Due to what is perceived as the bullying of the FRNS, and the hostility of the sanctions, the FRNS declines. He will stay in Stammheim.
HMKX quits and basically says to Kazakhstan "I tried my best, you're on your own". Kazakhstan is understandably angry and blasts HMKX for this. They have support from Iraq, Vietnam, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A Kazakhstani group has raised funds to buy large amounts of Airtime on European Commonwealth and HMKX news, explaining why Stammheim is too good for a reprehensible monster such as Schmidt. HMKX is expanding their Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems, to be able to efficiently defend against any non-UNAFR Nuclear Strike, because if it's UNAFR HMKX is doomed regardless of what it does. Guinea and Libya, both underdogs in the battle for hard power have allied. The DRC sees this as a challenge, Nigeria thinks "gulp", Algeria is ambivalent, and Madagascar is busy playing all sides against each other. Africa hard power rankings: 1. Democratic Republic of the Congo/Algeria/Egypt 2. Nigeria 3. South Africa/Guinea+Libya 4. UNAFR underdogs/HMKX underdogs Africa soft power rankings: 1. Libya+Guinea/Algeria 2. Nigeria 3. Democratic Republic of the Congo/South Africa 4.UNAFR underdogs/HMKX underdogs Madagascar is hard to say. They're busy playing everyone against everyone else. Due to the fact HMKX's large faction undergoes constant infighting (Libya+Guinea vs DRC, Madagascar vs Everyone including UNAFR (subtle) Egypt vs DRC (subtle)), they are roughly equal to UNAFR's faction.Middle East power rankings:1. Iran/Saudi Arabia/Iraq2. Israel/Turkey*3. Syria/Palestine/United Arab Emirates*low on this list because not a true middle east country.HMKX's Middle East Faction is significantly more powerful than UNAFR's. Both sides have an enemy in Iran, which dislikes the Saudis and hates the Israeli. The Saudis and the Iraqi have made an agreement, that if it comes to war with Israel, they let Syria bleed. If it comes to war with Iran, the Saudis knock out Oman and Yemen, while the Iraqi knock out Syria. If HMKX comes in to save the day, that's good. If they don't, the Saudis and Iraq gang up on Iran and create a peace treaty.
The Empire has recalled Chandragupta from FRNS, as it isn't doing much. However, they are still curious as to whether UNAFR's commitment to FRNS is standing and vice versa. Technically, the UNAFR-FRNS alliance expired when UKNS reformed into FRNS, and it expired even more when TUN became UNAFR. They have decided to intensify Naval activities in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, and to set up a few more research bases in there. In the Arctic, there is HMKX activity. They seem to be actively moving to claim parts of it, using the years-old military bases in the sea as a launching Pad. HMKX has proposed that the WEO create an agreement to curb Carbon Emissions. HMKX, UNAFR and UFOS have all done so, HMKX has finally come knocking to FRNS. It's about time, too.
Sun Tzu and Zhuge Liang have both undergone a bit of refit in order to accommodate the E-4V2. These two, much smaller than their kin, are the single most economical Supercarriers in the HMKX Navy. Still large as heck though. (shaving off 6k worth of displacement did wonders at relatively little cost of performance, they are somewhere between Genghis Khan and Volvograd.) (keep in mind the HMKX Economy is much larger than the US economy IRL and could theoretically afford a much larger Supercarrier fleet, but the funds are instead diverted into Army and Air Force). They are heavily computerized, and have very ample room for improvement. It is generally agreed Sejong the Greats were bad designs, expensive and impractical. Yi Sun-Shin and Admiral Kuznetsov are both starting to show their age compared to the newer Nimitz models. Despite extensive RCOH, they are still mechanically problematic and are fundamentally having difficulties being reconciled to computers. Zheng He and co suffers from this as well, but to a far lesser extent. The HMKX Navy is being expanded at the expense of the Army. Economic Growth is Great!
The WEO is proposing an agreement with all members to Curb Carbon Emissions. This is an effective way to save our world. Members who have shown the most participation in the WEO: UNAFR HMKX UFOS Members who have the most eco-friendly countries: Finland Iceland Spain France New Zealand UNAFR Singapore Switzerland UFOS HMKX A big congrats to HMKX, UFOS Although both lower on this list, both countries who have been pollution hotspots are proud to express their eco-friendliness. Both started at the bottom of the dumpster, but both have pushed the hardest out of every country. Keep up the good work. The UNAFR has been pushing for an eco-friendly world for decades now and even founded the WEO. It's no surprise they are pretty high in the list, but UFOs and HMKX being so close is impressive. FRNS has yet to contribute large projects to the WEO. Please sign the agreement, countries who do not show etiquette participation will have a meeting with other members on if they should be pushed out of the organization.
WEO is a World Environment Organization. You have contributed, but not to the scale that I have remembered
A group of DRC Soldiers fired on Nigerian Soldiers. A shootout ensued, ending with DRC command intervening. They responded oddly late, and by the time they stepped in it had escalated into a small battle. DRC and South Africa claims it to be accidental, Libya and Guinea claims it to be very much intentional (keep in mind they want DRC knocked down a peg), Madagascar urges, in their words "swift and terrible punishment for the perpetrators" (wants EVERYONE knocked down a peg) Egypt urges for restraint (Wants stability, because they're doing fine). HMKX says "if there's a war, deal with it yourself; I'll export weapons and Oil, and maybe send a Supercarrier over if things get hairy. No troops as long as they don't try to eat your whole country." (Little Appetite for war) OOC: The truth is a mix of accidents and malice. DRC generals ordered heavy alertness, some idiot down the command chain (A Colonel) ordered shoot-on-sight knowing full well the prescence of Nigerian Soldiers, a low-ranking vehemently anti-Nigerian officer ordered the opening of fire. I won't say whether Nigeria intruded or DRC did.
HMKX is mobilizing their assets in preparation for a potential crisis. HMKXS Sun Tzu with associated task force has been parked next to Guinea, in a move that reminds DRC that they are here for all of Africa, not just them. HMKX has requested FRNS sign the agreement and reduce Carbon Emissions, or else. HMKX seems to be readying its "Rare Earth Metals" bat. HMKX let FRNS get a taste of it the first time. They seem to be readying it for a much stronger strike. HMKX is expanding its Nuclear Power Plants, in order to uphold a consistent power supply.
The FRNS says that it is dedicated to saving the planet and have taken the necessary steps, within what it deems feasible, to work towards this - for example, closing coal mines, trying to make the switch to nuclear energy, its funding for bike lanes and train and bus nationalisations, the nationalised solar panel and wind turbine company, and its deployment of wind turbines all along the coasts of Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. It also says that it is absolutely committed to increasing participation where possible. The FRNS has signed the agreement. To prove its dedication to the agreement and organisation, it has instituted a carbon tax - of 20% on the highest emitters - and the latest government budget has funding for smart metres and recycling. All future houses built will be eco-friendly and all residents must, by 2010, microgenerate with at least government-supplied solar panels. Electric car research and development will also have government subsidies dedicated to it, and citizens are now able to take out grants for newer, more eco-friendly cars. It is hoped that by 2020, fossil fuel-powered cars can be banned for use as taxis and every taxi driver will have an electric car.
The Dwight D. Eisenhower stands at Nigeria's shores. If the DRC wants to play sticky, the UNAFR will too.
UFOS has a new type of building it is the Halo building type These are military buildings with walls that will stop up to a AK-47 round! will be replacing all of our goverment buildings with this type of buildings will take about 11 years
HMKX thinks "phew" DRC does not punish the officers involved and states that since it was an accident, no one will be prosecuted. They also apologize for their negligence. HMKX Field Rations: Mass Preparation Ration: Using fresh/refrigerated/frozen foods, this ration is designed to feed massive numbers of personnel with ease and thus uses mass-production techniques. Surprisingly enough, soldiers love this ration despite the fact it didn't have taste in mind, only nutrition and numbers. Effectively HMKX's (cheaper) version of the A-Ration. Here's the Wikipedia Article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-ration Bulk Preparation Ration: Once again, massive numbers of personnel with ease. Not well liked, but not hated either. HMKX's version of this thing. Maybe a bit harder to prepare but still not bad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-ration Individual Food Ration: POST 1925. The MRE, but mass produced. Also of lower quality, the Chemical Heaters break down every so often. The one advantage is that cold or hot, this stuff tastes like food. It is superior to the MRE on that regard, which tastes like glue when not heated. It is disliked and often traded for rations of other nations, but it does the job. Rapid Strike Ration: Ready to eat, cold or hot, the first strikers eat this stuff. Designed to be handheld and eaten while on the move.
OEO has announced that they will be providing Humanitarian Aid to certain African Nations that are recovering or are at war, especially those torn apart by the reign of Omni Laham and Boko Harm. The Humanitarian Daily Ration is Halal and Kosher, and OEO really did their research. The one difference from the IRL HDR is that the matches inside are printed. OEO plans to drop 150,000 units at minimum. Leaflets are being dropped in order to announce the coming of food; it is written in Native Languages, Arabic, English, Chinese and Indian that this is food, safe to eat and is Halal/Kosher, and that it is a food gift from the Nations of the OEO, especially countries that have contributed to a large degree with the Airdrop Rations program. OEO made a part-genius, part-stupid move by incentivizing nations, as who wouldn't want their name plastered on gifts of goodwill? Great increases to soft power. Unfortunately, HMKX's factional infighting has made matters worse, not better. Guinea and Libya are scrambling to get their name plastered on it, and DRC has made significant work to get it done. The goal already been broken, with all 3 nations trying hard to get their name on it. DRC, especially lacking in soft power is interested. HMKX is also contributing to an extent, as well as Mexico. Having rigged the OEO to their own ends, HMKX also has to pay the most dues. Their power comes at a cost. Unfortunately, this involves sabotage of the other's contributions. Madagascar is working to sabotage the program entirely, as usual. Iran is showing increasing aggression to Saudi Arabia, much to their chagrin. But they were always rivals, this was meant to be. Syria, on the other hand seems to be increasingly aggressive to Israel. Due to HMKX's former partnerships with them, they have large amounts of HMKX-made weaponry. Syria is increasingly becoming unstable, as extremist anti-Israeli and pro-Democracy factions split apart.
the F-22 is being produced. It will be introduced to the military in 20 posts. In Africa, Nigeria demands that the DRC prosecutes the military officers who fired upon Nigeria soldiers. Meanwhile, Nigeria makes fun of Cameroon, joking about how they can't handle a large military. Which is true, Cameroon annexed Equilateral Guinea a few years ago but was forced to leave the country due to complications with their own military. Cameroon is like that guy who tries to fit in, but sadly cannot. Algeria is more of an Independent African country. They are allies with the UNAFR and NPAT, yet don't need much help when it comes to a war with their two neighbours. Ivory Coast and Kenya are allies but focus on their own problems.
The European Commonwealth has announced that it plans to expand into Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, and with the consent of the TUN, Romania.
The CVN-73 is being built, named "George Washington" the 6th of the Nimitz Class aircraft carriers. It will be introduced to the military in 20 posts. The M2 Bradley project is finished. The infantry fighting vehicle which will be used in reconnaissance and soldier support missions. This tank is well equipped with well defended spaced armour and a killer gun. It's fast too, a perfect vehicle for infantry support. It too will be introduced to the military in 20 posts