The FRNS has formally declared war on the UFOS and has dispatched a nuclear submarine to the South Atlantic. If UFOS does not back down immediately, nuclear missiles will be fired at their capital. The European Commonwealth has also backed the FRNS and will be sending additional European planes and ships to the South Atlantic. The Prime Minister has called off the diplomatic meeting with the HMKX and UFOS.
HMKX has warned any Nuclear Attack on UFOS that successfully results in large loss of UFOS life will result in massive Nuclear Retaliation. Keep in mind HMKX outnumbers FRNS's Arsenal 84:1. UFOS also has their own arsenal, Belac please do post information about this arsenal. Australia has a crap ton of Uranium, so you can make a lot of weapons. HMKX has revealed the suspicious shipment they sent to UFOS a year back. 550 Ballistic Missile Kill Vehicles. This is designed to stop the outdated missiles of FRNS with a roughly 50% success rate. HMKX recommends placing 40 per city. Secretly, HMKX is telling UFOS to be cautious, but realize that they will be able to counter any nuclear strike with ease as they have double the number of announced kill vehicles. HMKX has mobilized Volvograd and associated Heavy Escort to aid UFOS. Volvograd outclasses everything on the battlefield by 21,000 tons, it should be next to impossible to sink this monstrosity. But just to be safe, HMKX has ordered them to stay close to UFOS shores. HMKX has also geared the General-Purpose Cruiser towards ASW and ordered extra watches searching for Submarines (Alt, it is not easy to sink a Supercarrier. The moment the crew realized something was wrong, they would be on full alert. In addition, a Supercarrier is highly resilient. USS America took 4 weeks of continuous explosions to sink and the US Navy had to scuttle her. She was not moving, she had no crew to damage control. In real life, a Supercarrier would certainly be moving, and defending. Now multiply that by 1.5 for the Yi Sun-Shins. Belac, this goes for you too.). HMKX is building 2 Kirov-Class Superheavy Cruisers, 5 shore assault Cruisers and 3 Antiship Cruisers.
Nuclear missiles in Cuba are being aimed directly at UFOS. These are not outdated either. No UNAFR troop will step foot in UFOS territory, but if UFOS does something stupid again, UNAFR has FNRS's back with high nuclear capability.
UFOS will not back down but we WILL consider a diplomatic meeting? Our Arsenal is made up of 150 Nuclear ICBM's(or the like in this day and age)all our put n the 5 nuclear subs that we have we have put 2 in range of the Cuban Capital and Warns that if any missles are fired UFOS will not go quietly we have also put 50 Kill vehicles per city and ALL citizens are being urged to syock their bunkers up on food UFOS has the capability to send Nukes at your capital and has mobilized 1 sub to get in range of doing so
The FRNS Prime Minister affirms that the FRNS does not believe in a diplomatic meeting to solve the war. The Falkland Islanders have already voted that they are FRNS citizens, and thus the land belongs to the FRNS. UFOS will recognise that or risk tremendous casualties.
UFOS will risk the tremendus Casualties as they will have the falkland islands one way or the other also 2 nuclear subs have been positioned to fire Nuclear bombs on FRNS aiming for hgh civilion areas also all citzens in UFOS who either have a bunker or are going to a community bunker have evacuated
HMKX implies that the opinion of the islanders is irrelevant in the ultimate debate for sovereignty, and that it's great that the Falklanders want to be FRNS citizens, they can go be FRNS citizens somewhere else. HMKX urges UFOS not to launch a Nuclear attack at FRNS, even if they launch one at UFOS but fail. HMKX once again secretlyc reminds UFOS of its 1,100 kill vehiclex.
UFOS knows this and is ony using the nuclear weapons as a show of force we will only fire if they suceed at hitting our cities
The UKNS would like to remind the HMKX that nobody lived on these islands before the French and British settled it. Therefore it is British, and thus it is also FRNS territory. UFOS has no claim to it and they will be treated as such. The FRNS navy laughs at how UFOS declared war but there have been no battles as of yet.
1. FRNS is waving around nukes. SIGN THE DAMNED CONTRACT HMKX GAVE YOU. HMKX has mailed a slightly edited version of the contract to UFOS, basically telling to be sensible. 2. The History behind the Falklands is highly disputed. HMKX will back the UFOS end of the story until such a point UFOS ceases to push it. HMKX will not yet take the initiative. It's not their war. Volvograd's Air Wing has begun minor sorties into the Falklands, and HMKX reminds UFOS they have 5 Supercarriers, all of which are Superior to FRNS's Supercarriers and Air Superiority. If UFOS is to avoid total war, they must kick FRNS off the Islands but leave a path of escape, as per Sun Tzu. HMKX said heck it. Zheng He, Chandragupta, and Genghis Khan are now undergoing RCOH.
The FRNS has moved an aircraft carrier closer to the blockade. Smuggling operations have began and the FRNS will begin attacking the blockade with fighter and bomber jets in 1 post.
TUN has excelled at their defensive measures for many decades, lining Anti-Nuclear Missile technology all along the border. West North America waters right to the edge of Mexico's border, along to Hawaii is full of UNAFR ships. Cuba is backed heavily by NPAT, as well as The United South, who number the sea immensely. Two Ohio Class Ballistic Submarines sits near Cuba, heavily guarded by UNAFR naval fleets, which by the way have grown an incredible amount since the Mediterranean war, meaning that UNAFR has the same naval strength as TUN, and possibly even stronger. Those subs are armed to the bone with 154 Tomahawk missiles, as well as many Trident missiles with 8 W76 100kt warheads, meaning one missile could cause a devastating 800kt of damage. Multiple can be fired as well. Cuba also has many Nuclear silos, armed with the Minutemen III, as well as Anti-Nuclear Missile technology. If you want to fire your cruddy nukes, go ahead, you may hit us, but we'll hit you back harder and strong. The Nimitz Class Einsenhower Supercarrier rests in Cuba as well. Shooting at the capital may work out if you're in very close range, but if not you'll have to get past Cuba, TUS, NPAT and then the huge defence systems of UNAFR. Good luck, we'll be sending a naval fleet in the area too, just so you don't do any stupid stuff.
No amount of ABMs will help you against an onslaught of 8,000 Nuclear missiles, courtesy of the Empire. HMKX is way better at this than UNAFR is, and they know that a full-blown Nuclear war will bring about their end no matter what they do. HMKX's Mexican allies have a crap ton of Missiles, the Doomsayer III, a missile designed to precision attack targets. HMKX values quantity and accuracy over raw explosive power, as their missiles are designed explicitly to attack small targets at long range. HMKX is secretly manufacturing more Warheads and Missiles to make sure whatever UNAFR ABM systems may exist will be overwhelmed once a war starts. HMKX fully expects UNAFR to do the same, but they don't care, they're done for in a Nuclear War with UNAFR in any scenario. HMKX has also mobilized 2 Nuclear Submarines with 100 Short-Range Ballistic Missiles. Each Missile contains 1 Pointkiller Nuclear Warhead for use against enemy military or industrial targets. HMKX once again urges UFOS not to launch a Nuclear attack, and requests all combatants to sign a contract to KEEP THIS CONVENTIONAL.
Since you wanted it, here it is, a list of UNAFR supercarriers. CV-62 Independence CVN-67 John F. Kenndey CVN-68 Nimitz CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN-70 Carl Vinson CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln That's 7 Supercarriers, 5 of which are Nimitz Class. The CVN-62 is outdated, but perfect for missions which don't result in mass scale naval battles. The Saratoga was scrapped a while ago and the Enterprise was sunken in the Mediterranean war. The CVN-62 will most likely be discontinued in 8 years. The UNRN yields around 400 ships, all being upgraded with high-tech technology and modern computers and radar, making them a deadly force upon the sea. In fact, all equipment is being upgraded with brand new computer technology and defence systems. A lot of old equipment is being sold to get more money. The M1A2 Abrams is being produced, it is a direct upgrade from the M1A1 Abrams. It will be produced within 20 posts. The F-15E Strike Eagle will be produced in 10 posts, a direct upgrade to the F-15 Eagle.
UNAFR knows that the HMKX doesn't want a nuclear war, meaning 8,000 Nukes not in use. I would assume the only way HMKX would use them is a direct attack on their own soil, other than an ally being attacked. HMKX doesn't want to be turned to ash, but everyone else will be turned to ash as well.
HMKX has pledged to not utilize Nuclear Weapons short of a successful Nuclear Attack (meaning that even a single Missile lands on its intended target) on either its own soil or UFOS home soil.