The UWE sees Switzerland and think "Hey! Switzerland seems poor and lonely, let's take it over!". The UWE plans to make Switzerland its first colony. They promote their equal rights and fair government to Switzerland, and promise protection from anyone who tries to attack them or invade them. They start by giving them some recourses, such as oil. They then send troops to protect them and further promote this great nation. The UWE is happy that they are starting to expand so early. Note: I'm new here and not clear on how taking a country as a colony works. Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.
OH BOY. This is going to be a nightmare. Seriously, take over something else. Please. The Golden Age of Conquest is kinda over, it'll be prudent to take over New Zealand or something.
Just realized the rules about taking over. countries and realized that UWE has to exist for 2 years to be able to unless I reed the rules wrong. This post will come into play later for when I take over other countries
This doesn't really work in major continents anymore. When the game first started, colonization was huge, you could take whatever you wanted, but now since its 1997 in-game it's not really possible anymore. The only countries you can colonize is New Zealand and maybe a few African nations. So far though, you're left with the scraps, everyone has taken the best of the best, sorry. Switzerland is also apart of the European Commonwealth. If you're going to take them over you're going to start a war with everyone else. Other than that, you are doing the colonizing part right
HMKX would be very happy, I mean for the sake of game progress I think UNAFR should remain neutral in any truly European conflict. FRNS is going to be angry, but their power is roughly equal to UWE and with HMKX backing them slightly it could work. You could try and annex Uzbekistan/any of the Asian -stan countries except for Kazakhstan or something, but HMKX might not take kindly to this. Cyrpus is also open, Japan might be fine picking because HMKX has taken issue with Japan's WW2 portrayal, and the alliances is fragile. EDIT: All options have pros and cons. Choose wisely. I would recommend a -Stan invasion because they posses Gold and Natural Gas if not for the fact you have zero land bases in Asia. You're at HMKX's mercy for such an invasion, and they'd have to allow you. I would recommend a Japanese invasion to give you airbases in Asia and a method to invade China, with -Stan ruled out, but they have 0 resources. Also, HMKX problem with them not taking it kindly. Invading Cyprus would give you a stronger presence in the Mediterranean, and you could stirke a deal with the Turkish for them to back you. But that would anger the Greek, and they also have few resources.
So I am allowed to take counties this early in the game, even if their aren't that many good ones left
Understandable, I saw this thread when it came out and was kind of intrested. Then I joined last night and I am still learning the rules even though I read the rules
HMKX requests full handover of Hong Kong. This means FRNS loses all control over it, and will give HMKX full control as well as Sovereignty over the City. They have until the end of this year to give HMKX the City, and HMKX agrees to allow Hong Kong residents to move out as they please for 1 year after the handover. The question is whether FRNS will accept it, as HMKX will make no concessions as per the British-Chinese treaty that allowed for a lease of 99 years. They interpret this treaty has Britain having to give it back after 99 years. It should be of note Hong Kong is a symbol of British Empiredom, and has equally significant Cultural meaning for both sides. The Chinese region refuses to acknowledge British rule at all due to the century of humiliation, while HMKX proper acknowledges it only for negotiation. Britain, on the other hand might not be pleased to lose its last retained colony, the final symbol of the Old British Empire. The 99-year lease has almost expired and HMKX is willing to do whatever it takes to get their city back. FRNS may refuse, but that has consequences.
This is generally what's left of what to colonize without stepping on anyone's toes. I don't know everyone's situation, but you should be alright with stealing some of those countries. Again, ask others, and if someone doesn't respond lightly then consider something else. Generally, all these countries are kind of untalked of in the game. You can always make an alliance with other nations too, it sort of spreads your influence around, but it's up to you.
The FRNS would like to run a referendum in Hong Kong. The issue of whether to hold the referendum or keep Hong Kong has been to put a state representative vote. Cornwall, South England, and North England have voted to keep it. Scotland has voted for the referendum. Northern Ireland has voted to keep Hong Kong. Ireland has voted for the referendum. BRITISH ISLES Keep Hong Kong: 4 Referendum: 2 Northern Norway, Trøndelag, Western Norway, and Norrland have voted to keep it. Southern Norway, Eastern Norway, Götaland, Svealand have voted for the referendum. Nordjylland, Midtjylland, Syddanmark, have voted to keep it. Sjaelland and Schleswig-Holstein have voted for the referendum. SCANDINAVIA Keep Hong Kong: 7 Referendum: 6 Rhineland-Palatinate, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Bremen, Baden-Wurttemburg, Bavaria, have voted to keep it. Saarland, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, and Berlin have voted for the referendum. GERMANY Keep Hong Kong: 5 Referendum: 10 TOTAL VOTES Keep Hong Kong: 16 Referendum: 18 Going forward with this information, the FRNS would like any agreed referendum to be held by an unbiased independent body.
UFOS see UWE as a potential ally but only if we break of relations with HMKX but that's out of the question UFOS has also started fortifing the Falkland Islands by building walls and starting a military base construction on each of the islands
HMKX doesn't think FRNS gets it. Hong Kong doesn't get a say in this. FRNS doesn't get a say in this. The Deal is close to expiring, plain and simple. HMKX ULTIMATUM TO THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE NORTH SEA (HUMAN READABLE VERSION)The HMKX Empire will offer nothing for the legitimate handover of Hong Kong to China, under the terms of the 99-year lease from the British Empire and Qing Empire. The 99 years are very close to expiring, and the British Empire's succesor state, FRNS must return this territory to the successor state of the Qing, the HMKX Empire. HMKX will not accept any offers to extend the lease in any way, as the Qing were strong-armed into this lease and was forced to sign it. HMKX therefore considers this lease illegitimate and only recognizes it partially for negotiating purposes. If in the event FRNS denies the terms outlined in the ultimatum, HMKX will be forced to resort to military methods to take back the City. TERMS OF THE RETURN1. The Federal Republic of the North Sea shall return the Sovereignty and Administration of Hong Kong to the HMKX Empire on precisely 11:59:59 PM on December 31st 1997. A flag change will take place on all government buildings in the hour before and hour after, during which FRNS personnel will have 2 hours to change the flag to the future/current owner, HMKX Empire. The HMKX flags will be supplied by HMKX.2. FRNS has 6 months to move out of Hong Kong and to manage their affairs, starting from June 31st, 1997. An additional 3 months of time may be granted for delays. When the 6 months expire, and the 3 months time given extra is expired, HMKX will move in regardless of FRNS needs or resistance.3. The People of Hong Kong will be given 2 years of Visa-Free movement to and from FRNS once Hong Kong is reclaimed so that they may move out as they wish.4. Hong Kong shall be defined as the New Territories, Lantau, Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. While Hong Kong Island and Lantau are technically owned by the British Empire, in order for the completeness of Hong Kong and practicality for both sides, HMKX demands the return of all four territories.5. FRNS must allow for HMKX Military Force to move in on precisely 12:00:00 AM on January 1st 1998 to prevent FRNS attempts to retake the Island, and to ensure a smooth transition of Power.If FRNS is to refuse any of the terms within this Ultimatum, HMKX will interpret this as an unwillingness to part from the rightfully leased New Territories and attempt to keep it via force, and will declare war.TL;DR: Get Out.HMKX, in an effort to pressure FRNS has stationed HMKXS Vakulenchuk with associated Heavy Task Force and HMKXS Kirov, Superheavy Cruiser near Hong Kong. HMKXS Zheng He has been stationed near FRNS with associated Heavy Escort. This is meant as a clear message "You've had your fun. Now get out."
The UNAFR is giving jail time and large fines to those who do not put out their campfires during fire seasons. This is to avoid large scale forest fires during the summers, which inevitably destroy towns and cost millions in repairs. Anyone who is caught being the root to a forest fire will experience punishment like no other... The World Environment Organization asks the UWE if they would like to join. The WEO is an international organization which focuses on keeping the world clean by cutting down on emissions, lowering fossil fuels, and by combatting pollution of the air, seas and land. The WEO is in no way an alliance or militaristic pact. It is purely a bunch of countries all working together to keep the world clean. All UWE nations were previously apart of the WEO, just wondering if the UWE would consider keeping it going.
HMKX has implemented such regulations as well. HMKX has secretly requested UNAFR remain neutral, or at least NPAT except UNAFR remain neutral if a Hong Kong war should break out.
A new Golden Age is starting in Africa, "The Great Gold Oil Spill." It's basically a golden age in oil production and exportation in Algeria, Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria. With the extinction of Boko Haram and Omni Laham, terrorism in West Africa is no longer a crisis as before. This means new possibles for oil refineries and oil pipelines, which the Tri-Couples, Cameroon, Nigeria and Chad are working on. All throughout the countries oil is being dug from the ground and exported to their neighbouring countries. A pipeline is also being built from Nigeria, cross country into Cameroon and into Chad. This huge production of oil has boosted the economy of all these three countries, making them dirty rich. (As rich as African countries get). Algeria is experiencing their own boom, with UNAFR help they are building a large pipeline and expanding heavily into oil refineries and mining. Those four countries make up the Quad-Oil Kings, producing the most Oil, Gas and Petroleum in all of Africa. With this huge economic threshold, these four countries can become the most powerful in Africa with just a bit of time and smart decisions. The "Quad-Oil Kings" are poking at the Central African Empire for Diamonds and South Africa for gold.
Libya grins and goes to join the Big Oil. Africa? Good Luck, we're servicing Worldwide. Libya is Guinea-level developed, which is on par with Western Nations. One from selling truly vast quantities of Aluminum, one from selling vast quantities of Oil and being the first country in Africa to do so explosively. The only reason a dictator was not installed was because to satiate HMKX's never-ending appetite, a dictator exploiting resources was not enough. Their massive water Desalination plants are the envy of a lot of African Countries. They are essentially viewed as the Saudi Arabia of Africa, rich as all hell. Not even Nigeria and Algeria match up to these guys. Their critical flaw is their low population and thus low hard power. They may have a reputation as the only country in Africa to have "Cities of Silver, Waters of Gold", but in an invasion they are essentially helpless, hence why they have an alliance with Guinea. Their Soft Power may be highly impressive with their great reputation and good relations with even NPAT members, but they lack hard power or the ability to summon a huge army/navy. HMKX's got them covered on that front, kind of. Allying with the World's biggest army was probably a smart idea. South Africa is not pleased at Nigeria. They welcome every other Oil King except them. Guinea is not pleased at the Oil Kings' advances on the CAE. They already sell Diamonds from the annexed Sierra Leone and they've got a monopoly. Guinea is rising fast, because they have 2 billion people's worth of Aluminum to supply. They have a guaranteed money supply, and they are using it well to gain hard power. They are perhaps the only HMKX-oriented country making smart choices... Wait, what's Madagascar doing? It seems they have accused Algeria of poisoning and being neglectful with food aid that was sent by the OEO to Nigeria. An investigation was conducted by the Madagascan authorities that led to a Algeria.
HMKX has heavily expanded its ABM systems over the years. It is confident that it can fend off any non-UNAFR attack, with 300 kill vehicles assigned to the largest cities and at least 75 kill vehicles for all cities, and most kill vehicles able to cooperate with each other to form a formidable defensive screen of 4,500 kill vehicles, with nearly 1,400 kill vehicles defending the West.
The UWE joins the WEO. They promise to cut down on all their uses of fossil fuels and on pollution. The UWE destroys all factories in many of of their countries which pollute the world. They now start making eco-friendly factories to reduce pollutions. These factories aren't as productive for the UWE's economy, but we make deal for the sake of the world