[FORUM GAME] EMC Text Adventure: The Adventure Update

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Jul 20, 2020.


Have you played Minecraft before or during its Adventure Update? (Beta 1.8, Beta 1.9 pre, 1.0)

Yes. 8 vote(s) 57.1%
No. 6 vote(s) 42.9%
  1. One big steak :p

    I would like to walk east :D
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  2. I also had a mistake in my map, I thought the cow that CarFryer just found was a zombie because I got SteamingFire and StringerFam05 confused way back in the beginning of the game.

    Also, hmu if you want to buy some steak, one piece of wood each

    Run south
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  3. I did the same thing, got SteamingFire and StringerFam05 switched around early on:D
    4thofJurhy and 607 like this.
  4. Walk south

    I had actually somehow moved someone south instead of east (or something like that, completely the wrong direction for some reason)... :p and I always double checked, so I still don't understand how that happened. :p

    The rest was already eaten by the killer... ;)
  5. Happens to the best of us!:D
  6. Code:
    You enter a savanna. It's quite flat!
    You tried to walk south, but came upon a wall of stone. You cannot go on without a pick-axe. You are still where you were.
    You make your way through the savanna.
    You run through the plain, getting tall grass in your face.
    You walked to the south, but did not get anywhere. You have located the southern world border!
    This is exciting. :D
  7. Aw, I hoped I'd find a tree there XD

    Walk south
    607, 4moTilCRhystmas and luckycordel like this.
  8. Code:
    Run South
    607 and 4moTilCRhystmas like this.
  9. ...and once again, I got east and west confused. >_>
    I'm going to wait until later today to post my move, once I've had some time to do a bit of thinking. :)
    CarFryer, luckycordel and 607 like this.
  10. "I got east and west confused" yet you went south... :p

    Walk east
  11. This was in reference to someone else's move, they went west but I had them going east on my map :p

    Walk west
    607, luckycordel and TomvanWijnen like this.
  12. Code:
    You make your way through the savanna.
    You tried to run south, but after traversing one block came upon a wall of stone. You cannot go on without a pick-axe. You found a nice fat cow and killed it. You now have 2 steaks.
    You take a stroll in the plain. Nice temperature!
  13. Code:
    Run East
    607 and 4moTilCRhystmas like this.
  14. Walk east
    607 and 4moTilCRhystmas like this.
  15. Run east
    607 and 4moTilCRhystmas like this.
  16. Might change this tomorrow when I actually look at the map, but for now, let's run south