Who is still here?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Nuttyknight42, Aug 3, 2019.


Can we gather to gather and do some minning or exploring

Poll closed Aug 17, 2019.
Yes please! 15 vote(s) 83.3%
No way man! 3 vote(s) 16.7%
  1. I was wondering who still actually play on emc these days?

    Do me a favor and sound off in this thread!
    ShelLuser and KatydidBuild like this.
  2. i am!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Whello there.
  4. I'm off and on, but nowadays, in past months it's more "off" than "on".

    I have personal life stuff to tend to, which is more important than Minecraft. ;)
  5. I'm here and there.
  6. I'm not active ingame much anymore, but I do still check the forums multiple times a day.
  7. I don't play anymore I just hop on to vote and talk to friends, but on the forums all the time :p
  8. I check the forums and I get on SMP8 a few days out of the week! :)
  9. Well you know i am here
    ChumMiner likes this.
  10. I'm around pretty often. The amount of freetime I have will drastically decrease after next week, but I fully intend to keep playing when I'm able to. :)
  11. I'm still around here! Just often busy with other stuf, and I'm often online a lot for a bit and then not much for a bit. Now is a "not much" bit, because I'm on holidays with terrible internet. :D I am, however, always around on the forums. :)
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  12. I mainly just lurk the forums, don't really go ingame much
    Inuyasha1204 and jacob5089 like this.
  13. It sure is more important then a game!
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  14. My two home smps, the original and the current, have both lost a lot of activity (6 more clearly than 8). I've skirmishes more now, not in game, but with people around me, and thus I'm phasing out of MC. On top of the fact that the game just isn't what it used to be to me, and I'm burned out.

    I'm here to wrap up projects, then I'm taking a break for the fall of freshman year- college. After that, we'll see.

    Six really seems to have died tho... What's up with that?
    UltiPig, KatydidBuild and Otus_NigRum like this.
  15. I'm here!!:D
  16. this dude will always be here ;)
  17. I pretty much quit, minecraft has no appeal to me anymore, i'm semi-active on discord and active on the forums, mainly for NN only
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  18. I’m still here!