas like this.
  10. Now that I think about it this move is completely reasonable but it also absolutely ruined one of my plans

    Might change this in a bit, but for the meantime, let's walk north
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  11. Now I would like to run east :D
    4moTilCRhystmas, 607 and luckycordel like this.
  12. Code:
    You devoured a steak. *burp* You now have 6 food bars.
    You make your way through the savanna.
    You enter a savanna. It's quite flat!
    You saw a chicken, and poked it. You now have one steak and two chickens.
    You saw a chicken, and poked it. You now have one chicken.
    This is so exciting! :D Rhy sometimes sends me updates on his strategies, which is very cool to see too. :) It's hard to not give him any info back, though. :p

    I'm also updating the visualiser, so I can check that I haven't made any mistakes until now. :) (I guess I still can't be completely sure, but it's good enough :p)